[化妝] 增長兼防水防油睫毛液

呢個產品我都係之前既大愛七月篇講過,不過當時無即時搽俾大家睇,所以今日再講多少少呢個產品同埋個效果俾大家望下!! 有好多人都叫我整個關於mascara既video,但係我覺得我未試得夠去集埋一個video出,因為我試mascara係要試好耐睇下自己用一兩個月之後仲係咪鍾意用同一隻mascara!!! 我諗我遲少少試多幾隻先再做video同大家分享啦!!

(English:  The following product has made an appearance in my Monthly Fav Video – July, however, I didn’t show you the results in the video, so I am going to talk about it a bit more today (and show you the results too).  Many people have asked me to make a video about mascara, but I don’t think I have tried enough to make one.  It usually takes me quite a long time (maybe 1-2 months) to test out a mascara.  I think one day, if I have tried enough, then I will be sharing my thoughts with you through a video format!!)

Dasoda Mega Long Mascara

價錢(Price): HK$118 @CitySuper


(English:  Usually for those lengthening mascara, the head is long and slim!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):3 weeks

用後感: 我好鍾意佢個formula,唔太濕又唔太乾。 搽既時候好容易可以將mascara裡面既纖維痴上d睫毛度!! 我覺得佢個效果係增長得黎又可以做到條條分明!! 正!! 最正係我覺得佢效果超持久,防水防油唔會點溶!! 同埋落都唔難落,我用Etude House枝落眼妝野落一陣就已經落得清!! 掂!! 佢係講明增長,所以係無濃密效果,如果你想揾增長既mascara,我就好推呢枝,但係如果你話你想揾有濃密效果既話,呢枝就唔啱喇!!

(English:  Product Review:  I really love its formula, it’s not too wet nor too dry!  When I apply it on my lashes, the fibres inside the tube can easily grab onto my lashes!!  I think it has a good lengthening effect and it separates the lashes really well!!!  Nice!!!  The best part is that it’s very long-lasting!!  It’s basically water- and oil-proof!!!  Plus, it’s not easy to remove, I use the eye and lip remover from Etude House and it only takes a couple mins to remove them!!  Brilliant!!  It’s specifically for lengthening effect, so it doesn’t do anything to adding the volume of the lashes.  If you are looking for something to lengthen your lashes, I highly recommend this one.  However if you are looking for something that does volumizing, this is not the one that you should go for!!)



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