[保養] 一枝啱油性同混合性皮膚既洗面產品

平時屋企都已經有好多產品都未試,而家加埋係FB開店,你想像到我屋企產品多既程度係可以擲死我! 呢枝產品我朋友(混合性皮膚)我試完三個星期,又到咗我手上! 本身我未咁快試佢丫,點鬼枝我朋友分開幾次同我講佢有幾愛呢枝產品,佢好似好心急等我confirmation,好啦好啦! 俾佢打尖! 我自己而家由混合性偏乾變咗乾性皮膚喇,所以我會終合我同我朋友既感覺review一下呢隻產品!

(English:  You can imagine that I must have quite a few products at home which are waiting for me to try.  Now with the opening of FB Store, you can literally take your imagination further because I have so many products that I think I could be covered by all these products!  My friend (combo skin type) had been using this for 3 weeks and finally this product is in my hands!  At first, I didn’t plan on tesing it so quickly, but then my friend mentioned on 3 separate occasions that how much she loved this product and she was anxious to know how I felt and my green light.  Right OK!  I let it jump the queue this time!  Right now, I am more of a dry skin type instead of a combo skin type, so I will incorporate the thoughts from both me and my friend to do this review!)

Skin Need Lightening Cleanser

價錢(Price):HK$398/ 160ml

佢既產品係香港好耐喇,不過佢係做美容院行業多,所以平時係街無點見過! 佢品牌係美國,亦都係美國製造!

(English:  Their products have been in Hong Kong for a good while, but they usually got sold to the beauty salons, so we don’t see them in the street usually!  It’s a US brand and the products are made in USA as well!!)

Product Information:

“A botanically derived moderate foam cleanser to naturally lighten and brighten dry skin.

Allergy-tested and suitable for sensitive skin. Amphiphilic property to remove oil as well

as water based make-up for a thorough and comfortable cleansing effect.”


Before Blending



Coco B Approved!!

Coco B都係油性到混合性皮膚,佢都approve呢件產品咁話!!我有枝mini版係俾佢用既!

(English:  Coco B has combination to oily skin type and she has approved this product!  I have got a mini size for her to try!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage): Friend – 3 weeks; Me – 2 weeks
用後感: 雖然佢講話落妝都得,但係我覺得佢落妝功效唔強,你淨係搽防晒用黎落防晒就可以,但係唔可以當係落妝產品呀! 當佢係洗面產品! 佢個texture係gel狀,跟據我用野咁耐既經驗,佢應該係比較清爽型(真係!!)! 枝出黎係有少少粉紅色,氣味方面都算係輕微唔係強! 加水之後唔算係好多泡泡,但係就洗得好乾淨,過水之後感覺保濕得黎係清爽! 同埋佢係有lightening功效,唔係話洗完白咗,而係洗完明亮咗,皮膚無咁暗! 佢講話啱dry skin,我就唔同意,我覺得佢真係比較適合油性同混合性,因為呢兩種皮膚都會出油,出咗油多數好暗,用呢類型既cleanser會啱d,同埋texture黎講,油性同混合性皮膚會覺得啱啱好,反而乾性皮膚都會覺得唔夠潤同有少少乾既感覺! 我結論係,如果你係油性/混合性皮膚而你又想揾隻可以幫你bright up皮膚既cleanser呢,你可以諗呢枝。 如果你係乾性皮膚呢,我唔建議,你再等下我講另一個產品丫!如果你有興趣就email (iamhakme@hotmail.com)我啦~
(English:  Product Review:  Though it claims to be able to remove makeup, I feel that its makeup removing power is not strong enough.  If you just use sunscreen and want to use this to remove the sunscreen at night, no problem!  But it cannot be treated as a makeup remover!  Treat it as a facial cleanser!  Its texture is of a gel texture, based on my experience with skincare products, it should be more of a light finish (yea and I am right!)!  It looks somehow pinkish out of the tube and contains a really light scent!  It doesn’t create a lot of foam but it certainly cleans really well, after rinsing, skin feels hydrated but light!  Plus it has lightening function, which means that it brights up (not whitens) your skin after use and it kicks away that dullness for you!  It says to be suitable for dry skin and I have to disagree, I feel that it really is more suitable for oily/ combination skin types because these skin types have more oil secretion on face and this causes dullness, so it’s perfect for them to use a lightening cleanser like this!  Plus texture-wise, it’s just the right amount of moisture for oily and combo skin types.  For dry skin type, it’s not moisturizing enough!  My conclusion is that, if you have oily/ combo skin types and you are looking for a cleanser to bright up your skin tone, you can give this a thought!  If you have dry skin types, I don’t suggest you use this and please wait for my next recommendation!!  If you are interested, you are welcome to email me (iamhakme@hotmail.com)!

黑咪小店/ Hakme’s Store: HERE

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