[敗家魔女周記] 決定暫別敗家國的準備

我成日都話唔敗家唔敗家,但係久唔時都會敗下! 其實我覺得我唔應該話我唔敗家(無咩可能,唔買skincare又會買化妝品或者買衫等等),應該係話敗得聰明d(所以你見我個topic都係暫別敗家國,唔係搬離敗家國!嘻嘻!!)!睇住屋企越黎越多野,都真係想用咗d產品先,唔係浪費咗就真係好無謂!

(English:  I have been saying that “I won’t haul I won’t haul” but I always end up with hauling something!  Actually, I think I should skip the sentence of “I won’t haul” (impossible – I don’t haul skincare items and I would haul makeup or sme clothing items….) and I should rephrase it to “I haul smart”!! When I see that my goodies have been taking up a good amount of space in my place, I really want to use them all first, otherwise, it would be such a waste!!)

好多人都話要用完屋企既產品真係好難,我都明白既!女人都係花心,同埋成日想試新野,不過如果係咁買又唔用,變相都真係倒錢落鹹水海? 拿,我覺得我既化妝品係唔會有用完既一日,所以我唔會好無謂咁話我要用完佢地,而且粉狀既野唔會變質,所以我都唔擔心! 但係skincare呢,我就覺得真係可以用得完既! 哈哈!!大家都要努力呀!! 我想出呢個post都係想同大家分享下,我點樣減少敗家,希望你都覺得有用啦!

(English:  Many people say that finishing all products at home is a really hard thing to do!  I totally get that!!  Women love different things and we love to try new things!  However, if you just haul and not use them up, aren’t we creating waste?  Right, I am very realistic, I know perfectly well that my makeup products would probably take my lifetime to use up, so I won’t say I am going to use all my makeup up before hauling new ones (many of them are in powder format and they could last for very long, so no worries)!!  But for skincare items, I really feel that I could use them all up!!  *Laughs*  Let’s motivate each other!  I write this post aiming to share with you all how to minimize your hauling when you are trillion products at home, hope you’ll find it useful!!)

先係我要調整我既心態,令自己既目標由敗咗幾多家,轉移到係用左幾多野!第一部要做既係執野!!你知啦,我地好多時買野都唔想亞媽亞爸亞老公見到,所以將d野收到好埋,埋到有時連自己都會唔記得咗! 執野可以將d野好organized咁放出黎,等自己知道自己有d咩, 唔會過份地敗多咗同類型既產品!

(English:  First thing first, adjust the mindset!!  Switch from “how many things I have hauled” to “how many items I have used up”!!  With that mindset, then you can carry out “The Big Cleanup”!  You all know, sometimes when we buy things, we don’t want our parent/ husband to see them, so we hide them really well, so well that sometimes we forget about them too!  When you get them organized, you know exactly what you have and you won’t end up hauling similar products!!)

我第一個任務就係執下自己個護膚化妝架! 我呢個係開架型,買呢個架既原因都係等自己睇到自己有d咩!

(English:  My first mission of course is to organize my skincare and makeup shelf.  The shelf is kind of like an open counter, I bought this because I want to see (all the time) what I have got!!)

執完之後除咗整齊咗,而家我知道自己有幾多存貨! Paper Masks我都有好多,所以可以好好計劃下點樣用哂佢地!同埋見到自己有咩存貨都有樣好,就係睇野俾燒既時候會記得自己有咩同類型產品,咁樣即刻會冷靜哂!

(English:  Done – it looks neat and tidy now!!  And, I know exactly what stock I have!!  I am bombarded by paper masks and now I can come up with a plan of using them all up!  Also, when you see what you have got, next time, when you get really tempted, think about the similar products sitting at your shelf waving at you, I am sure you will calm down!)

化妝品都係一樣道理啦! 將所有同類同色既產品放埋一齊,等自己揾既時候容易得黎又唔會點俾差唔多一樣既產品燒到!掂呀!! 執完Mr Honey仲笑我話,”咦! 仲有位喎!” 不過我個target係希望用完d skincare後,個架係吉一半!!咁先再去敗家會覺得爽d!!哈哈!!

