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早幾個星期接受咗Gooodapple既邀請試用The Body Shop既有機營膚幼滑精華素。 我記得我好耐之前都試用過呢個系列既其他產品,感覺唔錯,所以對呢枝精華素都有d好奇!就係咁我就接受咗邀請喇!!

(English: I got an invitation from Gooodapple a few weeks ago asking me if I wanted to try out The Body Shop Nutriganics™ Smoothing Serum.  I recall that I did try some of the Nutriganics™ products and the feeling was good, so I was quite curious about this serum and accepted the invitation!)

The Body Shop Nutriganics™ Smoothing Serum

價錢(Price):HK$329/ 30ml

Product Information:

“這輕柔配方的精華素,有效增加肌膚活力同時保持幼滑,為吸收其他護膚品作好準備。特別挑選以有機種植的植物加入成份當中,讓肌膚更健康亮澤。 ”

“To prep skin to absorb the nutrients from the day cream, this luxurious pre-moisturiser treat softens and revitalises skin while improving suppleness, all thanks to a potent cocktail of active organic ingredients and botanicals.”


Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):3 weeks

用後感: 佢個texture係好lotion狀,超級容易推得開同埋感覺都幾輕身。 我覺得佢吸收唔算特別快,但係就係因為咁,我用佢搽完面之後會用佢黎按頸位既淋巴。 佢超級好推,所以按淋巴個時唔會扯住扯住! 我幾鍾意呢一點!! 通常按完淋巴之後,d精華就會吸收哂,之後摸落塊面覺得好滑同埋好彈手!! 正!! 呢個精華其中一個功能係可以幫之後搽既產品更加吸收,我都覺得佢做得到,因為當我之後搽面霜既時候,我發覺個面霜係比平日吸收!! 掂!!  我自己就好鍾意佢個texture,我覺得用佢搽完面按埋淋巴真係好方便! 用左佢按個星期除咗塊面滑咗,仲無咁水腫添!!

(English:  Product Review: Its texture is in a lotion form, it’s super easy to blend and quite light weight.  I don’t think it gets absorbed into skin particularly fast, and because of this, after I apply it on my face, I use some of it to massage my lymphatic area on the neck.  It’s very good to use it to massage like this because it creates no friction with the muscle.  After massage my neck, the serum on my face is usually absorbed totally.  When I touch my face, it’s very smooth and soft!!  Nice.  One of the functions of this serum is that it can enhance the absorption of the latter applied products and I feel that it does the job!  When I apply cream after this serum, I notice that the cream gets absorbed faster than usual.  Good.  I really like the product texture and I love using it to massage the lymphatic area.  It’s convenient, it helps smoothen skin and reduce water retention!!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.thebodyshop.com.hk)



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