[美髮] 自然直髮初體驗 ♥ Brazilian Blowout

我諗唔只淨係我唔鍾意潮濕嘅天氣, 一來個人覺得好唔舒服, 二來皮膚又會時多油時乾(如果你係敏感肌, 隨時仲會因為天氣變化而敏感!),三來d頭髮真係可以話完全失去控制! 唔係講笑!! 如果話自己係美容教主(會唔會誇咗少少亞小姐!), 咁喺呢d天氣護膚化妝都仲有辦法, 但係一講到我個頭, 真係唔掂!!   又毛操啦, 又散開啦, 根本就係瘋頭一個! 其實我自己都幾鍾意直髮, 但係我唔鍾意負離子嘅死直同埋佢真係超級傷頭髮, 我每次整完都會甩好多頭髮, 加上我鍾意紮辮, 整完佢又唔紮得辮, 好煩!

(English:  I don’t think I am the only person on earth who hates humidity.  Firstly, it creates a sticky feeling that I don’t enjoy.  Secondly, skin feels suddenly dry and suddenly oily (if you have sensitive skin, it might be the time that you would allergies).  Thirdly, hair is absolutely uncontrollable.  If I call myself a beauty expert (am I exaggerating?), I could deal with any skin problems/ makeup concern.  However, for my hair?  Hmmm…it’s frizzy, it’s flying everywhere – using the term “insane” would be best to describe the hair situation.  Actually, I quite like straight hair but I am not fond of having it done with ion straightening.  Ion straightening damages hair really badly and I lose quite a handful each time after getting it done.  Plus, I love having my hair up!! I can’t tie up my hair after ion straightening, that’s just a pain!)

我記得我之前睇過雜誌講Brazilian Blowout, 話係treatment嘅一種。 佢係以巴西富有超級養份嘅生命果同埋專利聚合物, 徹底改善頭髮因受損或天生捲曲而導致難打理嘅狀態! 正因為佢係treatment, 所以唔會傷害頭髮, 又可以令頭髮自然順直! 好吸引, 所以要試下係咪真係咁正!  趁我上個星期五得閒, 我去左整呢個treatment, 睇個過程之前, 先要睇下我個瘋頭:

(English:  I recalled that I did read something regarding Brazilian Blowout, it’s actually a kind of hair treatments.  It contains acai and can improve the bad hair situation (due to damaging or natural curls).  Since it’s a hair treatment, not only that it doesn’t bring any harm to the hair, it smooths it out naturally!  Very tempting eh?  Yep – agreed!!  I was so curious that I gave it a try last Friday.  Before going through the procedure, let’s take a look at the before photo first:)


好恐怖, 見到都覺得個頭真係好瘋狂(雖然我都狂野, 不過我都係覺得d頭髮唔好咁狂會好d)。

(English:  My hair was really getting wild!!  OMG!!)

由於唔係間間髮型屋都有得整呢個Brazilian Blowout嘅關係, 我今次去左一間新店:

(English:  Brazilian Blowout is not available at every salon, so I went to a new salon this time:)


其實Brazilian Blowout呢個treatment好多Hollywood嘅明星都有整,唔怪得個個d頭髮會咁靚啦!

(English: Ha, OK!  Many Hollywood celebrities are having Brazilian Blowout, no one everyone’s hair is so sleek and beautiful!)

好喇好喇, 開始喇!! 洗完頭之後, 髮型師Max就幫我d頭髮搽Acai Professional Smoothing Solution喇。

(English:  Right, let’s get started!!  After washing hair, Artistic Director Max applied Acai Professional Smoothing Solution on my hair.)

搽好喇。 咁話明係Brazilian Blowout, 當然唔少得blowout呢一下勁野啦! Max好用力幫我Blowout呀!!

(English:  After application, it’s blowout time (right – that’s why it’s called Brazilian Blowout).  Max actually used quite a bit of force to blowout my hair!)

Blowout完只係完成左一半jer。之後就要用Brazilian Blowout個熱板將d產品封鎖係頭髮嘅表面喇。

(English:  Half way done after the blowout.  Then he had to use this particular heat plate to lock the products on my hair surface.)

夾完之後去過下水, 之後搽翻少少Acai Daily Smoothing Serum再吹乾個頭就可以喇。 整好喇!!!

(English:  After that, time to get my hair raised.  Then he used a bit of Acai Daily Smoothing Serum on my hair and blow it dry!!  Finished!!)


係咪即刻靚SA先?  成嗰個程都係90分鐘, 啱sa我呢d無耐性嘅人。 而家我回想個時自己真係超有毅力坐5,6個鐘嚟整負離子呀!!

(English:  Looks way better eh?  The whole process only takes 90 mins so it really suits impatient people like myself.)

好! Brazilian Blowout嘅效果係自然順直, 所以如果你去做嘅話唔好expect會有死直嘅效果! 你地咪見我髮尾唔係好直, 原因係我本身幾個月前去電捲過頭髮, Brazilian Blowout係會放大個curl, 唔喺同你去拉直d頭髮(都話係自然lor)。  當然啦,因為佢係treatment, 所以整完之後要洗頭紮頭髮係無問題㗎!

(English:  The effect from Brazilian Blowout is naturally smooth and straight, but please don’t expect “deadly straight” (it’s not ion straightening!).  You can see that my hair ends are not really that straight.  That’s because I got my hair permed a few months ago and Brazilian Blowout would loosen the curls but not straightening them out (again, it’s natural effect!!).  Well, since it’s a hair treatment, you can wash your hair or tie your hair up – no problem!!)

一般用埋佢既洗頭水護髮素, 個效果可以維持三個月。 所以最好都係用埋佢d產品做屋企護理喇。 如果唔係效果唔太持久丫! 同埋我聽Max講話,當下次再做嘅時候又會比呢次keep得耐, 即係話會多過三個月。 佢話係因為頭髮越做越健康, 所以自然效果都會keep得耐d! 我好好奇係唔係, 我應該會整多一次, 如果係真就正喇!! 唔洗煩呀!!!

(English:  To ensure the best results, it’s recommended to use their shampoo and conditioner set at home, then the natural straight effect can last for 3 months.  Otherwise, the effect won’t last too long.  Max also told me that when I do it next time, it would last more than 3 months because the hair is getting healthier and healthier (BRILLIANT!!).  Now I am really curious – I think I will try it one more time and see if it’s really the case.  If it is, then it’s absolutely convenient and fabulous!!!)

因為我想有最好嘅效果, 我帶埋以下嘅東東返屋企(一set價錢:HK$1,2xx):

(English:  Well I always ensure I get the best results, so I brought these home as well (price: HK$1,200/ set):)

用咗成個星期!! 唔錯唔錯!! 好香!!! 洗完之後又好滑(入面有好多生命果麻), 感覺好好!! 呵呵!!

(English:  Have been using them for a week!!  Very nice and they smell wonderfully.  Hair feels really smooth after using them (due to the acai inside *laughs*).  Love them.)

Brazilian Blowout 價錢: 由HK$1,300到HK$2,500不等, 要睇下你頭髮嘅長度同多少(我d頭髮咁長要HK$2000)。

(English: Brazilian Blowout Price: Ranging from HK$1,300 to HK$2,500 depends on the length of hair and thickness of hair.  Mine costs around HK$2,000 as it is quite long.)

髮型屋資料 (Salon Information):


Address: 5/F, Whole Floor, Chuang’s Enterprises Building, 382 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong (Causeway Bay MTR Exit C)

Tel: 2833-2160
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