[保養] 美肌之誌蝸牛極致滋潤活膚面膜

唔知點解我一路都無試過用美肌之誌嘅面膜。其實以我呢個面膜狂嚟講,我應該係佢一出我就試。但係無!燒唔著!直至有一日我同個朋友仔去萬寧,佢一見到呢盒野就好興奮,就話上網好多人話好好用,係咁問我買唔買。講咗一陣,我見佢俾sales仲努力sell我,我就話買啦買啦。 其實佢點解要sell我呢?佢又唔係係呢間公司度做,但係我諗原因好簡單,就係女人買野都鍾意有人陪買,一齊買一齊高興!哈哈!

(English:  Not sure why I haven’t come to try any of the Beautymate’s sheet mask. Hmmmm…I am a facial mask freak and I really should have tried this brand long time ago.  Nah, didn’t!  Wasn’t tempted!!  Until one day, I went to Mannings with a friend and my friend was sooooo excited when she saw this box of masks, she kept on blah blah blah about many people said that they were great products.  Then she kept on bombarding me about whether I was going to buy or not. After a little while, I thought that I should really appreciate her sales technique and effort, I said OKOK!!  Actually why did she push me to buy this product?  She doesn’t work for the company but the reason is really simply, women like to buy certain “together”.  Everyone gets it, everyone is happy!! *laughs*)

Beautymate Hydro-Nourishing & Revitalising Snail Nano Mask

價錢(Price):HK$69.9/ 7pcs

Product Information:

“當中含有修護皮膚的黏多醣及天然複合物,極易被肌膚吸收。而微細的保濕分子能快速深入肌膚底層,為肌膚即時提升養分及水分,使肌膚都水潤有彈性。此外,更會在肌膚表層形成保濕防護膜,減緩水分流失,使肌膚持久飽滿水潤。結合保濕因子蠶絲蛋白,能在肌膚表面形成水性保護屏障,為肌膚築起完美鎖水牆,減緩水分流失。令肌膚內外透出水嫩質感。水嫩潤澤肌膚,完美呈現! 柳葉蘭萃取含有優越的抗老化能力,溫和舒緩肌膚,減少肌膚刺激,全面提升肌膚防護力,活化保濕,令肌膚恢復柔軟、舒適。 可賦活肌膚並減緩肌膚老化,同時富含高度保濕力的聚葡萄糖胺,維持皮膚表皮層的保水力,提供深層肌膚的水分,使肌膚維持健康及細緻,改善肌膚粗糙,使肌膚呈現年輕水嫩,充滿活力。

功    效:保濕、舒緩、抗老


(English: “Contains skin nourishing ingredients, such as Glycosaminoglycans and natural compounds, that can easily be absorbed through the skin. Fine moisturizing elements can penetrate deep into the skin to provide intense moisture and nourishment to keep it moist and elastic. It also forms a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss, allowing the skin to retain its moisture. Moisturizing element, Hydrolyzed Silk, can form a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss, keeping your skin soft and smooth and promoting radiant skin from the inside out. Epilobium Angustifolium Extract has strong anti-aging effects. It can help soothe irritated skin and strengthen the skin’s ability to protect itself. Your skin will feel exceptionally smooth and soft. It can revitalize skin and slows down the skin’s aging process. Contains the highly-effective moisturizing ingredient, Glycosaminoglycans that helps to maintain moisture on the skin’s surface, keeping skin looking healthy and beautiful. It can improve the roughness of the skin, and make your skin young, hydrated and full of life.

Effects: Moisturizing, Soothing, and Anti-aging

Suitable for: all skin types, especially sensitive and dry skin”)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:未用個陣我真係對呢隻產品無咩期望! 但係我敷咗一次之後覺得好掂呀! 超正! 先係佢好貼面啦,佢個張sheet mask又唔會過厚過薄,感覺啱啱好。入面亦都有豐富嘅精華,等d皮膚可以慢慢吸!仲要敷完15分鐘已經即刻見到皮膚超級明亮同埋好夠水!唔係講笑!連我自己望鏡都O咀(可能呢個係我對佢無期望有關)! 好好好正呀!! 佢個效果仲可以維持三幾日,唔會第二日起身就由天堂落咗地獄!無得頂!超級愛佢既其中一個原因都係因為佢價錢可愛啦! 敷密d都唔會有罪咎感!!哈哈!!又一次証明平野係有好野! 呢個回購做超級高!我而家日日行過萬寧都望下佢有無減價,有我都會抬翻兩盒翻屋企!你未試過呢隻mask就真係要試下,讚讚讚ga! 用完你會覺得好抵買!!

(English:  Product Review: Prior to using this product, I got absolutely no expectation!  BUT, after I started using it, I was like OMGGGG!!!  It’s great in the sense that it fits the face really well, and the mask itself is not too thick nor too thin, it’s just right.  There are quite a good amount of essence in the mask as well, ha….my skin can really take time to absorb it!  After 15 mins, I instantly feel that my skin is super brightened up and wonderfully moisturized.  No joke!!  Even I was surprised and amazed (maybe because I got no expectation?)!!  Reaaaaaallllyy GOOD!!  The effect lasts for around 3-4 days, so you definitely won’t fall from heaven to hell the very next day when you wake up!  Love it!  The other reason to love it is its friendly price tag!  I can definitely use it regularly without feeling guilty!  *laughs*  Another proof that there are good stuff within the drugstore brands!  I am definitely going to re-purchase this.  Right now I keep checking if there is a promotion in Mannings, I think I will get 2 home.  If you haven’t tried it, I would highly recommend it to you!!  You will feel it’s worth every penny that you spend – yep, it’s that good!)

(product information is extracted from http://www.beautymate.hk)

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