[化妝] 來自英國的水狀胭脂

如果話我係胭脂控都真係無錯! 唔知點解我就係對胭脂有一種著迷,一見到唔同色又靚既我一定唔會放過! 前一期我見UK既YouTuber係咁講呢隻胭脂,我最終都係忍唔住敗咗一枝黎玩下~

(English:  I agree totally that I am actually obsessed over blushes!  Not sure why but I have this addition towards blushes.  Whenever I see something new or some colors that I like, I have to have them!  Quite awhile ago, some UK YouTubers were talking about this blush and I couldn’t stop myself from getting one~~)

Daniel Sandler Watercolor Blush
(Color: Angel)

價錢(Price):£14.50/ 15ml

Buy Here


Daniel Sandler係化妝師,而家佢出自己品牌喇~

(English:  Daniel Sandler is makeup artist and now he has his own line of makeup products~)

Swatches & Texture:

Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:水狀既胭脂! 我覺得佢比粉狀既黎得自然,比cream狀既爽身! 當然唔同質感都有自己獨特既好處,唔係話邊個好d,而係你自己鍾意咩效果多d。 呢隻水狀既胭脂上面係好易推開兼好透薄自然! 我自己就好鍾意Angel呢個色,因為搽落我度都好自然, 我通常係想接近素顏既日子就用佢,咁就有好氣息喇~ 另外我鍾意佢既一個原因係佢都好持久,係又濕又熱既日子last一日都無咩問題!! 掂呀!!  如果你都鍾意透薄自然效果,都可以諗下呢隻胭脂~佢係香港又係無得賣,要網購呀:HERE

(English:  Product Review: Water color blush!!   I think it looks a bit more natural than the powder blush and it definitely feels lighter than the cream blush!  Of course, different texture brings different results, it’s not a competition on which one is better, it’s a matter of which texture you like best.  This is very easy to blend and it looks absolutely natural and thin on skin.  I am in love with this color – Angel, because it looks really natural on me and I usually use it when I wear minimal makeup (it helps me to achieve that healthy glow~~).  Apart from the color and the texture, I find it very long-lasting (lasts all day!).  Wonderful!!  If you like blushes that can create that natural glow, you could give this a try as well.  Again, it’s not available in Hong Kong, you have to order online: HERE)



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