[保養] 來自英國既護手油

對手超乾既朋友真係要留意留意呢篇文章! 我一路係網上都見到唔同既人講呢隻產品好好好用,到我上年去英國就走咗去Space NK敗咗翻黎試下,呢幾期對手乾到爆,所以拎佢出黎睇下佢幫唔幫到忙!

(English:  If your hands are super super super dry, you really need to read on!  I have been seeing different people mention this product online and say it does wonders, so when I went to UK last year, I visited Space NK and grabbed one.  My hands are super dry these days so I think it would be a good time to test it!)

Sarah Chapman Skinesis
Overnight Hand and Nail Treatment

價錢(Price): £36.00/ 15ml

Available online at LINK

我無記錯既話,Sarah Chapman本身係做spa既,做做下就研發出自己既品牌。 其中算係最多人講既就係呢枝。 我都有少量佢其他產品,之後都可以同大家分享多d!

(English:  If I remember correctly, Sarah Chapman started off her career by working in a spa and then years later, she started to develop her own brand.  Among all the products, this one is definitely one of the most talked about ones.  I have a few bits and pieces of the other items, and I will definitely share more later!)






使用次數(No. of Usage):27 times

使用心得:可以夜晚就咁乾手既時候當hand搽完去瞓覺。 如果想效果再強d,可以搽完帶手套去瞓覺; 如果唔鍾意帶手套,可以用屋企(唔想用係面既)保濕精華素打底,之後on top搽呢個去瞓。

(English:  Usage Tips:  This can be used alone at night prior to bed.  However if you want a more enhanced result, you can put on glove after and go to bed;  but if you don’t like wearing gloves at all, you can use any hydrating serum (those you don’t want to use on your face anymore) as a base and then put this treatment on top and go to bed.

用後感:佢個質地未去到Dry Oil咁清爽,但係都唔太厚,唔洗好多已經推得好開同埋可以搽哂兩隻手。  佢吸收都算快,俾一兩分鐘就吸咗。  即時感覺好潤摸落好滑,但係唔笠(有一層野,但係唔痴手)。  我好鍾意佢既香味,好似Spa入面d essential oil既味道,用起上黎好relaxing。  如果對手好乾既時候我個人特別鍾意佢,因為佢即刻已經滋潤到皮膚,手d紋無哂同埋甲邊既皮都會變得好唔顯眼。 有時我仲會用我覺得搽面雷雷地個d精華打底,之後再on top搽呢個,咁做會另對手更加滑同保濕!! 超正,又可以用埋唔係好啱用既野,一舉兩得!! 我覺得搽手黎講,佢既價錢當然係偏貴啦,但係我覺得呢枝野唔係人人都需要,如果真係對手好乾既話,我會推俾你。 但係如果跟本對手唔大問題既話,我覺得用普通hand cream得啦。

(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is not as light as dry oils but it’s definitely not greasy.  A tiny bit goes along way.  I like how quickly it gets absorbed (takes 1-2 mins).  My instant feeling is hands are moisturized and smooth to touch but don’t feel greasy (it sort of leaves a protective layer, but not sticky).  I really like the scent because it reminds me of the essential oils and it’s rather relaxing to use.  I especially love this when my hands are dry because the moisturizing result is instant, I notice no more lines on my hands and the cuticles become softer.  Sometimes I would use some of the hydrating serums (those I don’t like on my face) first and then top this treatment up.  I notice the hands go even smoother and more hydrated!!  Very nice – I love this because that means I can at least use up some of the things that I don’t like to create better results for my hands.  Of course the price tag of this is on the high side for a hand product, but I don’t think everyone would need this, only those with the dry hands.  For those who have not-so-dry hands, a normal hand cream would do the trick!!)

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