[保養] 不油不膩的蜂皇漿精華

之前係video都介紹過呢個產品,但係因為我成日都怕個video好長,所以我要就住d時間黎講,未必可以好詳細分析件產品俾大家聽! 所以我通常都補個篇文章,等大家可以再睇下相同埋再了解下件產品。

(English:  I have talked about this product in one of my previous videos.  Since I am usually very concerned on the length of the video, so I feel like I cannot talk as much as I like about a product in the video.  Therefore, I usually write a blog post before or after the video as a reference point for you all as well, so that you could take your time to look at the pictures and understand more about the product!)

Quin Royal Jelly Contour Shock

價錢(Price):HK$580 5x10ml

Product Information:

“This is a concentrated serum richs in precious active principles, already well known in facial beauty care for all skin types, and for all ages.  It not only helps to fight against wrinkles, nourishes and restore skin beauty in short time, but also helps to diminish blackheads or pimples, re-balance and smooth the skin.


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感: 大愛佢個質感,因為唧出黎之後,按落面一陣就吸收哂,唔會油笠笠得黎感覺反而係幾爽下! 我用左佢十日,覺得毛孔細咗d同埋皮膚既緊緻度同保濕度都提高咗!! 除此之外,佢係俾超敏感皮膚/做完美容儀器既皮膚使用,即係話佢有幫助修復皮膚既功能, 我覺得而家轉季用佢比較安全,因為我轉季易敏感,所以我用護膚品要好小心!! 我so far用完佢皮膚都無咩唔舒服,而家天氣唔穩定,我會keep住用佢用到轉好哂季! 另外我都超like佢個包裝,真係新鮮d,用完幾枝想轉其他野都唔怕擔心開咗口用唔哂會變質!! 正呀!! 我超like呢個royal jelly,係我用過咁多款最爽身同吸收既一款!!好好好推!!! 佢咩膚質都啱,所以如果你想揾一d有修復功效既精華素,你可以諗下呢隻!! 正爆!! 

(English: Product Review: I really love its texture because it’s so easily absorbed into skin and it doesn’t feel greasy or heavy at all (on the contrary, it feels quite light)!  I have been using it for 10 days, I feel that my pores are smaller, the elasticity and hydration within skin have been improved!  Apart from that, it’s designed for really sensitive skin or skin after beauty machines, that means that it helps to regenerate skin!!  I feel safer using this serum now because I usually get allergies when there is a change of weather, so I have to be extra careful of what I use!  Also, I really like its packaging!!  I don’t have to worry about the essence turning bad in a really short time if I want to use a couple tubes and then start using them.  Brilliant!!  I really love this royal jelly!!  Highly recommended!!!  It’s suitable for all kinds of skin types, if you are looking for something that’s effective in regenerating skin, you might want to consider this!  Thumbs-up!!)

註: Quin呢個品牌係Italy品牌,我盒royal jelly係made in Italy ,我上網search過佢唔多資料,我諗係同佢專做美容院生意有關。 不過我見Made in Italy 就安心用~~我唔去美容院,所以我唔知邊間有,我係MUA間店度買!

(English: Remarks: Quin is an Italian brand and my set of royal jelly contour shock are
made in Italy. I did some research on the internet and there is not
much information about the brand, I think it’s because it’s more
associated with beauty salons than retail. However, I feel safe to use
when I see “Made in Italy”. I don’t go to beauty salons, so I am not
sure which salons would carry their products. I got these from the MUA

Makeup Artist店舖地址:尖沙咀利時商場10樓08室 (Monday – Saturday 1pm to 7pm)。
大家記得個日要落去就打個電話俾佢先,佢成日出job,我怕你地白行。 仲有,你地落去買野記得同佢講話係黑咪介紹,佢會俾95折俾你。
佢電話:6169-3166 Molly


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