[旅遊] 台灣美食

話咁快我月尾就去日本, 返嚟之後, 我應該會出個日本專輯! 我之前未去過日本, 所以超興奮(我仲未點做research添~~)。之因為咁, 我想出咗呢篇文先, 話sa我都係台灣返咗嚟好耐喇。 係時候出埋篇美食文, 咁我嘅台灣之旅就告一段落(係,之後仲有篇泰國美食文, 哈哈!!)!

(English:  Ohhh time really flies!  I am going to Japan at the end of the month!  I plan to have a series of blog posts about Japan when I come back.  I haven’t been to Japan before so I am like super excited (I still haven’t done any research~~).  Because of this, I want to issue this piece first, well, it’s been awhile since I came back from Taiwan anyway.  Then I could “end” this Taiwan chapter (hmmmm…still have a piece on Thailand *laughs*!!)

我一向都覺得台灣好多好野食, 除咗掃街之外, 各大小餐廳嘅食物都好唔錯. 我今次冇時間去掃街, 所以只有時間品嘗下餐廳嘅美食jar!

(English:  Taiwan is famous for good food/ street food.  I didn’t really have time to explore for any street food, so I just went to some restaurants instead.)

我有日去Sogo敗家, 我太餓, 所以我就走左上去上面d餐廳醫肚。 我揀咗間食意大利野嘅:

(English:  One day, I went to Sogo to haul and I was really hungry.  So I went upstairs of Sogo and picked an Italian restaurant:)

有餐食, 有salad, 有意大利粉, 有野飲。 仲可以加錢食甜品。 但係我食唔落啦, 因為d份量都幾大份ga! 但係我覺得味道唔錯, 同埋好抵食。 我記得個餐好似都係NT310。 如果多人去食仲正, 可以試多d野!!

(English:  There was sets, including a salad, a plate of spaghetti and a drink.  You can also pay NT20 or something to get a dessert!!  But that was like way too much for me, so I didn’t opt for the dessert as the portion was quite BIG!  The whole set was like NT310 and the taste was good!  I reckon that going with a few friends would be really fun, then you could probably order a few more dishes to try!)

哈哈, 記得我係W Hotel有日咪食咗個早餐? 跟住我話個早餐三個女仔食都得? 因為我俾佢個早餐嚇一嚇, 所以第二日我就去咗7-11買個三文治同coffee算喇(同埋我個日多少少時間去買):

(English:  *laughs*  Remember I said earlier that I had breakfast at W Hotel and it was a gigantic portion?  I got scared and I opted for a 7-11 sandwich instead (I had more time that morning):)

好無聊, 我好欣賞個三文治!! 我覺得台灣有樣野好, d野真係幾好食, 好難會食到d難食嘅野。 同埋我覺得佢地個三文治望落都好有心。 都幾好食呀!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Honestly, I quite admired the sandwich.  I love Taiwanese food because they usually look and taste good!  Even the sandwich looked so different from those HK ones!!  Quite nice indeed!!)

另外有日, 我又好自由食自己。 無咩時間去得遠, 所以我都係周圍行, 見到咩有興趣就走入去。 我行行下見到呢間食日本curry嘅野就走咗入去。  叫咗個雞排飯, 話說d curry有d辣辣哋。

(English:  Another day, I dined on my own.  So I just explored some restaurants in the neighborhood area. This Japanese curry restaurant caught my eye.  I ordered some rice with chicken and the curry was a bit spicy!)

個女仔仲同我講話如果唔夠辣, 可以加呢個! 哈哈! 台灣人真係食得辣, 簡直係我的菜!!

(English:  The lady told me that if the curry wasn’t spicy enough, I could add this!  I love how Taiwanese love spicy food.)

仲有個小食跟埋添! 其實淨係食個小食都飽咗啦!

(English:  It came with an appetizer.  OMG!!  Just by eating that made me full already!)

哈哈! 呢間真係要講講。 1010係我公司附近, 即係中山站! 嗰邊個老闆問我想食咩, 我就話要食辣。 佢地就即刻話去呢間。 話我老闆大人都好鍾意去呢間食。

(English:  *laughs*  I really had to talk about this restaurant.  1010 is in my company neighborhood, somewhere in Zhongshan station.  The boss there asked me what I would like to eat and I mentioned something spicy.  She immediately mentioned that we should head to this restaurant since it’s my big boss’s favorite as well.)

我地太興奮, 所以我唔係好記得要影相。 點知當呢碟野嚟到嘅時候, 我就話: iPhone食先呀! 哈哈!! 呢煲野係臭豆腐。 同港色嘅臭豆腐唔同。 佢真係好臭呀!! 臭到我呆咗!! 但係食d豆腐又好入味同埋有少少辣!! 正!!

(English:  We were doing too much talking, so I didn’t remember to take any photos.  But when this dish came, I was like, “OMG! iPhone eat first!!”.  It’s some sort of smelly tofu dish and it looks really different from the HK ones.  It was really SMELLY!!!  Ha – but the tofu tasted really nice and spicy!!  Cool.)

呢個佢地叫俾我食, 係金沙骨咁, 用好多香料去煮。 真係叫得無錯, 好好食。 但係又係啦, 食完呢個都飽咗! 哈哈!!

(English:  They deliberately ordered this for me.  Like a rib with loads of herbs.  Really tasty!!!)

仲有甜品添。 你話係咪飽死咗(我仲有幾碟野無影到)!

(English:  We had dessert as well – I was soooooo full walking back to the office that day!)

好好笑!! 我有日同同事去食LUNCH, 佢地帶我去泰國野! 哈哈哈!! 我去完台灣去泰國, 點知佢地帶我去食泰國野!!  不過我唔係麻煩嘅人, 我無咩所謂。 都係一餐jer! 難以得人地有心帶我去!

(English:  Funny eh!  I had lunch with my colleagues in a Thai restaurant!!  Hmmm…my next trip after Taiwan was actually Thailand, and they brought me to a Thai restaurant.  I didn’t really mind, I just thought it was quite funny!!)

我覺得呢個煲好靚, 所以影低咗。 同埋佢地好得意。 會問你你想要泰國米定係台灣米! 哈哈!

(English:  I love this Thai style container.  The staff at the restaurant asked you if you would want Thai rice or Taiwanese rice!! *laughs*)

佢地整嘅泰國野, 我就覺得同香港泰國野嘅水準差唔多。 唔算好特別!

(English:  I think for Thai food in Taiwan, they are actually on the par with the HK Thai restaurants!!)

台灣d野真係好食! 唔知係咪我心理作用, 我覺得我去咗幾日就漲咗少少。 哈哈!! 唔緊要啦, 就算漲咗返香港都會瘦翻。 最緊要開心!!  再去嘅話, 我要再去食麻辣火鍋!! 真係超掛住!!

(English:  Food in Taiwan is really delicious!!  Not sure if it was just in my head, I felt like I had gained a few pounds when I was in Taiwan.  It didn’t bother me though as I know after landing back in HK, I would shred off that a few pounds!  The most important thing is to enjoy myself!!  Next trip to Taiwan (don’t know when), I definitely would go to spicy hot pot again!!!  I miss that!!)

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