(English:  I did the same with makeup!  I group the similar products/ similar colors together, so I won’t be tempted to buy very similar products!  Great eh?  Mr Honey laughed at home after I finished and said, “Ohhh still some space!!”  Nah!!  My target is to use up the skincare products and clear half of the shelf out!  By then, I am sure I would feel very good and spacious when I go hauling!!)

我亦都會將我用完既產品唔掉住,留黎出清貨文blog post! 出完文先掉!咁又可以當係鼓勵下自己! 如果你無寫blog既習慣,我覺得都可以用完d野影下相,放係d album度,久唔時睇下提下自己同埋為自己拍下手掌!!哈哈!!

(English:  I would also keep the empty bottles/ jars and issue a clearance blog post!  I throw them away after writing them up!  By doing that, I could praise myself a bit and motivate myself to do better!  If you don’t have a habit of blogging, you could also take some pics of the empty bottles, put it somewhere in an album, look at it from time to time to applause for yourself!! *Grins*!)

我除左多skincare同化妝品, 我都有好多飾物!呢個就真係多年努力既成果,我而家少咗敗呢d家好耐喇,有時見靚先會敗!當然啦,道理一樣,都係要執出黎先知自己有咩!

(English:  Apart from skincare and makeup products, I have quite a few accessories!  I had been hauling accessories aimlessly before, but I have been better these few years not to haul everything I see, I haul one to two piece sometimes when I really like them!  Of course, the logic is the same, have to take them out and see what I have got!!)


(English:  Almost 2 years ago, I moved to this place and every piece of accessories were put in the some boxes (seldom open too):)

前幾日行Muji,終於俾我見到一d合我心水既收納盒,我想買透明等我睇到入面有咩, 所以Muji呢兩個真係好啱我心水:

(English:  A few days ago, I saw some containers (finally) that I want to use for my accessories storage!  I want them to be transparent because I want to see what’s inside, so Muji’s just fill my need:)



兩個唔夠我用呀! 我要去敗多幾個執買淨底個d飾物!但係我諗我一個月敗一個,咁唔會敗多咗之餘仲可以諗真d自己需要咩先敗! 執好之後,我好似發現新大陸咁, 原來真係有好多野都俾我遺忘咗!! 又可以唔洗買,將佢地當新野帶!!

(English:  Ooops, two are not enough!  I will have to get a few more to get the rest organized!  I think I am going to get one a month, so that I wouldn’t end up with too many containers, and also, I can think about what I really want and then get them!!  Believe, after I get them organized, I felt super excited because many piece were forgotten!  Now I can treat them as newbies and wear them again!  No need to do a major haul on accessories! Yay!!)

雖然我知你地好鍾意睇我敗咗d咩,但係我覺得淨係敗家好一面倒,同埋我覺得如果淨係一味敗又用唔哂根本就係違背咗敗家個原意(要用呀!!!)。 我今日想分享呢一篇文章唔係話我以後都唔敗家(無可能),只係要realistic d去敗,如果我用完d野要去敗,咁唔可以話浪費金錢,但係如果我屋企已經好多野,我又覺得應該要用哂先,唔係真係無咩藉口!

(English:  Even though I know that many of you are in love with my hauling posts/ vids, I feel like it’s very one-sided and I feel like if I cannot use them all up, what’s the point of hauling?  I write this today not because that I will not haul ever again (impossible), but I want to haul realistically.  If I use something up and I have to go get it again, then it’s not a waste, but if I have many products at home, then I feel that I don’t have much excuse to get new things!)


(English:  Also, I feel that if I don’t allow myself to haul, I become more creative!  Think about it, I share stuff with you all, and if I am not going to share any haul, instead, I share how to haul smarter and I have to come up with other interesting topics to share you instead, wouldn’t that be more interesting?)

希望今日既文章你都覺得有用!!如果你要儲錢/用哂你屋企既產品,我地大家一齊努力啦! 敗家魔女週記係會繼續,不過係睇下講敗家丫,定係講慳家(唔知呢?我覺得我講慳家真係好有新鮮感)!!!

(English:  Hope you find this post helpful!  If you are looking to save up or you want to use up the products at home, let’s motivate each other!  Hauling Queen’s Weekly Journal will continue, just not sure if I am going to talk about hauling or hauling smart (well well well, won’t you find interesting to listen to me talking about hauling smart?  I’m intrigued!!)

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