[保養] 手手腳腳手爭乾燥對策

我d手手腳腳無論搽咩都好乾, 好彩我之前係網上敗咗以下呢堆產品, 真係越用越鍾意, 所以我好想同大家分享一下。我呢期日日用真係見到唔少改善, 好難怪我咁愛台灣某d產品! 我覺得好多台灣既產品都真係好用同埋價錢唔貴, 真係好值得試! 如果你好似我咁手手腳腳奇乾, 咁你真係要睇落去喇。

(English: My hands, feet, elbow are exceptionally dry and luckily, I got the following products online before and I have been in love with them, therefore, I want to share my comments on them with you today!  I have been using them everyday and I see some major improvement, it’s hard for me not to love some of the Taiwanese products!  I feel that some Taiwanese products are really effective and with a very friendly price tag, they are definitely worth a try!  If you have similar problems like me, make sure you read on:)

Soft Therapy Gel Socks




Product Information:

“纖柔滑軟的足套內,覆滿智慧凝膠,深度潤澤直達肌底,徹底軟化包覆足跟彎彎粗糙面,擺脫惱人乾粗腳跟。 “

(English: ” Fully lined with medical-grade TPR bio-gel to pamper your dry, cracked feet and heels.”)

Soft Therapy Gel Gloves


Product Information:

“纖柔滑軟的手套內,覆滿智慧凝膠,搭配UNT彎彎深度嫩膚精華油使用,深度潤澤直達肌底,軟化指節、掌心等彎彎粗糙面,使雙手更細滑好摸。 “

(English: “Fully lined with medical-grade TPR bio-gel to pamper your fingertips, wrists and everything in between. “)

Soft Therapy Gel Elbow Pads


Product Information:


(English: “Fully lined with medical-grade TPR bio-gel to pamper your rough elbows and flaky areas.”)

Inside View:

全部產品入面都有TPR Bio Gel!   

(English:  There is TPR Bio Gel inside all of the abovementioned products!!)


True Repair Camellia Essential OIl  

價錢(Price): HK$171/ 30ml

Product Information:


(English: “A precious plant oil extracted from Japanese camellia seeds offers superior hydration and repair power to nourish extra dry skin.”)


以上全部產品都可以係下面呢個網頁買得到! 佢地ship去好多唔同國家之餘仲要免郵費, 我最buy就係呢樣野。 我記得我敗個陣都係等咗一個星期就收到產品, 所以大家可以放心! 仲有, 如果你覺得以上既產品有d貴(其實對比同類產品已經係平喇), 你地可以久唔久留意下佢地個website, 好多試都會有promotion, 我記得我買個陣就係買一件第二件半價, 所以好抵呀!! 

(English:  You can get all the above products from the website below.  They ship to so many different countries and it’s free shipping worldwide!  That’s what I really love!!  I recalled after I placed the order, I got my items in a week, so please rest assured that their delivery is quite fast!  Also, if you feel that the prices of the above items are on the high side (actually when compared to similar products out there, they are very reasonable), you can pay attention to their website from time to time because there are various promotions on.  When I got mine, I got 1 and then the 2nd item was half priced, so they were all a good bargain!)


因為佢地都係同一個產品但係照顧唔同部位, 所以我一次過分享: 

用法:千萬唔好就咁用對socks/ gloves/ pads,我試過就咁用但係效果一d都唔明顯架!! 記住用socks/ gloves/ pads之前要搽咗佢個True Repair Oil先(搽多d唔驚, 最好係好濕咁就good喇)。 之後再用socks/ gloves/ pads著住半個鐘。 佢話就話10分鐘,但係我覺得耐少少好d, 等d油吸得好d。  如果你唔想買個油呢, 你可以用你用開既hand cream, foot cream或者hand mask都得,要厚搽,之後再著socks/ gloves/ pads, 但係記得用完之後要反轉對socks/ gloves/ pads用濕毛巾抹一抹佢。 用佢隻oil就唔需要呢步喇。  同埋你用hand mask既話, 整完要洗手啦(除非係你隻hand mask唔洗洗)!

Method to Use: Please DO NOT use socks/ gloves/ pads on their own, I tried this but there is no visible result!!  Remember prior to wearing the socks/ gloves/ pads, use their True Repair Oil first (use a very generous amount, the best would be the targeted area looks “totally wet”).  Then wear the socks/ gloves/ pads for half an hour.  It says to wear them for 10 mins but I feel that 30 mins work out the best because the oil gets absorbed really nicely.  If you don’t feel like buying the oil, you can use your own hand cream, foot cream or hand mask, apply a thick layer, then wear the socks/ gloves/ pads.  Remember after using them with your own products, be sure to turn the products inside out and wipe clean with a wet towel.  If you are using their oil, then there is no need for this step.  Oh, if you are using your own hand mask, remember to wash your hand after as well (unless your product says otherwise)!!)

用後感: 我覺得就咁著佢既socks/ gloves/ pads個效果真係好唔明顯。 所以一定要加野。 以上講既用法, 我全部都試過。 我覺得無論用佢隻oil或者自己既hand cream, foot cream, hand mask既效果都差唔多。 但係因為我覺得用自己產品之後要抹乾淨對socks/ gloves/ pads有少少麻煩, 所以我都係鍾意用佢個oil! 我呢三個位都奇乾, 係乾到有硬皮出現, 摸落又鞋望落又好粗糙,用咗呢對產品之後, 即時用完個下已經覺得全部地方摸落好滑同埋好有光澤, 完全無哂鞋同粗糙感!! 好似新手新腳手爭一樣, 超開心!! 正因為效果咁正, 我就日日用咗七日,超掂呀!!呢d地方唔再覺得好乾, 同埋真係好見得人。 連腳位有d比較深色既地方都見開始退咗少少。 哈哈!! 好正呀!!! 超愛!!! 同埋太方便喇, 著住佢地睇電視又唔會整到周圍都係, 正正正!!! 超級推呀!!! 我記得好似每樣產品都可以用到大概40次, 我會keep住用, 希望夏天黎既時候可以放膽著涼鞋丫!! 呢對野我用完一定會回購, 太好用都太有效。 如果你都有同我一樣既問題, 我超推呢對產品俾你地呀!!! 大愛!!!

(English:  Product Review:  I tried using the socks/ gloves/ pads on their own, but the results are minimal.  Therefore, there is a need to add some more products.  I have tried everything I mentioned above.  I feel that the results for using their oil, or my hand cream, foot cream or hand mask are very close!  But because I don’t like to clean the socks/ gloves/ pads after using my own products (can’t be bothered), I love to use them with their oil better!  My hands, feet and elbow are ridiculously dry and they are so dry that I have got hardened skin and feel rough to touch, not to mention they look rough as well.  After using these products, the results are instant!!  The three areas are all smooth to touch and look radiant (bye to roughness!!).  I almost feel like I have a new pair of hands, feet and elbows!!  I am really happy with the results!!  Because of the great effects, I have been using them consistently for 7 days – brilliant!!!  My 3 areas don’t feel dry anymore and look very presentable!!!  The pigmentation on some areas on my feet starts to fade away!!  *Laughs*  Amazing!!!  I am definitely super in love with them!!  Also, it’s really convenient too, I usually wear them to watch TV and I don’t need to worry that the oil gets everywhere…etc.  Just brilliant!!!  Highly recommended.  I remember that each of the product can be re-used for around 40 times, and I will keep using them, hopefully I will have nice feet by the time Summer comes.  They surely are on my repurchase list, they are just very effective!!  If you have the same problem, I highly recommend these products to you!!  Love them!!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.shopunt.com)

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