[保養] 神秘抗老精華 ♥ 新版Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair II

Estee Lauder七月一號會出一隻新既精華素,但係我已經係三個星期前偷偷地開始試用呢隻新既產品。 因為佢而家係未上市,所以我要保持呢枝產品既神秘感,所以我唔可以公開佢個名住,但係我又好心急想同大家分享下我既用後感,所以我今日想講下呢枝產品既功用,如果你地想知係邊隻產品,你記得七月一號要返黎睇呢篇文章, 我會update產品資料!

(English:  Estee Lauder is going to release a new essence on July 1st, however, I got the chance to test it out about 3 weeks ago!  Since it’s not released in the market yet, I have to keep it mysterious, so I can’t tell you the name just yet.  But, I really want to share my comments with you first, so hence the post for today.  If you want to know the name of the product, then you have to come back to this blog post on July 1st, I will update the product information!!)

其實香港人都好夜瞓,我近期因為公司好忙同埋自己又要寫blog拍片睇YouTube,成日都唔夠時間用,所以都越黎越夜先有得瞓! 夜瞓係美容既大忌,最理想當然係瞓8個鐘頭等皮膚有足夠既時間去做修護啦。 不過唔係人人做得到,如果真係做唔到又可以點呢? 可以搽d勁既產品去彌補丫!!

(English:  Hong Kong people are famous for sleeping late.  I can’t be excluded these days due to huge workload from work and I have to blog, shoot videos and catch up with YouTube.  I feel like I don’t have enough time, so the only thing that I can do is to cut down my sleep time, which is a No-no in the beauty world!  The most idea state is to have 8 hours of sleep everyday so that skin has enough time to regenerate itself.  Sad to admit that not everyone has the luxury to do it.  If not, then what?  Then we can all use products to compensate!!)

Product Texture:

Before Blending


使用次數(No. of Usage):3 weeks

用後感: 呢隻產品係精華素,個質感好稀身,亦都超級容易令皮膚吸收!! 搽咗一少陣,皮膚已經吸哂,亦都唔會有笠痴痴既感覺!! 佢係一隻晚間修護既產品,你地都知唔夠瞓既時候,皮膚會又乾又鞋,一d氣息都無,同埋成個樣比人感覺好殘好無精神。 唔夠瞓好tired係一件事,但係都要繼續生活落去,第二日我都唔想個個人都知我瞓得唔好/唔夠瞓架,呢枝產品就係可以幫手改善殘樣,等第二朝瞓醒皮膚都可以保持精神飽滿既狀態(雖然個人未必覺得精神飽滿)!! 我用咗三個星期,而呢三個星期我平均都係瞓得5個鐘頭(希望過埋今個月會好少少),但係無人睇得出!! 哈哈, 用咗佢之後,我覺得皮膚係有改變! 皮膚唔會容易變暗, 亦都比以前有彈性同埋水潤。 最開心係我既毛孔亦都無因為唔夠瞓而跳哂出黎say hello!! 皮膚亦都變得比較穩定,我呢期既pressure指數係燈,但係我既皮膚都無敏感無出粒粒!!! 正呀!!哈哈!! 聽完個效果係咪超期待?  咁你就要七月一號返黎呢篇文章等我開估喇!!

(English:  Product Review:  This product is an essence, the texture is really light and super easy for skin to absorb!!  After application, it only takes seconds for skin to fully absorb the product and it doesn’t give you a greasy/ sticky feeling!!  It could be identified as a night re-generator.  As you all know, when you don’t have enough sleep, your skin dries out and feels rough, not to mention that you look dead and lifeless.  It’s one thing to be tired from not having enough sleep, it’s another to tell the world with your sad face.  I don’t want people to know that I haven’t been getting the amount of sleep that I should be getting!!  You can use this product to hide that secret from everyone else.  I have been using it for 3 weeks and on average, I have only 5 hours of sleep over the last 3 weeks (hopefully life does get better after June), however, no one can tell that I am not sleeping enough!  *Laughs*  After using this for awhile, skin starts to show improvement!  Skin stays bright and it becomes more elastic than before and it certainly stays hydrated.  The happiest moment is that my pores have come out to say hi to everyone!!  Also, I notice skin has become more stable given that I have actually reach my highest pressure point these days, but my skin hasn’t acted up a bit!!  Wonderful!!!  Now are you looking forward to the launch of the product as well?  If so, you definitely have to come back on July 1st for more details!!)


Update on July 1st, 2013

開估喇開估喇!! 究竟上面講個隻勁野係邊隻產品呢?? 就係新出既:

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex II

Product Information

膚色均勻透亮 水盈飽滿
(English:  BENEFITS
Reduces the look of every key visible sign of aging
For the first time the powerful formula supports this natural nighttime purification process vital to younger-looking skin. Skin feels smoother, hydrated and stronger, and looks more translucent and even toned.”

好正呀!! 你地睇完我既分享有冇好心動? 如果有既話今日開始就可以去Estee Lauder度買喇!! 如果想了解多d,都可以瀏覽官網既詳細介紹: Advanced Night Repair II

(English:  Brilliant!!  Have you been tempted by my piece of sharing above?  If so, you can check this product out at any Estee Lauder counter starting today!!  If you want to understand more of the product, you can browse the official details: Advanced Night Repair II


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