[清倉] 不斷狂敗也要清清貨

正因為不斷狂敗家, 所以更要不斷清清貨(唔係邊又位放新野?)。 呢度係我上兩個月嘅成果, 有好多應該都出咗文, 但係有d就用完都未出。 哈哈, 點解我成日都係咁? 係咪用完先出文代表我好認真呢? 哈哈!! 睇睇有d咩先?

(English:  Since I keep hauling, I need to clear some of my stock to make space.  I was so focused for the last couple months and maybe I should tell you what I have finished so that we could recap on the products being good or bad.  I have talked about some of them but for some of the others, I haven’t written anything even I have used up the products already.  *laughs* Anyway, let’s look at what I have here:)

L’Occitane Repairing Dry and Damaged Hair Shampoo + Serum

洗頭水我就未寫, 等我用埋枝conditioner一次過出文啦。 哈哈, 反而我枝SERUM大愛我就寫咗喇 (回顧按此)。

(English:  I haven’t written anything about the shampoo, I will wait for the conditioner and put a piece together.  *laughs*  But I have already talked about the beloved serum before (refresh memory).)

Menard Beauness Spa Essence

用完喇! 之前都出過文講佢(回顧按此)。 真係幾好用!

(English:  Finished!!  I have talked about it before (refresh memory).  It’s a great product!!)

LUSH Happy Hippy Shower Gel

呢嗰就之前上過我大愛video, 但係我就未正式講佢。 唔緊要我仲有一枝。 下次可以同大家分享。 哈哈, 超香西柚味丫!

(English:  This appeared in one of my fav videos but I haven’t formally talked about it.  Don’t worry, I still have a new one.  I will share my comments later.  Love the grapefruit scent!!)

IPSA On The Peak Eye Esthetics Mask 10 pairs

買咗好耐, 近期先用完。 都係未出文, 不過我就影咗相! 遲d講啦。 唔。。。我欠大家好多野呢!

(English:  Got these for awhile but finished them recently.  Haven’t written a thing about it but I have took some photos.  Let me talk about them later.  How come it seems like I have owed you all so many blog posts?)

Love More Cloth Mask

用完一盒, 仲有另一盒未開, 等無咁凍先丫! 我之前都拍咗個video, 有興趣知好唔好就睇下個video啦。

(English:  Finished 1 box and there is another one unopened.  I shot a video before and if you are interested in the detailed comments, please see the video below.)

Cle De Peau Sample Pack

呢個唔洗講, 當日拎咗翻嚟即用。 仲燒咗自己去買Cleansing Cream同埋Balancing Lotion, 但係兩樣都未開丫!! 哈哈哈!!

(English:  I started using it the night when I got the sample pack and I went straight to the counter to buy the Cleansing Cream and Balance Lotion.  They are sitting in the shelf unopened though *laughs*!!)

Kiehl’s Bath & Shower Liquid Body Cleanser – Grapefruit

呢個係生日嗰陣拎嘅。 不過我唔覺得有咩特別好同唔好wor! Grapefruit味我覺得無LUSH個隻咁香咁正。 保濕我又唔係好覺。 所以我無咩comment, 當然我亦都唔會買佢嘅full size啦。

(English:  This was a birthday gift but I didn’t feel anything special.  The grapefruit scene wasn’t not as great as Lush’s.  For moisturizing/ hydrating, I didn’t feel any of those effect.  Of course, I am not tempted to buy the full size at all.)

Bliss Fat Girl Slim

呢個係之前Glossybox其中一樣item。 我係幾鍾意個質感, 但係呢個份量係試唔出d咩出嚟! 所以我又係無comment。 本身都想買下嚟用, 但係而家用緊泰國Oriental Princess隻去橙紋嘅東東, 用完再睇下會唔會買Bliss嚟試。

(English:  One of the items in Glossybox.  I quite like the texture but I couldn’t notice any effect with just 1 week’s usage.  So, I don’t really have any comment.  I did want to buy the full size but currently I am using Oriental Princess 5 in 1 Fit & Firm, so I will use up those ones first before considering trying Bliss.)

