[保養] 雖然保濕但係唔會特別推介既保濕面膜

有d產品我真係唔明白點解我要咁耐先生出一篇文章! 我見我真係有好多產品都係未分享, 但係用就用左成年。 照計我應該用一個月就可以分享, 但係我真係太善忘, 又成日敗家, 分享文經常俾敗家文打尖!! 唔好講咁多喇, 我希望我呢個一月可以乖乖地分享一d我買咗十世耐既產品,等我可以了無牽掛地用哂佢地! 今日想分享一下Guerlain既面膜! 我買左好耐又用咗好耐(唔係佢好大枝可以用好耐, 而係我用緊好多野), 我今日發覺我應該用多一次就用完, 所以拿拿聲分享埋先!

(English:  I don’t really understand why it takes me so long to write a certain blog post about certain products!!  I finally realize how many products are not being mentioned here in my blog (yet) but I have been using them on and off for a year?!!  Actually according to my frequency of blogging, I should probably review them after a month’s usage but I am too forgetful (sometimes) and I haul too much, so the hauling pieces always jump in the queue!!  Right, hopefully I can really take the time in January to finish writing about them so that I don’t have to worry about using them up!!  Today I am going to talk about Guerlain Super Aqua-Mask.  I got this a good while back and I have been using it for a long while (I have been alternating between stuff).  Guess what?  With one more time of usage, I should finish the tube – yay!!!  Let me share my comments now!!)

Guerlain Super Aqua-Mask

價錢(Price):HK$450/ 75ml (I got it in a set)

Product Information:

“Guerlain Super Aqua Mask. With as many
active ingredients as in a 30ml serum, this mask delivers all the
effectiveness and pleasure of an intense moisturising anti-ageing bath
to the skin. After 10 minutes, the hydric mattress expands and
moisture-boosted skin is plumped and revitalised. Freed of signs of
fatigue, the skin appears visibly smoother, supple and luminous.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):Almost a tube

用後感: 好耐之前我用過,但係我唔係好記得個效果, 所以見佢之前有set就買咗, 諗住可以同大家分享下(點知一拖拖咗成年)。 我係超鍾意用一枝枝既mask, 因為見佢吸落去個下真係好有滿足感, 但係而家好似好多brand都唔係好出呢d tube mask咁(嗚嗚)。 佢個質感我覺得屬於gel cream, 好易推開, 感覺亦都唔會好heavy! 基本上敷10分鐘, 就可以拎toner抹咗佢或者過水(除你啦)。我敷大概5分鐘度就會變透明, 通常我都敷15分鐘, 等皮膚吸夠佢! 過完水之後, 我覺得皮膚真係濕潤咗, 亦都回復彈性, 效果好即時! 但係我覺得除咗呢個感覺之外, overall感覺唔算好特別, 亦都唔會嘩一聲! 同埋我覺得佢效果唔long-lasting, 過一日皮膚就會打回原狀! 我覺得普普通通當係一個即時急救既保濕面膜就可以啦, 但係如果係咁, 我又覺得佢個價錢過高喎(唔係brand問題, 係個function問題)。 我用完呢個產品唔會特別回購, 因為呢個價錢仲有好多其他選擇! 我唔會特別推薦呢個產品俾大家, 如果你想買保濕mask(無咩其他function), 我都係會推Avene Soothing Moisture Mask, 雖然得50ml, 但係價錢平一半, 效果亦都比較持久呢!

(English:  Product Review: I used this particular mask long time ago (prior to my blogging life) but I kinda forgot about if it was good or bad, so when I saw that there was a set, I got one, thinking that I could review the product on my blog (didn’t think you would have to wait for 1 year).  I can’t stress how much I love using hydrating mask in a tube because I enjoy seeing it turning transparent (meaning being absorbed).  However, it seems to me that not that many brands do hydrating mask in tubes now (they focus more on paper masks) – how disappointing!  Its texture is like a gel cream format, very easy to blend and I don’t feel too heavy or greasy!  Basically, you put it on for 10 mins, then you can wipe it off with toner or rinse it off (depending on your own preference).  Usually I see mine turning transparent after 5 mins’ application but I mostly wait for 15 mins before rinsing, just to let the skin absorb more!  After rinsing, I feel that skin is definitely more hydrated and more elastic, the effect is instant!!  But, apart from that, I don’t feel that there is anything too special about the mask.  The overall feeling isn’t too special and it doesn’t surprise me in anyway!  Also, I feel that its effect is not long-lasting enough because skin goes back to whatever state it is the next day!  I think if I treat it as an instant hydrating mask, then it’s OK!!  Wait, no it’s not OK for the price if it just does simple things like that (it’s not about the brand, it’s about the function of the mask).  After using this up, I wouldn’t repurchase because for this price tag, I have quite a few other choices!!  I wouldn’t specially recommend this mask to you.  If you are looking out to get a hydrating/ moisturizing mask (which does just that), I would highly recommend Avene Soothing Moisture Mask instead, even though it’s only 50ml in size, it’s half of the price of Guerlain and its effect is more long-lasting!!)

如果你有其他tube狀保濕mask想我試或者推介俾我, 好歡迎呀! 我好想再揾下一d好用既tube mask呀!

(English:  If you have other hydrating masks in mind that you want me to try or you have a good recommendation, it’s most welcomed!!  I am always on the search of a very good hydrating mask in a tube format!!)

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