[旅遊] 日本之燒物篇

喺日本除咗行街敗家之外, 最好就係食日本野喇!今次我雖然帶住本旅遊書, 但係我都唔係好跟佢入面推介嘅野。 我覺得自由行, 都係自由d好。 如果要跟住去邊去邊, 我反而會覺得好攰。 所以今次同Mr Honey講好咗, 見到咩想試就試, 唔洗特別有agenda! 咁先係自己嘅行程丫!

(English:  Apart from hauling in Japan, the next on the list was Japanese cuisine!!  Even though I brought my travel book with me, I didn’t really follow anything in the book.  Well, we traveled by ourselves and somehow I wanted that freedom of going wherever we wanted to go.  If we had to follow an agenda, I thought it wouldn’t be a relaxation.  Therefore, Mr Honey and I had an agreement that we didn’t have to follow a particular agenda, we just followed our hearts!  This is what I call – TRAVEL!)

話說有日Mr Honey突然間好想食日本燒物, 咁我地兩個就去explore下附近有無咩燒物可以吃喇! 我地喺Shinjuku行行下, 見到有個好大嘅menu, 係燒物wor! 呢間野係地庫, 我地就行咗落去睇下咩境況。

(English:  One day, Mr Honey suddenly wanted to have grilled food.  Then the two of us went to explore if there was anything like that nearby.  We wandered around Shinjuku and suddenly we said a gigantic menu – GRILLED STUFF!!  The restaurant was in the basement and we went down to check the place out!)

間野真係好細, 但係勝在好多日本人喺入面。 咁我地諗, 應該日本人都buy嘅餐廳應該都唔錯gwa。 佢地仲有個識英文嘅店員添! 哈哈!

(English:  The restaurant was quite small but there were full of Japanese!  So we thought if the Japanese ate here, then it shouldn’t be bad!!  Bonus point was that they had an English-speaking staff as well! *laughs*)


你睇! 入面全部都係燒物丫!!! 呵呵!! (唉, 個晚無帶相機, 唯有用親愛的iPhone頂住先~~唔好介意!)

(English:  See!!  All grill stuff inside!!  *laughs* Aii….I was too tired to bring my camera out that night, so I had to use my iPhone instead!!  Please don’t mind!)

你見啦, 其實呢間餐廳差唔多全部都係燒物。 我記得佢無咩飯同麵嘅選擇(得一款)。 因為當然好餓嘅關係, 我地咩都無理就叫一堆野嚟食!

(English:  As you can see – all grilled stuff!!  I remember there wasn’t too many rice and noodle dishes selection (maybe 1?).  Since we were so hungry, we just ordered quite a few….!)

Spicy Tofu

我真要推介下呢個Spicy Tofu!! 個豆腐係凍嘅, 有一碗仔辣椒跟。 要食嘅時候就將個辣椒倒落個豆腐度! 食入口個豆腐係口入面溶化呀(夾嗰陣又唔會散開!), 加埋d辣椒個味道都幾得意。 有少少辣辣地但係同時間豆腐嘅味道又好濃郁! 兩個合埋嘅味道好清新,真係好好味!!

(English:  I have to recommend this Spicy Tofu!!  The tofu was cold and it was complimented with a small bowl of chilli sauce.  Simply pour the chilli sauce onto the tofu when eating.  OMG!!  It melted inside the mouth (but when I used chopsticks to pick up the tofu, it didn’t fall apart!).  Together with the chilli flavor, the taste was actually fun!  It was a little bit spicy but at the same time, there was strong taste of tofu!  The two combined together was just brilliant and fresh!  Really good!!)

我哋仲叫咗一堆燒物, 有雞肉啦, 牛肉啦, 豬肉啦。 咩都有少少。 佢地每樣野都配唔同嘅配角一齊食, 你見有d係配檸檬, 有d配茄汁, 有d就配Wasabi等等。 樣樣都野都做得好細緻, 個樣又好精美! 追求完美呢種態度我真係好佩服日本人!

(English:  We ordered quite a few grilled stuff, including chicken, pork and beef etc.  We ordered a bit of everything really.  Each grilled item went with a different “sauce”, like lemon juice, ketchup or Wasabi…etc.  Everything looked so perfect and delicate!  I really admire the Japanese’s purse for perfection!)

呢個係炸魚魚! 如果做得唔好嘅炸魚魚, 通常都係個粉太厚同埋用唔新鮮嘅魚去整, 咁食起上嚟就會食到粉味同埋死魚味。 係呢間餐廳食嘅當然無啦! 個粉做得好薄, 一咬落去除咗個粉好脆之外, 仲食到魚嘅鮮味! 正正正!

(English: This one was some sort of deep fried fish!  If the fried fish aren’t done properly, usually the batter is too thick and the fish would taste like dead fish; then when you eat it, you are just able to taste the batter and the dead fish.  Of course the one from this restaurant was different.  The batter was really thin and I could taste the crispiness and the freshness of fish!  Brilliant!!)

我地食食下嘅時候發覺呢間餐廳其實似有野食嘅bar多d, 我見好多日本人都係同d friend嚟食下燒物吹下水。 感覺好熱鬧同開心(因為佢地個個笑得好大聲!)! 哈! 好開心去咗呢間餐廳, 野好食得嚟氣氛都好好!!

(English:  When we were half way through our delicious food, we felt like this was more like a bar with “snack” than a restaurant!  I saw many Japanese came with their friends drinking and talking.  It was a blast (since they all laughed very loudly!).  *laughs*  I was really happy that we found this restaurant, not only the food was amazing, but also the atmosphere was wonderful as well!)

最後當然我呢個綠茶控要有綠茶雪糕收尾啦! 哈哈!

(English:  Finally, being a green tea maniac, I had to eat the “real” Green Tea Ice Cream from Japan – Yum yum!!)

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