[保養] 玫瑰潔膚水

我去日本之前收到BIO- 寄咗一枝潔膚水俾我試。其實我好奇嘅原因係我用Bioderma用到好悶,但係事面上又唔太多令我有興趣既潔膚水,所以一路都用翻Bioderma就算。  你地都知我成日鍾意試新野啦(唔係點寫blog丫)!我一見呢個品牌未聽過,我就好有興趣。仲要隻產品話有我最愛既玫瑰香味,睇下點啦!哈哈!

(English:  Before I went to Japan, BIO- sent me a bottle of their makeup remover to try.  I was curious because I was totally bored with Bioderma and I wanted to try something new, however, there aren’t many choices around, and I had to stick with Bioderma.  You know that I am always tempted by new things (otherwise how could I maintain this blog? *laughs*)!  This is a brand which I wasn’t aware of and I was determined to find out!  Ha – the product is said to have a rose scent as well – let’s see!)

BIO- Makeup Remover

價錢(Price):HK$200/ 250ml

Product Information:


non-drying, soap free, won’t sting your eyes and gently removes make-up
and impurities from all types of skin including sensitive, Leaves your
skin feeling soft, revitalized and radiant.”

使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month

用後感:我斷斷續續都用咗一個月喇。試咁耐嘅原因係我想用黎落唔同化妝look(濃妝淡妝),睇下有無咩發現! 我覺得佢個質感比較實在,有少少感覺豐厚。 佢真係有玫瑰香味,個味都幾清下,唔攻鼻!我通常泵兩下落cotton pad, 全面抹。 如果淡妝(只係搽BB Cream)就抹一次都可以,但係如果塊面都多野(胭脂水粉樣樣齊)呢,通常兩張cotton pad搞掂。 我覺得佢清潔功能好好得黎佢好溫和,我用咗咁耐無敏感。 如果我只係好淡妝,我用完佢唔會再洗多次面,只係再過下水,我就覺得佢幾保濕,用完佢唔會覺得皮膚好乾。唯一係我要提醒大家,如果落眼妝,都係要用專for落眼妝既產品會乾淨一d, 同埋如果你眼部同我一樣都比較敏感,你唔好用呢個makeup remover太近你眼位附近,如果唔係你會覺得有少少攻眼。整體感覺唔錯丫,如果你係比較乾嘅皮膚,想揾隻比較潤既makeup remover, 又可以當埋係洗面野既話,可以諗下呢隻產品。

(English: Product Review:  I have been using this makeup remover for around a month.  The reason that it takes so long to try this product is because I want to test it under different amount of makeup (light and heavy).  I think its texture is quite solid and it feels a bit rich.  It has a hint of rose scent, it’s rather fresh but not too much!  I usually pumped twice onto the cotton pad and wipe it all over my face.  Sometimes if I only have BB Cream on my face, usually 1 cotton pad would complete the job. But if I have full makeup on, then it usually takes two.  It cleans really well and is gentle on skin.  I haven’t come across any irritation after using it.  If I have very little makeup on, I won’t even bother cleansing my face again after using this product.  I would just rinse my skin.  I find that it’s quite moisturizing on skin as well – which is a bonus!  The only thing that I have to remind you is that it’s best to use eye makeup remover when you are removing your eye makeup.  It would be more thorough that way.  Also, if your eyes are pretty sensitive like mine, remember not to use this product very close to your eye areas.  Overall speaking, the product is quite nice.  If you have dry skin and you are looking for a moisturizing makeup remover which can be used as facial cleanser as well, this one might be for you!)

BIO- Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/bio-labscience

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