[保養] 秋冬必備之中價保濕精華

之前講過一d比較貴價d既秋冬精華(DermaQuest Skin Therapy Advanced B5 SerumPure Diamond Rose Velvet Serum), 今日黎個中價版先,照顧下唔同既膚質同唔同budget既朋友仔! 講真,我都試過唔少市面既保濕精華,有d係好平,不過搽咗個感覺好似無搽,雖然平野都有好野,但係我覺得秋冬係皮膚最要吸收保養品既日子,所以可以既話記得睇價錢之餘,一定要揀d work既產品去用,唔好浪費左呢段保養好時機呀!!

(English:  I have talked about some of the more high-end serums for Autumn and Winter (DermaQuest Skin Therapy Advanced B5 Serum and Pure Diamond Rose Velvet Serum), today I want to talk about one that has a more friendly price tag so as to take care of different skin types and people with different budgets!  Honestly, I have tried so many hydrating serums that I basically lose count of how many, some of dead cheap, but not very effective.  Though stuff with a really friendly price tag sometimes have great qualities as well, I feel that Autumn/ Winter is the best time to seriously take care of your skin because skin just absorbs products better, so remember don’t get fixated on the price, pick something that works and don’t waste this golden opportunity to take good care of your skin!)

More Fresh Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Serum


價錢(Price):原價 / Original – HK$480/ 30ml,秋冬價 / Now – HK$300/ 30ml (@Molly)

呢個無得再折喇 (No further discount)


 呢個係一d美容院專用品牌,所以上網無咩資料! 不過大家都知道玻尿酸係保濕好強架啦!

(English:  Again, this product is more of a beauty salon brand, so there is not much information online!  But as all of you know, Hyaluronic Acid is famous for its hydrating properties!)



Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感: 有無留意到滴出黎個下(見圖),佢唔會散開哂,反而係一粒咁手背上面。即係話呢個精華素個質感唔係過份地稀身,但係佢都係一推就推得好開,所以都係用兩三滴已經OK可以搽哂成面。 推開係面上個下個感覺係少少厚感,搽完成面之後唔好理佢,過一分鐘,佢會完全被吸收,吸完個下皮膚係爽身同摸落好滑,一d厚感/痴笠笠既感覺都無! 好正! 用左幾日,我覺得佢都好保濕,皮膚望落唔乾同埋夠水份!! 仲要我覺得佢個價錢都算平民,所以呢個我都加分! 我覺得呢枝產品個質感同效果好適合一般膚質,油性,混合性,中性,偏少乾既人都啱用,一d都無負擔感。 但係如果你話係你好好好乾,咁呢個東東唔夠力啦, 我會建議用我之前講既Rose Velvet Serum多d喇!

(English:  Product Review:  Did you notice that the drop of the serum actually “stands” quite nicely on the back of the hand (as per the picture) and it’s not runny.  That means this has a more solid texture than other serums, but it’s super blendable, so only 2-3 drops is enough to rub on the whole face.  When it’s first blended, it feels thick on the skin.  Just apply it on the face and ignore the feeling, after 1 minute, it will be totally absorbed, then your skin feels light and soft to touch.  No worries, there is no greasy feeling at all!  Brilliant!  After a few days’ usage, skin is hydrated and don’t feel/ look dry anymore!  Plus its price is very friendly, so I give this a thumbs-up!  I feel that this product is suitable for quite a lot of skin types – oily, combination, normal and dry skin types!  However, if you have super dry skin, then I don’t think this is for you and I would recommend the Rose Velvet Serum instead!)

轉季小tips:點解我講咁多精華素? 其實我覺得而家天氣都未穩定,而且我覺得你地好多人都好想急住轉skincare,但係我唔係咁睇。 因為天氣未乾定同凍,呢個時候應該唔好亂轉野,因為皮膚要適應天氣變化之餘又要適應新產品,too much喇(於是你皮膚咪敏感俾你睇以示不滿)!! 反而以我既經驗,之前用緊咩就照用,要轉就轉/加枝保濕精華素,咁對而家既天氣已經啱啱好,再定d既時候再轉其他skincare產品都未遲呀!!

(English: Weather Changing Tips: Why do I talk about so many different serum these days?  Indeed the weather is still not stable and I have a feeling that many of you are looking to change your skincare.  However, I have to disagree.  Since the weather is still switching hot and cool, humid and dry, I don’t think you should change your skincare products too much because skin needs to adjust to the weather and also to your new products – just too much (probably, your skin will protest through giving you some form of allergies)!!  Based on my experience, continue with whatever you are using, if you feel a bit dry, change up the serum or add a hydrating serum in between skincare and it should be good enough for this weather!  When it’s more stable, then we could move on changing other parts of the routine as well!!)

Makeup Artist店舖地址:尖沙咀利時商場10樓08室 (Monday – Saturday 1pm to 7pm)。 大家記得個日要落去就打個電話俾佢先,佢成日出job,我怕你地白行。 仲有,你地落去買野記得同佢講話係黑咪介紹,佢會俾95折俾你。 佢電話:6169-3166 Molly



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