[美甲] 紅色黑色雲石款

當你地睇到我呢個post嘅時候, 我應該係悄悄地上咗飛機去台灣開始我嘅三日兩夜工作之旅! 我去之前除咗好開心咁分別去左Anna Sui, Givenchy同埋YSL敗咗佢地嘅2012彩妝產品(你有睇我Facebook就知我最新資料! 哈哈!)。 係啦, 好奇? 我成日都話春色唔係我的菜, 但係今年又敗得特別多。 其實我諗係同我近期諗嘅野有d關係。 我近期好鼓勵自己行出自己嘅comfort zone, 試多d新野(唔止係化妝品嘅)。 因為我覺得成日無咩新嘗試個人會無咩進步同埋好悶。 唔試唔知, right?  真係敗咗好多好野丫, 等我返來再拍片出試色文俾大家睇啦!

(English:  I should be on the plane to Taiwan for my 3 days 2 nights work trip when you read this.  The weekend before, I spent some time hauling 2012 Spring collection items from Anna Sui, Givenchy and YSL (my Facebook has the most updated news *laughs*).  Feeling strange?  Yea, I have always been saying that Spring colors are not my favorite colors, but how come this year, I end up hauling like crazy?  I think it’s associated with some of the recent thoughts that I have been having lately.  I have actually been encouraging myself to step out of my comfort zone and try more new things (not only cosmetics).  If there is no new challenging, I’d probably won’t move ahead and I would end up doing the same thing again and again (hugely boring).  So, if I don’t try, I don’t know, right?  Hmmmm…. Oh I can’t wait to talk about all those products, they are just simply fabulous!!! >3<)

係敗家之餘, 我仲去左整甲。 我先前嘅甲款實在太勁(回顧按此), 我怕去到第一次見我台灣嘅嘅同事就留下太深刻嘅印象,所以我想低調一點點。 可惜, 我始終都係我(頭先先話踏出comfort zone!!!)。 整完出嚟一d都唔低調丫(不過都俾上一款!)。 哈哈哈!

(English:  Besides hauling, I went and got my nails done as well.  The previous version was simply too over the top (refresh memory), I didn’t want to freak any of my Taiwanese colleagues out (esp. this is our first time to meet in person), therefore, I wanted a bit of a low key version.  Sadly, I am still me (well I thought you said something about stepping out of the comfort zone just now??!!).  The one that I picked turned out not low key at all (but better than the last one!).  *laughs*)

係咪無上一次咁bling? 進步咗喇(自我安慰當中)。 好啦!  等我返嚟再傾過啦。 我應該係酒店有Wifi, 到時再係Facebook同大家傾計啦(唔知我嘅敗家戰況會唔會好激?)。

(English:  Not as bling as last time, right?  I have made slight improvement (I think!).  Well, I have to say bye now, let’s catch up when I get back.  Oh, I should have Wifi in the hotel, maybe we could catch up there on Facebook! Hmmm… I start to wonder how my hauling experience would turn out to be….)

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