[保養] 溫和去死皮爽膚水

水狀既產品有好多種,可以係essence亦都可以係toner。但係唔係好多品牌會出一d可以去死皮既水狀產品! 用磨沙唔可以日日用(一星期用一次夠喇),同埋用黎磨頸都好唔方便。我自己屬於脆弱肌膚,但係如果d去死皮既產品太過刺激既話,我又會敏感。 真係好煩!! 不過近期我揾到好野,所以今日想分享下一隻我自己用左兩個星期既去死皮產品俾大家:

(English: There are many skincare products are in liquid form, like essence and toners. However, not many brand would release dead skin removing products in liquid format. Scrub cannot be used daily (at most once a week is good enough) and is inconvenient to use on the neck area! My skin is a bit fragile. So if something is too strong, my skin would definitely react (quite troublesome eh?). Recently, I have been using the following dead skin removing product for a couple weeks and I want to share my thoughts with you today:)

Menard Fairlucent Clear Lotion


價錢(Price):HK$450/ 160ml

Product Information:


(English: You can easily clear away dead skin on on a daily basis just by wiping this onto your face.  It also helps whiten skin and enhance the benefits of the skin care benefits of the latter products.)”


佢係水狀,用法好簡單。洗完面之後,將佢倒落cotton pad度,之後避開眼同咀位抹落面到! 用完落面,我仲會用將cotton pad抹頸同手爭,有時我仲用黎沒腳面添!!! 

(English: It’s of a liquid form and the usage is really simple. After cleansing your face, pour the clear lotion onto the cotton pad, then wipe the cotton pad on face (avoiding eye and lip areas).  After using it on face, you can use the same cotton pad on your neck and elbow as well. Sometimes I even use it on my feet!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感:佢個質感同平時既toner無分別,只不過係佢主要既功效係幫我地去死皮。 所以最好既時間就係一洗完面就用佢。 我覺得佢真係超方便,因為我用佢抹完面會抹埋頸。我抹面張cotton pad反而無咩啡色(證明我洗面洗得好乾淨),但係我一抹頸就真係不得了!! 大家記得用佢要好好避開眼位,因為佢都有少少供眼,但係佢無令我敏感。抹完個下,覺得連毛孔都乾淨埋, 個感覺係好refresh!!尤其係頸位,抹完個下見到好啡,真係好有成功感!! 之後再用自己既產品做保養就可以喇。 我覺得加咗佢係我個routine裡面可以令我之後用既產品更加吸收添(因為無死皮阻住)!! 我有時仲用佢係身體既其他部位,真係唔好睇少。我地成日保養塊面,但係就忽略個身,所以好多時我一抹既時候,張cotton pad都係超啡色,見到個下覺得恐怖得黎又好有成功感!!!哈哈!!! 我覺得磨沙係磨走比較厚既死皮,但係用呢隻產品就係日日逐少逐少將死皮抹走!! 同埋我個人覺得用呢隻產品可以仔細d抹,磨沙就係大範圍同埋唔可以磨咁耐(會好傷)!!! 我自己比較鍾意用呢個產品,一來我用完唔會面紅(有時我用完磨沙會),二來我又可以用佢抹身體其他地方,等我之後用產品可以更加有效!!! 讚呀!!! 如果你地都唔好磨沙,你可以去counter玩下呢個產品丫!!抹完佢皮膚都滑好多呀!!! 正!!!

(English: Product Review: Its texture is very similar to the normal toner but its function is definitely different (focus on removing dead skin instead). The best time to use this product is right after face cleansing. I find this so convenient, because I do not only use it on my face, but also I use it on my neck!! When I use it on my face, the cotton pad doesn’t change its color (that proves that my face is perfectly clean). However, when I use it on my neck, the cotton pad basically turns brown (horrible)!! Remember, it slightly stink the eye areas, so when you use it, make sure you avoid the eye areas as much as you can. So far, it works on me fine because I have experienced no irritation. After using it, I feel that my pores are clean as well and the feeling is very refreshing, especially the neck area (it’s kind of an achievement to see the cotton pad turn brown *laughs*)!! After that, you can just follow your normal skincare routine. I feel like this could actually help my other skincare products to be absorbed better (no barrier!!). Sometimes, I also use this on my body. We all care about our face, but most of the time, we neglect our body. When I use this on my body, I usually find the cotton pad turn into dark brown (gross!!!). I personally think that scrub is for removing thicker layer of dead skin, whilst this product is for removing those tiny bits every day. I also like the fact that I could be really thorough using this product (well I cannot with a scrub because I can be scrubbing one area forever, not good to the skin)!! I really like this product because 1. My face is not irritated in anyway and 2. I can use it on other parts of my body. This definitely helps to build a clean foundation for my other skincare products!! If you are not a big fan of using scrub, you can check this product out at the counter. Skin feels really smooth to touch after using this and I am sure you will be tempted!! Nice!!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.menard.com.hk)


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