[保養] 來自德國的保濕洗面產品

大家平安夜會點過? 點過都好啦,記得一定要平平安安呀!! 我今日想同大家分享一下呢個來自德國既洗面產品,其實如果我地講skincare,好多野都係來自法國,德國野似乎好少人講,其實我好欣賞德國野,因為好多都係quality既保證! 今日就同大家分享一下呢枝德國洗面膏!! 哈哈!!!

(English:  How would you spend your Silent Night?  Anyway, remember to be safe!  Today I want to share this amazing item with you and it’s from Germany!  Usually when we talk about skincare products, many of them are from France.  It seems that we don’t have too many brands from Germany.  Indeed, I quite like products from Germany because it’s a sign of quality!!  Now, let me share my thoughts with you on this face wash!! *Laughs*!!)

Wellmaxx Hyaluron Gentle Deep Clean Face Wash

價錢(Price):HK$270/ 150ml

Buy from: 黑咪小店 (Hakme’s Store) or email me at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

Made in Germany

Product Information:

“輕柔無皂型高效、舒適、深層潔面乳: 全方位清潔、呵護面部肌膚。實現卸妝、潔面二合一。展現神奇的清潔護膚效果,用後請用清水洗凈。


Daily face cleansing should achieve thorough results efficiently and gently without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Combined with water, the cleansing cream forms a particularly soft but soap-free foam that gently pampers the face while providing perfect cleansing at the same time. This applies to make-up as well as all manner of dirt particles: they vanish as if by magic in the gentle foam that washes away with water.

Suitable for:

    All skin types
    Skin in need of immediate moisture
    Sensitive skin”


使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感: 佢話卸妝都得,但係你地都知我對卸妝要求超高,所以我強烈建議大家淨係當佢係洗面膏!! 用佢黎做洗面膏洗面效果真係好正!佢個質感同我地平時用既洗面膏一樣都係加水起泡泡,佢泡泡唔算好多,因為佢係soap free, 但係呢,唔好以為佢洗得唔乾淨,佢洗得超乾淨之餘,仲要唔乾~~ 按緊個陣會聞到少少好清新既味,但係唔強烈! 過完水之後,覺得塊面好乾淨,同埋好明亮,仲要感覺有少少拉提效果(唔係乾到拉緊,係緊緻個感覺),最正係皮膚好保濕得黎係清爽!! 正正正!!! 當然啦,都唔可以懶,用完佢之後一定要用翻自己既skincare!! 我覺得佢係適合大部份皮膚,油性,中性,combo,乾性都啱,但係如果你係超乾,你都係用奶/cream狀既洗面產品先夠潤! 我自己就一用愛上,哈哈~~~如果你地想揾隻比較保濕明亮既洗面產品,我超建議呢枝!!

(English:  Product Review: It’s said that it can remove makeup, but as you know, I have extremely high standards when it comes to makeup remover, so I highly suggest that you treat this as a face cleanser!!!  Using it as a face wash is brilliant!!  The texture is very similar to our normal face wash in the market and you have to add a bit of water to turn it into foam.  The foam is not that rich because it’s soap-free.  But, don’t underestimate its cleansing power, it cleans extremely well and it doesn’t dry out skin~~  It has a refreshing scent when it’s used but it’s not disturbing!  After rinsing, skin feels really clean, bright and tight (hmmm…not the tight feeling from dryness, it’s the tight feeling from tightening!).  The best part is that it’s very hydrating yet light!!!  Thumbs-up!!!!  Of course, don’t be lazy, you still need your skincare products afterwards!!  I feel that it’s suitable for many skin types like oily, normal, combination and dry skin…however, if you have extremely dry skin, you still need to use cleansing products with milk/ cream format!!  I am in love with this *laughs*~~~~  If you are looking for something hydrating and brightening to wash your face, I highly recommend this one!!)

**你地有興奮可以email我(iamhakme@hotmail.com),但係如果你地急用,就未必就到你,因為我手頭上得十令枝,而家咁啱holiday season,德國放假,我會新年後再訂,但係亦都因為唔知佢地貨期準唔準,所以唔敢亂promise大家一定幾時有貨。 如果你地唔急用既話又唔介意等,我可以幫你預訂,貨一到我就可以發貨俾你,或者你都可以email我問我有無貨再決定。


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