[職場] 我改唔到,呢個係我

前陣子約咗一個同事傾野,其中,我要俾翻一d佢做野既feedback俾佢諗住等佢下一次再去做同樣既事既時候成功既機會高d!我都知道之前好多人都俾過feedback呢位同事,亦都有人同我講唔洗特別再同佢講多次。但係我諗如果唔同人講,可能有唔同效果,所以我都覺得我應該話俾佢知佢有d咩可以進步。 詳情我唔多講(唔係三日三夜講唔完),我會粗略地講俾大家聽(唔係我怕你會悶)。

(English:  Awhile back, I had a meeting with a colleague and I had to give him some feedback on his work so that he could improve it next time!  I know that many people have already given feedback to this colleague, and some even said to me that I didn’t have to tell him again.  Well, I just thought that different people saying the same thing might have a different result, so I insisted to tell him some of my thoughts on his areas of improvement.  I won’t go into lengthy details (it would take 3 days and 3 nights), I will give you a general feel (don’t really want to bore you…).)

事源係呢位同事好想有機會升職(好明白,因為都係公司做咗好多年),當中都有好多唔同既機會去俾佢表現自己,可惜既係每次既機會一係就演變成佢自己既Show Off舞台,一係就係佢搞到同其他人關係唔好收場。 當中亦都有好多人去俾過feedback佢, 有無改? 有,不過仲有好多進步空間。

(English:  Indeed, this colleague has been wanting a promotion for a long time (totally understand since he has been working at the Company for quite awhile).  He was given so many opportunities along the way, but every time, it either turns into a show off stage for himself or it worsens off his relationships with other parties.  Many have already given feedback to him.  Has he improved?  Yes, but still many more to work on!)

正因為我好欣賞佢對公司既熱情同埋努力,我就俾咗一d constructive feedback佢。 佢聽完之後第一句同我講:”我改唔到,呢個係我!” 好,咩都唔講,研究下呢句:”我改唔到,呢個係我!”。 你身邊都應該有同類既人,一句:”我係咁架啦” 就大哂。 無錯,人最難得就係個個唔同,咁世界先會好有趣(個個一樣會好悶)。不過,唔係一句話 “我係咁架啦” 就要全世界人就你。呢個係基本做人既People Skils!! 有個性係好事,但係要收放自如,唔係自信變自大。

(English:  Since I admire that he is really loyal to the company, his passion and diligence, I gave him some constructive feedback.  After I stopped talking, the first line he spilled out of his mouth was, “I can’t change, this is who I am!”  Right, let’s forget about the rest of the story and drill down this particular phrase!  I am sure you have some similar people around you as well, they often say, “this is ME!” and they would expect the world the spin around them.  Rightly so, the world is interesting because there are so many different kinds of people (otherwise it would be totally boring).  However, you can’t expect the world is going to spin magically around you because you say, “this is ME!”  This boils down to basic people skills!!  Having a strong character and appreciating one’s own character is a good thing, but please handle that attitude very well, otherwise, confidence would become arrogance!)

出黎做野,人地無必要去遷就你(如果你係細公司CEO就可以)。人地跟公司方向culture去做,亦都係一個群體社會,如果你要一枝獨秀玩另類,你要好有自知知明,係咪有d野你好掂,掂到可以無People Skills都生存到? 唔係既話,咁唔好咁大聲會好d!

(English:  At work no one would spin around you (only if you are the CEO of some small company).  The general folks follow company’s directions and cultures; if you want to play special, make sure you understand yourself really well – do you have a thing that you are so good at, so good at to a point that you could forget about people skills (still being able to survive).  If not, please don’t shout the phrase every time when people give you feedback!) 

改進唔係將自己改變成另一個人,只不過係留意一下自己可以做得更好既地方,時常提醒自己,自然會養成一個好習慣。每個人都有優點有缺點,做朋友,你不修邊幅,人地覺得你好真;但係返工,你放大自己缺點會令自己機會流失。何必呢? 我明白有d野好難改變,但係咁最少係可以將自己既缺點無限放小丫(將自己優點無限放大)。我覺得呢個真係好基本!!

(English:  Making improvement doesn’t mean that you have to change to someone else.  It’s about paying attention to the things that you can improve, reminding yourself constantly of the things that you can do better, then it would naturally become a habit.  Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.  Being a friend, I could appreciate your total honesty; but at work, there is no need for you to magnify your weakness (hence minimizes the possibility of having chances).  I understand changes are difficult sometimes, but at least you could minimize your weakness (magnify your strengths), right?  This is just so basic!!)


(English:  When you minimize your weakness, people don’t feel awkward/ pressure when working with you, then they would see that you are very diligent, responsible dah dah dah, and scores would go up!  When there is an incident worth to be high-key for, then be high-key (most of the time stay low-key though).  Like when you complete a project really well and receive some compliments, be happy, celebrate the success, share tips…etc. But mind you, a lot of the effort don’t just come from one single person, be sure to thank everyone who have helped you along the way.  You will win friends doing this and success will be a bit closer to you!)

(English:  I don’t think success is a milestone, it’s actually a process.  When you do something, when you talk about something, it determines if success moves closer to you or not.  If you cannot improve yourself for the word success, then please don’t talk about how frustrated you are and how hard you work and still success is nowhere to be seen.  It’s because you can’t see where the real success comes from, it comes from you, and you have to work on you to get to “success”.  Being yourself sometimes can cost you!!)
呢篇文章唔係話叫大家去扮野,只係話要係職場上成功要不斷追求自己去進步。唔想進步無所謂, 知道自己追求d咩就可以喇。

(English:  This blog post is not asking everyone to be fake and pretentious!  It’s just that when you are at work and you should have a mind-set of continual improvement when you want to be successful.  If you don’t want any of that, that’s fine too.  That most important thing is knowing what you want.)

(photo from http://justmeandhowiam.webs.com)

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