[美髮] 泰國超保濕蕉蕉護髮產品

二月份嘅時候去咗泰國敗咗唔少產品, 其中有唔少都係Oriental Princess嘅產品。 呢個品牌簡直係我嘅大愛! 好多野都真係好好用(救命!)!! 今日我講嘅又係其中一樣好野! 如果你地去泰國記得記得留意呀(笑)!

(English: When I went to Thailand in February, I hauled quite a few items.  Among them, many are from my beloved Oriental Princess.  I have to say many of their products work really well (help!!)!!  Today I am going to talk about one of their goodies!  If you are heading to Thailand, be sure you read the following. *smiles*

咦, 我突然之間係度諗, 我今年到現時為止好似比較講得多外國先有得買嘅東東, 唔知你地會唔會被我燒到你地好想去旅行? 我成日都好想寫旅遊敗家篇(最好有機會出埋旅遊敗家書), 呵呵! 今年上半年真係好多機會! 多謝哂上天俾呢d機會我(開心到傻咗)!!  又離題! 講翻個產品先~

(English:  Oh, I suddenly realize that it seems I have been talking about many products which are only available in certain countries recently.  Not sure if you got tempted by me to do some traveling in the near future!  I have been wanting to write some pieces on haul + travel together (would be best to have a book on this topic as well)!! *laughs*  I am lucky that I got quite a few chances in the early half of 2012!!  Thank you to whoever is looking after me (starting to get crazy like!!!).  Well, I was kinda off topic.  Let me move myself back on track.)

Oriental Princess Tropical Nutrients Banana Treatment

價錢(Price):Oriental Princess Tropical Nutrients Banana Treatment Shampoo: 145Baht/ 250ml

價錢(Pirce):Oriental Princess Tropical Nutrients Banana Treatment Conditioner: 235Baht/ 200g

Oriental Princess Tropical Nutrients Banana Treatment Shampoo (Enriched Formula for Dry and Damaged Hair)

Product Information:

“This enriched shampoo treatment with added vitamins offers intensive hair nourishment to restore original softness with a formula especially developed for treating dry and damaged hair with tropical banana extract to help protect the hair from bacteria and various pollutants that damage and weaken hair while repairing and restoring softness, health and luster to dry damaged hair for noticeably healthy-looking hair.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:真係超級香蕉味! 我唔係特別鍾意蕉味嘅產品同食品, 但係呢個蕉味真係好真, 所以我用起上嚟覺得幾得意同好搞笑!  Mr Honey次次用都同我講話想食咗佢! 哈哈! 佢都有幾多泡泡, 同埋佢係洗得好乾淨得嚟無話捽手。  仲要佢令d頭髮好柔順添! 掂呀! 洗完個頭無蕉味㗎, 唔洗擔心自己一條蕉咁行出街!  哈哈! 我好推呢個蕉蕉洗頭水。 當然喇, 如果你本身討厭蕉味, 咁你就唔好試, 因為個味都勁㗎! 但係如果你唔介意同埋你頭髮都係比較乾嘅話, 就敗啦!! 正野嚟㗎!

(English:  After-use Comment:  It has a super real banana scent!  I am not particularly into banana products but this banana scent is so real that I almost find it funny!  Mr Honey says he wants to eat it everytime when he uses it!! *Laughs*  It has a good amount of foam and it cleans really well without leaving that dry and squeaky clean feeling.  It helps smooth out the hair as well!  Very nice!  Don’t worry, the scent won’t stay on your hair after use, so no way you are walking out and smelling like a banana!  I highly recommend this Banana Shampoo!  Of course, if you hate banana scent, I wouldn’t recommend it to you as the scent is quite strong.  However, if you don’t really mind the scent and you have dry hair, HAUL!!  It’s a really wonderful hair product!)

Oriental Princess Tropical Nutrients Banana Treatment Conditioner (Enriched Formula for Dry and Damaged Hair)

Product Information:

“The enriched formula .for this hair treatment specially developed for restoring dry and damaged hair replenishes soft moisture with added vitamins for intensive hair treatment from tropical plants to protect their hair from bacteria and various pollutants while repairing and rejuvenating dry damaged hair to former strength and silky sheen for noticeably healthy-looking hair.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:呢個都係超級蕉味㗎!! 哈哈, 用緊個陣真係覺得自己係蕉場! 個質感都好特別, 佢係light cream狀, 感覺唔會好厚重, 而且佢入面有少少粒粒。 我唔肯定個d係咩物質, 不過d粒粒唔會溶嘅, 比我感覺似磨沙, 但係無理由磨頭髮掛。 我無理咁多照用, 沖水嗰陣會無晒。 呢個嘅效果真係正呀! 佢係好保濕(唔係潤), 用完佢之後吹頭, 感覺到頭髮好有moisture,好柔順同埋好令! 正正正!!! 超推呀! 因為好多護髮素都係殘留好多野係頭髮表面令你感覺好潤(但係用耐左會覺得好lup), 但係呢個我覺得就真係被頭髮吸收咗!! 如果你係乾髮人仕, 我真係十級推呢個產品!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  This has a super banana scent as well!! *Laughs*  When I use it, I feel like I am in a banana farm!!  Its texture is quite special in the sense that it’s of a light cream form and it’s not heavy at all, also it has some small particles inside.  I am not sure what the particles are, they won’t melt and somehow they remind me of “scrub”.  But hey – using scrub on the hair??  Well, I haven’t really put too much thought to it and just use it as a regular conditioner.  The particles will be washed away during rinsing anyway.  OH MY!!  I LOVE the effect!!  It’s super hydrating (not “moisturizing”).  When I blow dry my hair after using this, I feel that my hair contains a lot of moisture, is smooth and shiny!!!  Wonderful!!!  Highly recommended!!  Many of the other conditioners I have used before tend to leave so much residue on the surface of the hair to create an illusion of moisturized and smooth hair (however, when you use it for awhile continuously, your hair would start to feel heavy and sticky!).  I feel that this Banana Treatment truly gets absorbed by the hair!!  If you have dry hair, I surely would highly recommend this to you!!)

註:哈哈, 我仲有佢一jar蕉mark未開, 用左再分享丫! 記得如果你去泰國記得要去Oriental Princess呀!! 我仲有其他佢嘅野未寫, 遲少少再寫丫! 等我燒下你地去泰國!! 哈哈!!

(English: P.S. *laughs*  I still have a jar of Banana hair mask unopened – I will open it up shortly and share my comments!  Remember if you go to Thailand, go check out Oriental Princess!!  I still have some products from this store which I haven’t written anything on yet, I will write about them soon!  Let me tempt you to go to Thailand!!! *Laughs*

(product information is copied from the product packaging)

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