[保養] 溫和到連轉季或敏感肌都用得既產品

之前出咗幾集短既Pre Party Series,頭一個就當然係護膚啦! 我自己覺得皮膚太緊要喇, 皮膚唔好真係講咩化妝品都係無用。 雖然化妝品都可以遮走皮膚上既瑕疵,但係我覺得個底妝都係唔會有個種好透薄同自然既感覺(係,我真係追求唔洗點遮既皮膚)。

(English:  I have released a few short videos regarding the Pre Party Series, the first one is of course skincare!  I have a huge thing on skincare because I think that’s the basic of everything.  Yes makeup can hide certain things, but still I don’t think the base makeup would look really thin and natural if you have too many things to hide (yes, I am chasing for flawless skin, like real skin)!)


(English:  Since I cannot stand AHA (well my cheeks would go red immediately followed by burning sensation), so all the peel treatment are not suitable for me, that’s why I picked this treatment (if you have watched it yet and if you are interested, you can always hit the play button *laughs*):)

個treatment全部都係用一個美國品牌DermaQuest既產品,佢係專為皮膚科醫生同美用師而設既,同埋佢地係made in USA,所以品質都應該有保證! 可能係因為我自己無做過d好強勁既peel,所以今次出黎既效果我自己都覺得好滿意,做完酵素之後覺得塊面明亮咗超多,同埋真係好有光澤! 之後再做埋保濕,我就覺得好吸收之餘,皮膚亦都會覺得好彈手! 我覺得如果你想保養下,但係又唔做得peel呢d比較強既treatment,你都可以試下呢個。 但係如果你話你想要好強效果既話,咁當然都係peel既效果會再明顯d啦! 但係提提大家啦,去做treatment之前最好就係了解自己既皮膚狀況,對咩係敏感,想要咩效果先去做,咁就可以減少失望既機會喇!

(English:  All the products used in this treatment is from DermaQuest, their products are designed for dermatologists and beauty technicians and their products are made in USA, so there is no worries on the quality!  Maybe because I haven’t anything dramatic to my face, so I am quite happy with the results from this treatment.  Face is definitely more bright and hydrated after.  Skin is quite bouncy to touch as well!  If you just want to take some good care of your skin, but your skin can’t stand those peel treatment, then you can give this one a try.  However, if you want something with more obvious results, of course those peel ones would be a better choice!  Just a reminder, prior to the treatment, you have to understand your skin conditions, what you are allergic to and what kinds of results you are after, then it will minimize your chance of disappointment!)

我做呢個treatment個日係星期一,但係我party既日子就係星期五。 我唔星期四去做因為我唔sure做完出黎會唔會有咩紅或者其他issues,所以如果有大日子,通常我都係幾日前去執執,如果有d咩,都有時間可以俾皮膚復完呀! 亦都因為中間有幾日先到大日子,為咗想效果更加持久,我就用咗以下既產品做平日既保養,等個效果可以更加持久:

(English:  I did this treatment on Monday but my party was on Friday.  I didn’t get my treatment done on Thursday because I wasn’t sure of the results or if my skin would get red.  So I usually go to get my treatment done usually a few days before the big day.  If there is any issue, at least my skin has time to recover!  And because of the few days in between and I want to prolong the effect from the treatment, I have been using the following as my routine:)

DermaQuest Skin Therapy Delicate Skin Cleanser


價錢(Price):HK$368/ 236.6ml (Will have discount at A-plus)

Product Information:


(English: “This creamy cleanser lifts dirt and debris from sensitive or compromised skin while Argan Oil and soothing ingredients aid in the skin’s healing process.”)


Before Blending



簡單用後感: 佢個質地好似洗面奶,好易推開同埋好薄身! 佢有少少香味,但係真係好少。 我覺得佢好好用呀,用落面好舒服同埋過完水之後皮膚摸落都滑同埋唔乾得黎又唔會過潤! 最正係如果面有少少紅同埋痕,用完佢之後皮膚都好快calm down! 我覺得如果你敏感又想揾洗面奶,我好推呢隻,尤其係轉季用真係好啱,可以抗敏!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Quick Review: The texture is of a milky texture, very easy to blend and it’s of a very light weight!  It contains a bit of a scent, definitely not too much!  I really love this.  It’s very soothing to use and after rinsing, skin becomes soft and smooth to touch.  Skin feels quite moist as well.  The best part is that if your skin is red or itchy, it can calm down your skin.  So if you have sensitive skin or you want to switch to a cleansing milk during this changing weather, I highly recommend this one!  Perfect for changing weathers as it combats allergies!! *Winks*)

DermaQuest Skin Therapy Advanced B5 Serum


價錢(Price):HK$704/ 29.6ml (Will have discount at A-plus)

Product Information:


(English: “Formulated with Sodium Hyaluronate, this excellent product is a dermal hydrator which holds 1000 times its molecular weight. It is easily recognized and accepted at the cellular level, allowing active ingredients to effectively penetrate the skin.”


Before Blending




簡單用後感: 呢個就真係無敵! 因為係我做facial既時候都有用呢個,我當時已經覺得佢吸收得好好! 佢係一般既透明lotion狀,係皮膚到按一陣就會被皮膚吸收哂,吸完之後會覺得皮膚望落好細緻同埋摸落好有彈性好夠水份! 正!! 仲要鼻敏感成日要抹鼻,好多時都會甩皮,用咗佢之後我就無咗甩皮呢個情況出現,所以我覺得佢保濕功效好強! 第二日化妝都好貼架! 正!! 推推推!!

(English: Quick Review:  This is amazing!  It was used on my face when I had my treatment, I could feel that it got absorbed into my skin very quickly!  It’s of a transparent lotion texture, massage it onto skin a bit and it will get absorbed totally.  After absorption, skin looks refined and full of moisture!!  Brilliant!  I have nose allergies and I always rub tissue on my nose, that usually cause some flaky skin around the area, but after using this on my skin, the situation has gone!  So I conclude that it has a great hydrating function, plus the makeup lasts better the next day!!!  Nice!!!  Highly recommended!!)

DermaQuest Skin Therapy Revive Cream


價錢(Price):HK$640/ 29.6ml (Will have discount at A-plus)

Product Infomation:


(English: “Leaves a silky, refined texture while penetrating deeply into the dermis to hydrate and stimulate collagen and elastin development. Formulated with moisturizers, anti-aging plant extracts, and antioxidants, this cream is ideal for clients with normal to dry skin.”



Before Blending



簡單用後感:呢個cream唧出黎係黃色,都好易推得開。 佢個質感按上面既時候感覺比較潤,但係都算係快吸收。 我覺得呢個cream係比較適合乾性皮膚,如果你係混合性/油性皮膚,我就覺得你有機會會覺得過潤。 So far,我覺得佢既潤膚功效係唔錯,但係如果你話其他效果,我就覺得唔明顯喇!

(English:  Quick Review:  This cream looks yellow and it’s easy to blend.  When it’s used on skin, it feels rich but it gets absorbed into skin quite quickly.  I think this is more suitable for dry skin types.  If you have combination or oily skin types, you probably feel a bit heavy.  So far, I think it’s a good moisturizer, but there is not much other effect!)

簡單黎講,我好推個cleanser同埋個B5 serum,如果你地係敏感肌或者係轉季會敏感,你地都可以試下呢兩個產品! 

(English: In simple terms, I really love the cleanser and the B5 Serum.  If you have sensitive skin or you have allergies during the change of the season, then you may want to give these a try!!)

Treatment and Products are available @ A-Plus Beauty Medical Centre
Address: 7/F, 18 Cameron Road, The Mangan Building, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Tel: 2723-0616


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