Cle De Peau Clarifying Lotion

呢個係我上次買野俾嘅sample。 係toner咁樣, 可以去死皮。 用就幾好用, 不過我唔會買, 因為而家用緊Chanel Le Blanc Pre-lotion, 功能一樣。

(English:  Got the sample during the last purchase.  It’s like a toner and can remove dead skin.  Quit a nice product but I am using Chanel Le Blanc Pre-Lotion which has similar function.)

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer

呢個真係好好用, 但係我就未寫! 又等下我啦。 我仲有一枝丫! 哈哈!!

(English:  Brilliant product but I haven’t started writing.  Wait for me *laughs*, I still have one more tube at home.)

Nature & Co. Honey Blend Body Soap

呢枝都係沖涼野, 但係就無咩特別。 我係買開野送嘅, 如果話要我俾錢買就No No喇。 佢又唔算好香, 又唔係太保濕。

(English:  This is a shower product but nothing special at all.  It was a gift but if I had to pay to buy it, NAH!!  The scent isn’t great and it’s not really hydrating.)

Chanel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover

呢枝應該係我用完嘅第三枝Chanel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover。 真係好好用,我之前都拍咗片, 可以回顧下啦(如下)。

(English:  My 3rd bottle. It works really great and if you are interested, I have a video review as follows.)

IPSA Refiner Skin Clear-ize Clay

呢個又係爆好用。 每次用完都好感動。 如果你有興趣, 可以回顧下我個video丫。

(English:  Another wonderful product!!  I am so touched every time after using it.  The detailed review is as follows.)

Kamill Olive Balm Shower Gel

我d沖涼野真係去得好快, 唔係講笑! 呢枝都唔錯, 好香同埋洗完唔乾。 仲要百佳有得賣, 平平地嘅選擇!

(English:  I really use up shower stuff fast!  This one is nice too!  It smells really nice and it’s quite hydrating.  It’s available at Park’in Shop, quite a reasonably priced choice.)

Swiss Programme 24-Hour Lip Balm

本身都覺得呢個幾好用。 但係好奇丫, 用都最尾變咗臭味, 感覺唔多好。

(English:  At first, it was a great item.  But it kinda had a strange scent when I almost finished it up – hmmmmm didn’t feel good.)

Guerlaine Abeille Royale Night Cream

又係之前買野送嘅。 呢個份量一星期就會用完, 唔係好睇到有咩效果, 但係呢, 我發現佢係一d都唔保濕, 要用保濕精華打底先夠, 唔係用幾日會覺得皮膚好乾。

(English:  This was a sample that I got before and I finished it in 7 days, so couldn’t tell the major effect.  However, I noticed that it was not hydrating at all, had to use a hydrating serum underneath, otherwise, skin would feel dry after a few days’ usage.)

Coco Chanel Moisturizing Body Lotion

嘩, 超級香同超級潤呀! 又唔lup, 真係好唔錯!! 不過當然啦, full size價錢會偏貴喇。

(English:  OMG!  Super nicely scented and moisturizing (not overly rich!).  Very nice!!  Of course, the full size would be pricey!)

Albion Exage Moisture Milk II

終於用完。 呢個保濕功能超強。 詳情可以睇翻我之前嘅文章丫(回顧按此)。

(English:  Finally finished this.  It was really moisturizing!!  Please read my previous piece for more details (refresh memory).)

HR All Mascara Eye Makeup Remover

呢個我又唔覺得有咩特別! 感覺效果好一般。 唔係特別快落到眼妝, 都係要落幾次先乾淨呀。

(English:  Nothing special about this!!  It didn’t remove the eye makeup quickly, I had to use it a few times to remove my eye makeup.)

我應該唔會個個月出呢d文, 我都係會兩三個月先出一次。 都幾好,有時用細細枝個d產品唔會特別寫篇文, 但係用呢個方式起碼可以用大家分享好初步嘅感覺!希望大家睇得開心啦。 又要專心清野先。 哈哈, 我成日都咁講。

(English:  I wouldn’t write a piece like this every month but I would certainly do it every 2-3 months.  Quite nice eh?  Sometimes for those smaller size products, they don’t really get to be mentioned in my blog, but now I could use a few lines to sum up my initial feelings!  Hope you enjoy this piece!!  Time to be focused on clearing my stock again!)

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