[保養] 溫和乾淨的韓國清潔面膜

之前買左一堆Innisfree既產品,超開心!!其中我買咗佢地個深層清潔面膜set裝,我拍完片個下即刻試,因為我上網見好多人都話好好用,所以我特別心急試呢個產品! 究竟呢個面膜有無人地講到咁好用呢? 我又分享一下先:

(English: I hauled quite a few of Innisfree products before and I was super excited to try their products (yea I am finally getting hooked into Korean beauty stuff)!! I got its set which included its very famous clay mask. I did give it a go immediately after shooting the haul video because there were so many rave reviews about this product, so I couldn’t wait to try and give you my thoughts. So, how do I like it so far and is it effective? Here it goes:) 

Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

價錢(Price):HK$110/ 100ml





使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times 

用後感:佢個質地係泥狀,但係唔係實的的。 我了出黎之後搽上面個陣覺得佢超好搽好好推,好易就搽哂成面同埋搽得好勻!! 我覺得呢個texture超正!! 我通常等10-15分鐘就會乾咗,之後去過水就搞掂! 佢乾個陣會覺得塊面有少少緊,但係唔會係好扯住皮膚個種感覺。 感覺幾舒服! 去過水既時候都算係易洗!! 用完個效果真係好掂。 先係我覺得皮膚明顯係明亮咗,同埋感覺毛孔裡面既dirt無哂。 仲要有咩千年白頭黑頭都浮上面,可以之後自己針清咗佢! 真係好乾淨呀!! 我過完水個下唔覺得皮膚太乾,都尚算溫和,不過一定要即時搽翻自己既護膚產品,如果唔係過咗十令分鐘皮膚會開始覺得有d乾(都好正常)! 我覺得佢仲好用過Kiehl’s隻白泥,因為我用完白泥會有少少面紅,但係呢隻我就完全無事!! 佢只係得100ml,比起其他既深層面膜份量少d,所以我都覺得應該會幾快用完要買過,但係我就係鍾意佢唔過份大jar,快快用完再買過新既感覺新鮮少少。 我好鍾意呢個產品呀!! 我知你地好多時都想揾隻好用既深層面膜,我超推呢隻俾你呀!! 佢各方面都真係做得好好!!同埋價錢都好平民!! 好正呀!! 我用完都會回購!!推推推!!

(English: Product Review: It comes with a clay texture and it doesn’t feel solid at all. When I apply it on my skin, it spreads out very easily and I have no difficulty in evening out the product! I love this texture, it’s brilliant!! Usually I want for 10 – 15 mins and the mask would dry out, then I just have to rinse it off with water. When the mask is drying, skin feels a bit tight but not overwhelming like it’s pulling your skin, it’s also quite soothing to have it on! When I rinse it, it comes off quite easily and the result is amazing! Skin is brightened up a lot, and I feel like all the dirt inside the pores are gone. Also, I notice the age-old whiteheads and blackheads float to the surface of the skin and I could easily clear it myself. Skin definitely feels super clean!! It’s quite gentle in the sense that after I rinse my face, I don’t feel that it’s dry, but of course after 10 mins, it will start feeling “thirsty” (which is quite normal), so it would be best to apply your skincare products straightly after washing the mask off. I feel that it works better than the Kiehl’s clay mask for me because my face would get some red patches after using Kiehl’s clay mask and I haven’t come across of any similar situation when I use the Innisfree one. The size of this Innisfree clay mask is not huge, it’s only 100ml, that means it will be used up rather quickly and the no. of repurchasing it will be higher. However, I quite like the idea of it coming in a smaller jar, because that means I will use it up faster and I could get a new one sooner (which to me it sounds more “fresh”)! I know many of you have been looking out for a really good deep cleansing mask and I really highly recommend this one to you because it works great on different aspects and the price is quite friendly. Great stuff and I will definitely repurchase once I have used this one up!!)


(English: Have you used any Innisfree products? Are there any
recommendations or something that you want me to try and review?)


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