[化妝] 日本眼線好物

我真係迷戀日本嘅藥妝店,超多野賣仲要無人煩我, 可以等我慢慢揀! 哈哈! 真係超好行!好似我video咁講, 我主要係買d香港無嘅野。 我成日都認為佢地唔出口嘅野係最好嘅,所以買d日本唔出口嘅貨品一定唔會點衰(當然出口野都有好野, 但係我覺得無唔出口個d咁好)。 好似今次咁, 我就遇見呢枝超級眼線筆喇! 先望下個樣丫, 你都應該認得佢, 佢就係我嘅giveaway中其中一個主角喇。

(English:  I am totally in love with drugstores in Japan.  There are many items to choose from to start with, also I can really take my time because no assistant would bug you!  *laughs*  Just like what I said in my video, I was targeting stuff that I couldn’t get in Hong Kong.  I strongly believe that the non-exported stuff in Japan are the best, so I was kinda targeting those when I walked around (well, there are goodies for the exported goods as well but they are not as good as those not-exported ones).  One very good example is this super eyeliner!  Let’s take a look at the pic and I am sure you would recognize it straight away because it’s one of my giveaway items.)

Love Liner Pencil
(Color: Rich Black & Noble Brown)


我望真d, 原來佢唔係Made in Japan, 佢係Made In Germany㗎!

(English:  When I took a closer look, they are not made in Japan, they are actually made in Germany!)


(English:  Got one black and one brown!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

簡單用後感: 我係video都講過話我點解買佢啦。 我先試上手, 見用紙巾捽佢都唔係好甩, 咁我先買一枝。 嗰晚我去沖涼瞓覺, 第二日起身見到仲有一條線。 之後我就去買咗枝啡色同埋買多三枝黑色(多一枝做backup, 另一枝送俾個眼位好油嘅朋友, 另一枝做giveaway!)。  哈。 一返到嚟香港即用, 超掂! 佢隻黑色真係超黑, 無閃粉, 簡直就係我的菜!! 畫落下眼線位超易畫上色超, 筆芯一d都唔硬, 唔會整到眼唔舒服。 仲要佢嗰持久度係十級勁! 我朝早畫完, 過咗十幾個鐘, 一d化開甩色都無! 你話係咪超掂? 我個朋友都同我講, 話佢眼位好油, 用咩都會甩色, 但係佢用呢枝筆就出咗成日街一d都無甩到, 佢超開心! 我都話我當日係drugstore試完第二日都見佢仲係度嗰下, 我已經有預感係好野! 哈哈! 我知我之前講過有幾枝眼線筆我都覺得好用, 但係我用過呢枝之後真係覺得無一枝及得上呢枝! 你地去日本記得掃貨呀!!! 推推推!!

(English: Quick Review:  I mentioned in my video the reason why I bought this.  When I first tried it, I rubbed the line with a tissue and found that it stayed (how I usually test to see if I would buy an eyeliner or not), then I decided to get a black one.  That night, I took a shower and went to bed, the next day, I still found a faint line on my hand.  As the story went, I went back and got 1 brown one and 3 black ones (one for backup, one for my friend with oily eyelids and one for giveaway!).  *Laughs*  I immediately tried it after getting back to Hong Kong!!  OMG GOOD!!  The black is like a jet black without any glitter – definitely my cup of tea!  I use it on my lower lash line and it glides on super easily and smoothly.  The pen is not hard at all and it won’t make your eye area uncomfortable.  Also, its staying power is absolutely amazing!!  I use it in the morning and after 10 plus hours, it hasn’t smudge or fade!!  Amazing eh?  My friend told me that since her eye areas were really oily, everything that she used before either faded or smudged.  After she received this from me, she tried it and she was amazed how she stayed on, she was super happy about that!!  See, the day I tried it in the drugstore and the fact that it was still there the next day, I knew it was good stuff (I am psychic lol).  I know I did mention a few eyeliners that I thought was quite good before, but I have to say after using this, none of them could be comparable!!  Remember to haul this when you are going to Japan!!  Highly recommended (can’t stress this enough).)

(More information about the brand: http://www.msh-labo.com/loveliner/)

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