[保養] 溫和清潔去黃面膜

之前敗咗一堆Aesop既產品, 有d我都仲未開同埋都未講過。 我怕一次過講同一個品牌大家會好悶, 所以我多數都係一次過敗但係分開黎講。 哈哈! 今日想講下一枝我都幾愛既面膜!好耐之前我都用過好幾樽佢既Primrose清潔面膜, 好好用! 遲d等我用完d野再敗過同大家分享一下。 今日要講呢個同個隻有少少唔同, 呢隻話敷完唔會覺得皮膚乾同埋有去黃效果!

(English:  I got quite a few Aseop’s products before but some of them are even unopen and talked about.  I am afraid that if I constantly talk about 1 brand the whole week, you will all get very bored, therefore, I usually haul in one go but spread my reviews out!  *Laughs*  Today I want to talk about a face mask that I am quite fond of.  Years ago, I had been a great fan of Aesop’s Primrose Cleansing Masque, it worked really well.  Let me use up my stuff and get it again so that I could share my comments with you!!  The mask that I talk about today works a bit differently than the Primrose one, it’s said that after the following mask, skin won’t feel as dry and it has brilliant anti-dullness function!)

Aesop Parsley Seed Cleansing Masque

價錢(Price):HK$285/ 100ml

Product Information:

“A clay-based masque to deeply cleanse and refresh most skin types.

This blend of premium clays and botanicals lifts deep-seated impurities, imparting wholly clarified and refreshed skin.  Parsley Seed extracts deliver potent anti-oxidants while other botanical elements cleans and revive skin.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):25 times

用後感: 隻mask枝出嚟好濕下,所以推上面既時候係好容易推。 基本上敷上面等十分鐘就會乾, 之後再過水就完成喇。 佢地話呢隻mask好啱敏感/比較乾既皮膚用, 因為佢性質好溫和。 呢點我好同意。 我敷完過水無覺得皮膚好乾好拉緊, 反而真係覺得好乾淨同埋面色即時變得好明亮。 敷完亦都無紅無敏感。 正!!! 我覺得潮濕天氣用真係一流, 因為潮濕天氣好多時都會令皮膚好黃好暗, 所以用呢個mask就可以KO咗呢d問題! 掂!! 我覺得如果你係敏感肌或者係好乾性皮膚, 你會覺得呢隻面膜好啱你, 但係如果你係油性,痘痘肌或者中性皮膚, 咁我覺得你可能會覺得呢隻面膜唔夠力, Lush Mask of Magnimity應該會啱你d。 嘻嘻! Overall黎講我都推呢隻面膜, 因為我都幾鍾意用, 但係點解唔係我大愛呢? 原因係我覺得佢枝tube個物料唔係太好, 枝枝下個tube尾會有少少裂開既情況出現, 入面既mask會expose外在環境, 所以我覺得有少少唔係太衛生。 如果改一改枝tube個物料會好好多!

(English:  Product Review:  The mask feels a bit damp when it’s squeezed out of the tube, therefore, it’s super blendable on skin.  Basically, I apply it on my skin, wait for 10 mins, then rinse it and done!  It’s said that this mask is more suitable for sensitive skin or very dry skin, because it’s just so gentle in nature.  And I agree with that!  After rinsing my skin, my skin doesn’t feel tight or dry, on the other hand, it feels very clean and my skin tone is definitely more brightened and radiant.  Absolutely no irritation after application!!  Nice!  I love to use it when it’s humid, because humidity can cause your skin to look very yellowish and dull, and this mask is a good choice to cater for those problems.  Wonderful.  I feel that if you have sensitive skin or very dry skin, you will like this mask.  However, if you have oily skin, acne prone skin or normal skin, then you might feel that this mask is not enough.  You probably like Lush Mask of Magnimity better.  *Grins*  Overall speaking, I would recommend this mask because I quite like it.  But how come it hasn’t become one of my most beloved?  It’s because of the packaging material.  After some time of squeezing, the tube cracks and that means the mask inside will be expose to the environment, therefore, I feel that it’s not quite hygienic.  If the packaging material can be changed to a more durable one, that would be so much better!!)

For my other reviews on Aesop products, please visit:

Hakme’s Reviews on Aesop Products



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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.aesop.com)

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