化個靚妝, 底霜同樣重要

我有時見好多sisters都話自己無搽底霜既習慣.  喜好呢樣野真係個個人都唔同, 亦都無話誰對誰錯.  我自己既一個小秘密就係我唔用日霜.  我屋企亦都唔會有日霜既存在 (好奇?).  我每朝既routine就係:

(English:  I notice that many sisters don’t have a habit of applying makeup base.  I guess it’s personal and it doesn’t mean right or wrong.  Actually I have a secret to share – I don’t use day cream at all and there is NO day cream in my place (surprised?).  My morning routine is usually:)

洗面 -> 搽toner -> 搽底霜 -> 搽粉底化妝等等

(English:  Face Wash -> Apply Toner -> Apply Base -> Apply Foundation + Makeup)

如果我唔化妝既日子 (即係成日都會係屋企唔出街啦), 我就咩鬼都唔搽, 等塊面有機會休息下.  係, 即係話我出親街都會化妝, 係搽多定搽少咁解ga jer!  少起上黎, 就會搽底霜 + 碎粉就行人.  正因為我個喜好咁特別, 我揀底霜都會有以下要求:

(English:  If I don’t wear makeup (that means I’ll stay at home that day), I just skip everything so that my face can take a breath/ rest.  Yes, you are right!  That also means that whenever I go out, I have some sort of makeup on my face.  Sometimes I just apply base + loose powder and go.  It really depends on the situation.  And, because of my very personal routine, “my” base has to meet the following criteria:)

  1. 要有防曬
  2. 可以有色, 但係唔可以太白 (我健康膚色ma, 唔想變白面魔女), 透明就最好
  3. 唔可以係gel狀 (因為我好少用同一個品牌既底霜+粉底, 如果個gel底霜同另一個品牌個粉底唔夾既時候好易會捽到一粒粒)
  4. 可以令面部平滑d, 等搽粉底個時貼d靚d
  1. Contains SPF
  2. Can have color corrective function but cannot make my face too white (again, I have tanned skin), best to be transparent finish
  3. Cannot be in gel form (I seldom use base and foundation from the same brand, if the gel base doesn’t go with a foundation from another brand, it could cause peeling effect)
  4. Smooth skin and enhance the foundation experience)

我都真係幾麻煩, 但係就係因為我咁麻煩, 所以我真係好少買錯底霜 (如果有咁多條件都買錯就真係無野講喇….哈哈…).  以下呢個產品都符合sa我以上既要求, 佢就係我親愛既…

(English:  I am very troublesome, ain’t I?  Because of my “special requests”, I seldom end up with a wrong kind of base.  I have to say that the following fits all of the above specifics…here comes my dearest….)

Chanel Base Hydratante Lissante
Age-Defying Radiance Moisturizing Base SPF20/ PA++

價錢 (Price): HK$395/ 35ml

個咀仔好細, 唔會一下子唧過量.
(English: The dispensing point is small, won’t be squeezing too much out.)

Product Information:


(English: “BASE HYDRATANTE LISSANTE, comes with a light, fresh and delicate texture that reveals a youthful complexion: glowing with radiance, plumped with moisture, and with reduced signs of aging. The application of foundation is facilitated, and wear extended all-day long.

It is also enriched with a hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin and ensure comfort that lasts all day long. A pea extract plant complex helps to protect collagen and elastin fibers, which tend to deteriorate over time. A mineral screen and sun filter protect the skin against harmful sun rays (SPF20 / PA++). Skin’s youthfulness is preserved.”

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 40+ times

用後感: 佢個texture好杰身下, 一推開會覺得好白, 但係慢慢再推開個時就唔會覺得好白.  佢唔算好容易blend得開, 所以要有小小心機慢慢去將佢推開.  佢有少少清清地既香味, 比起其他Chanel產品, 佢隻香味一d都唔誇張.  佢做到平滑, 滋潤, 有光澤既效果, 但係唔係死白, 佢比我既感覺非常良好.  佢能夠俾到皮膚光澤感係因為佢帶有少少閃粉, 講緊佢d閃粉量唔係多, 但係好好好近睇既話會見到少少.  放心, 一d都唔誇張 (因為我自己都好唔鍾意成面閃既感覺).  我自己用左一期, 我覺得要適得欣賞佢既人先會覺得好用, 因為佢同我地平時d底霜個質感有d唔同.  我都係用落左之後發現越黎越多佢既好處.  佢另一大優點係佢令我既粉底好持久, 無咩浮粉同埋出油既情況出現.  讚讚讚!!  我有時仲用佢當係低調既highlight黎用添, 哈哈.  有時唔化妝, 淨係用佢+碎粉感覺都好精神.  真係一物多用.  我覺得佢比較適合乾性既皮膚同埋秋冬使用.  始終佢都比較滋潤ma (放心, 佢係滋潤唔係油lup lup).  雖然佢個價錢係Chanel價, 但係每次既份量都用好少, 呢枝產品應該可以陪我過秋冬.  嘻嘻.

(English:  After-use Comment:  The texture is quite thick/ solid.  When it’s first blended out, it looks sort of white on skin.  After blending it out a bit more, the whiteness would be gone *phew*.  It’s not the most easy to blend item on earth and it definitely requires a bit of patience to blend it out evenly and nicely.  It contains a decent scent, when compared to other Chanel products, this scent is not excessive at all.  It truly performs in smoothing, moisturizing and adding radiance to skin.  It’s a brilliant product!  The reason it adds radiance to skin is because it contains a sparse amount of shimmer in itself (you have to get really really really close to see the shimmer).  Don’t worry, it’s not over the top at all, it’s really subtle as I dislike having “bling bling” face as well.  I have been using this for awhile and I feel like it takes person to appreciate it to find it great since its texture is a bit different from what we normally see in the market.  I have been playing with it for quite awhile before I could conclude my feelings.  The best part of this item is that it helps the foundation last longer.  I don’t have any foundation melting or oil secretion problem after using this base.  Excellent in this sense!  Sometimes I use this as a subtle highlight and sometimes I just use this with loose powder alone – love that radiance it brings on skin!!  Definitely there are more than one way to use this product!!  Hmmm… I feel that it’s more suitable for people who have dry skin or in the dry weather.  It’s more on the moisturizing side!!  *Grins*  Haha, for the price, it’s with a Chanel price tag, but every time I just use a tiny amount, so I have a feeling that it will accompany me through this Autumn and maybe even Winter time!)

P.S.  其實呢枝產品我都敗左好一段時間, 一即未寫係因為我一直未試得出我對佢真正既感覺.  今日終於都可以終結左我對佢既感覺同大家分享….好舒暢 (寫得好舒暢先真)~~  哈哈….

(English:  Actually I got this product for quite some time, I just hadn’t really conclude my feelings towards it.  I am so relieved that I could finally group all my comments and feelings towards this products…*relieved*….)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.chanel.com)
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