[保養] 好處多多既三合一落妝洗面法寶

自從用咗Bioderma落妝水之外,我就一直中咗降咁,屋企唔可以無佢既存貨。 當然我一直都有試其他落妝產品,有d都幾鍾意,但係都代替唔到Bioderma既地位。 哈哈,今日我要分享呢個落妝洗面產品就拍得住Bioderma喇! 揾到好既落妝野真係令人好振奮!!

(English: Since I have started using Bioderma Cleansing Water, I feel like I have been cursed and I literally can’t go without any stock at home. Of course, I still try other makeup remover from time to time and occasionally I quite like some of them, but they cannot replace the holy grail position of Bioderma. Right, these days I finally found something comparable and would like to share my thoughts with you!! It’s very encouraging and exciting to locate something brilliant!!)

Apivita 3 in 1 Cleansing Milk for Face & Eyes

價錢(Price): HK$180/ 250ml

Product Information: 

“99% natural ingredients

    – Gently removes dirt and make-up from the face & eyes with almond and olive oils without drying the skin
    – Honey moisturizes and nourishes skin, chamomile and lavender soothe the skin and protect from irritations
    – Propolis offers mild antiseptic and antioxidant action
    Ideal for all skin types

Exclusive innovation: APIVITA replaces water in the face cleansing range with green tea infusion to enhance the antioxidant action of the products.”)

Texture & Effect:

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:呢個產品係cream狀,但係係light cream,即係話唔會感覺好笠亦都唔係好厚,我覺得佢既好推程度係gel狀。我建議眼都係用翻眼部專用既落妝產品會好d,同Bioderma一樣,呢隻產品都落到少少眼妝,但係就落得唔夠快,所以都係分開落會好d。 佢個質地係面度按真係幾舒服(又有少少清香,所以都好relaxing),又正因為佢個質地超好推,所以唔會扯到皮膚。 佢本身tissue off就可以喇,但係因為我有潔癖,所以我會用水過,等所有殘跡都被洗走。 佢落面妝真係超乾淨,同埋過完水個下真係不得了(呢點係Bioderma俾唔到既)!我覺得雖然佢係cream,但係過完水塊面係好爽,所以唔洗擔心會有d野笠住個面。 另外就係過完水個下,皮膚好明亮亦都好柔軟,一d都唔會乾爭爭!!好正呀!! 因為佢三合一得黎個效果超好,所以我之後唔會再用洗面產品! 好推呀!!! 如果你用厭咗Bioderma想轉下其他落妝產品但係你又擔心cream狀/油狀既東東太笠,我超建議你去counter試下呢個產品!! 我用完呢枝清多少少存貨,我都會再敗!!!個質地同效果真係深得我心!!

(English: Product Review: This product is of a cream format but it’s leaning more towards the light cream side. That means it doesn’t feel heavy on skin and it doesn’t create any unnecessary burden. When I start blending it, I feel that it does have the blending power of a gel form product. For removing eye makeup, I suggest you to use an eye makeup remover separately. Similar to Bioderma, they can remove eye makeup but it takes a good while, so to speed things up, it would be best to use an eye makeup remover. I love its texture and it feels really nice (almost soothing) when it’s massaged on skin (also it has a really nice light scent, so it’s quite relaxing during the process). Because of how blendable it is, your skin won’t feel like it’s being pulled during cleansing. It’s very convenient too as you can just tissue it off when you are done massage. However, I am more of a cleansing freak, so I usually rinse it with water so that all the dirt and traces of makeup can be rinsed away thoroughly. Skin feels super clean afterwards and it just looks amazing (well I don’t feel the same way when I use Bioderma)! Even though it’s of a cream format, skin feels light afterwards. It’s also brightened up and soft to touch!! It’s quite hydrated in a way that I don’t feel my skin is dried out. Great!! It’s 3 in 1 and its effect is just brilliant, so I don’t need to use a facial cleanser afterwards. Highly recommended!!! If you are getting bored using Bioderma and you are worried that other cream/ oil based products are too heavy duty, I would highly recommend you to try this at the counter. After I finish this tube and some of my stock, I will definitely get a full size for myself. Really love the texture and results!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.apivita.com)


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