
“Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to Hakme’s Blog!  Happy Birthday to YOU!”  哈哈, 唔係我生日 (我生日係冬天ma), 係我個blog生日至真!  時間過得真係快.  唔經唔覺我寫左呢個黑咪blog已經兩年喇.

(English:  “Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to you.  Happy Birthday to Hakme’s Blog!  Happy Birthday to YOU!”  Haha, nah, it’s not my birthday (my birthday is in Winter), it’s my blog’s birthday!  Time flies!  It’s been two years since I started this blog!)

我仲好記得寫第一篇文個陣, 我坐係做諗, “唔知我玩呢樣野可以玩幾耐?  唔知會唔會有人睇?”  跟住又諗, “其實敗家試野都係我專長, 有無人睇都唔緊要啦, 最緊要自己敗得開心, 寫得用心!” 興趣ma!  就係因為興趣呢兩個字, 呢個blog就日日與我同在喇 (差唔多日日啦).  更加開心既係, 我對呢個興趣既熱情反而係有增無減!!

(English:  I still recalled the moment when I wrote my first piece.  I was thinking, “how long am I going to sustain this blog?  Is anyone going to read this?”  Then I thought, “well, hauling and testing out products are my strength.  It doesn’t matter if anyone is going to read it or not.  The most important should be I haul with happiness and write with my heart.”  It’s my interest and because of this particular interest, my dates with my blog has been going on for 2 years almost on a daily basis.)

最初淨係得呢個blog,  寫左一陣, 我又諗可以加d咩等大家多d野睇, 而家又整下YouTube.雖然我拍片既技術仲未去到爐火純青嘅境界, 但係我自己就覺得幾得意同幾好玩.  遲d大家應該會見我越嚟越癲!!  嘻嘻.  為左呢個興趣做咁多野, 係好多人眼中可能覺得好無聊, 出去玩下好過啦.  但係係我眼中係一種分享, 如果同到其他人去分享我覺得好用唔好用既產品, 又見到大家有時真係會seriously比我燒親, 我覺得好開心. 

(English:  At first, I did only blogging.  After awhile I thought what I could do to add on more stuff – hence came the idea of YouTube.  Even though my shooting skills need to be polished, I quite like making videos since it allows me to be creative and original.  I guess you will see me getting really crazy on YouTube (fun!).  Hehe, I have done a lot of different things because of this interest, and I know many of the times, people think I have nothing better to do.  However, in my eyes, it’s a form of sharing.  If I get to share my product reviews with you all (sometimes I even see that you get “burnt” just by reading my good comments), I feel so good inside.)

但係呢個都未係最開心.  最開心係我有時會收到你地既email問我野, 你地會話比我聽其實你地靜靜地睇左我個blog好耐, 呢個真係每次聽到都覺得好感動.  一d唔識既人會成日用自己既時間睇我寫既野, 點會唔感動?  同埋呢排同你地係Facebook傾多左計, 雖然大家互燒既成份居多, 但係都好開心, 突然間覺得多左好多好朋友.

(English:  However, that’s not the most rewarding thing, the most rewarding thing is sometimes I receive emails from some of you asking comments on products, you all tell me that you have been following me for a good while.  That’s the most touching part!  “Strangers” who are willing to give up their own time and read my stuff, how could I not be touched?  Also, I have been hanging around with you on my Facebook Page quite often these days, even though it’s all about how to set each other’s wallets on fire, I feel happy doing it.  I feel like I suddenly have lots of good friends!)

你地成日都多謝我分享, 今次我都想多謝你地成日咁支持我, 同埋成日係我Facebook留言.係因為你地, 我既興趣先變得更加有意義, 同更加interesting.  我會繼續努力, 希望可以做到分享之餘都可以帶多d entertainment factor比大家.  當然我更加希望呢個blog會有好多個兩年啦 (哈哈!!). 

(English:  You ladies always thank me for my sharing.  This time, I want to thank you for your generous support and leaving comments on Facebook.  Because of all of you, my interest has become more meaningful and interesting.  I will keep up the work and hopefully I will be able to bring in more entertainment factor to you while I share.  Most importantly, I hope there are many “two years” for my blog in future!!)

Have fun!!

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