[保養] 平靚正潤咀膏

呢樣野真係由佢係新野啱啱出個陣我開始用, 用到而家都變埋舊野我都未講。 你地之前睇d Monthly Favorite Video個陣應該會發現我好快咁講過佢 – Maybelline Baby Lips。  我個咀真係超乾, 好多人話好用嘅我都覺得唔係好夠。 暫時為止,我覺得Carmex(以前係美國用, 超平)同Kiehl’s都幾好(但係唔知係咪我嘅問題, 我覺得Kiehl’s用用下會變味)。  除此之外我就無咩心頭好。 當Maybelline出左呢隻野個陣, 我見平平地所以玩下:

(English:  Another new item turns old.  I have been using this product since it was first launched, it has become sort of “oldies” and I still hadn’t talked about it.  If you watched my previous Monthly Favorite Video, I am sure you remember I talk about this product very briefly – Maybelline Baby Lips.  My lips are super dry.  I have been trying so many different chapsticks/ lip balms that have rave reviews, however, I still feel they are not moisturizing enough for me.  Up till now, only Carmex (used it when I was in the states) and Kiehl’s are on top of my list (well but I found that after awhile, Kiehl’s Lip Balm would have a strange smell – not sure what’ wrong).  Other than those, I couldn’t think of anything else.  So, when Maybelline Baby Lips were out in the market, I took the liberty to give it a go (they are really reasonably-priced anyway!!):)

Maybelline Baby Lips

價錢(Price):mostly less than HK$20 with discount

我買左兩隻味。 一隻係berry味(我用), 另一隻係mint味(Mr. Honey用, 係…男人都要搽下咀)。

(English:  I got 2: one berry flavor (for myself) and one mint flavor (for Mr. Honey – yes men need chapsticks too!)

有SPF 20, 同埋可以幫咀咀保濕! 加上佢係枝裝, 係街用就方便d, 唔洗了。 比較衛生!

(English:  It has SPF 20 and it has hydrating properties.  Also I like the fact that it’s a tube packaging, it’s more hygienic to use when I am out and about.)
使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感: 我覺得berry個隻真係好香好甜, 本身我都驚用咗會唔會敏感(係呀, 我試過用Body Shop個d敏感)。 好彩無咩事, 仲要覺得好好用添。 我覺得佢夠潤, 唔洗要成日要補搽。 基本上我朝早用左, 去到食lunch先要再搽, 所以枝野都好耐用。 同埋佢唔會話潤到搽唔到唇膏, 用完佢打底再搽唇膏都唔會”線”走咗d色。 真係唔錯呀!!  仲要佢廿蚊都唔洗wor! 真正嘅平靚正!!我見佢外國出左d Baby Lips係有色添呀, 都好多好評, 好想佢快d係香港有得賣!  如果你唔想買d貴嘅潤咀膏, 真係可以諗下呢隻! 推呀!! 我用完都會再回購!!

(English:  After-use Comments:  Mine smells like berry and it definitely reminds me of berry sweet!  At first, I was afraid that my lips would react to the fragrance (yea, one time my lips got allergic to Body Shop’s lip balms), but I was wrong.  Not only it didn’t bring me any allergies, but I found that it’s actually very good!!  It’s very moisturizing and it doesn’t need a lot of retouch throughout the day.  I use it in the morning time, and then I only have to re-apply after lunch, so one tube can last for quite awhile.  Also, it provides a very good foundation if I apply any lipstick afterwards, it doesn’t have any problem like making your lipsticks slide away or things like that.  This is amazing!!  OMG, its price is super friendly as well, less than HK$20?!! What more could I ask for?  It’s definitely reasonably-priced and very effective.  I saw that they had colored Baby Lips in the states, and I am hoping that it will come to HK soon.  I saw that there were many great feedback and I really want to get my hands on a few and see if they are really wonderful.  If you are not into expensive chapsticks, I would really recommend this one.  It’s one of my highly recommended products and I would definitely repurchase when I run out.)

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