[試色] 泰國敗回來的化妝品

好喇,之前睇咗video啦, 係咪? 因為淨係講野都講到無氣, 所以喺video度我無特別試色俾大家睇, 如果唔係我諗我個video要半個鐘。 今日試翻色俾大家望下啦, 如果要去泰國就真係要留意喇(又燒下大家先)。  先嚟Smashbox個palette! 又係啦, 我下面d相全部都無用野打底, 等大家可以睇到佢地本身嘅質感同埋真係出唔出色。

(English:  Yea – everybody watched my previous video regarding the Thailand haul right?  Well I was kinda loosing my breathe shooting that video talking about so many products, therefore I didn’t swatch any of the products during the shoot (otherwise my video might last more than 30 mins).  Let me swatch them for you today.  If you are going to Thailand anytime soon, please pay attention (let me tempt you *laughs*).  First comes the Smashbox palette!!  Again, I didn’t use any primers in the following photos so that you could see how pigmented the products are!)

Smashbox Photo Op Eye Enhancing Palette Brown Eyes

好靚丫! d色又夠出又夠飽和! 好滿意! 最衰香港已經無得買Smashbox d野喇, 而家要出國先可以買到喇。

(English:  Amazing!!  Colors are pigmented and rich!  I am really happy with this palette.  Too bad that Smashbox retreated from Hong Kong, now we can only go somewhere else to get their products.)

Boots No. 7 Baked Half Marble Blush

雖然兩隻色望落好似, 但係其實係有少少唔同。 我去個陣No. 7 makeup買一送一呀, 係咪超抵?

(English:  The two colors look really similar but actually they are a bit different.  When I was there, No. 7 makeup was on promotion – buy one get one free.  Super good deal eh?)

Boots No. 7 Blusher Palette

我幾時變咗胭脂控? 真係買左好好好多, 不過隻隻都好靚! 加上又平又上色, 唔買有d對自己唔住。 哈哈!!

(English:  Since when I become a blush freak?  I got tons of blushes lately but I love everyone of them.  These are really reasonably priced with high pigmentation.  Couldn’t resist the temptation!!)

Oriental Princess Extra Fine Eyeliner
(Color: No. 01 Dark Brown)

我嘅大愛泰國品牌, 用咁多樣野, 都未點失望過! 我記得我5,6年前去已經有買嚟用喇。 所有野都好正, Makeup仲要超好用。 我未試過佢地嘅eyeliner, 所以今次買咗。 可能泰國人都搽好多啡色嘅化妝品(襯翻膚色), 所以我覺得佢地嘅啡色靚過黑色(黑色唔夠黑)。 我未開始用, 用完再同大家分享丫!

(English:  My beloved Thai brand!!  I did try many of their products (hair, body, makeup) and I haven’t been disappointed so far.  I first tried their products like 5 – 6 years ago and I loved each one of them, especially the makeup!  I haven’t tried their eyeliners yet and therefore I got one to try this time.  I figure that Thai people love earth tone colors (really suit their skin tone), therefore I notice their brown makeup is better than black makeup (the black in my opinion is not black enough).  I haven’t started using it yet, I will share my comments later.)

Oriental Princess Beneficial Individualist Eye Primer
(Color: No. 04 Soft Silver & No. 6 Sunny Sand)

呢兩枝真係唔講唔知係eye shadow primer, 我初初仲以為係eye shadow, 因為見佢超級閃, 不過BA同我講係eye shadow primer又試俾我睇, 咁我覺得個質感幾好就敗左喇。 我今次去d makeup買一件第二件半價, 所以好興奮咁敗敗敗呀!

(English:  I didn’t know these two are eye shadow primers, I thought they were eye shadow because they are super glittery.  Well when the BA told me that they were eye shadow primers and try them on her hands, I was like “Oh OK!!  I will get them!!” *laughs*.  Besides, all the makeup I got this time from Oriental Princess were half priced on the 2nd item, so I was totally in a hauling mode!!)

Oriental Princess Makeup Case + Eyeshadow + Blush


(English:  Got these separately and picked your own colors, then you put them together to create your mini palette:)

佢呢個系列嘅眼影胭脂我5,6年前都買過, 我仲要用完埋添。 真係超級好用。 我成日見人地話Oriental Princess嘅body/ hair野好好用, 但係其實佢地嘅makeup真係一絕,有機會去, 你地記得要去敗翻嚟。 如果淨係想買少少試下, 我好推呢組眼影胭脂, 可以自由配搭! 仲要質量超好!

(English:  OMG!!  I tried this particular line of eye shadows and blushes 5-6 years ago and I have finished them awhile back.  Really super great quality.  I often find people talking how good Oriental Princess body/ hair products are, but really, their makeup products are brilliant too!!  If you have a chance to be there, remember to haul some.  If you only want to try a couple products, I would really recommend this set as you could pick your own colors and the quality is absolutely wonderful!)

Giffarine Glamorous Eyeshadow & Blusher 
(Color: Set C)

呢組12色嘅眼影胭脂palette都係超上色! 好正(雖然我未用上面, 但係淨係試色都試得出喇)。 好開心!! 泰國本土嘅出品真係唔錯!! 好開心丫!!!

(English:  The colors in this eye shadow and blush palette are greatly pigmented (haven’t tried them on my face yet, but I could tell how good they are when I was swatching them).  Really happy about these products and I love the local Thai brands!!  Now I really have a gigantic smile on my face!!)

後話: 雖然敗嘅化妝品都有好多係大地色, 好似隻隻都差唔多都係個d色, 不過其實睇真d, d質感顏色都會有d唔同。 最搞野係上個星期有個friend同我講要去影結婚相, 佢睇我video鍾意我d大地色smokey eyes makeup, 所以問我可唔可以個日幫佢化妝。 我叫咗佢send張理想中嘅妝容俾我望下, 哈哈, 都係Becca/ Bobbi Brown feel, 我答應咗再望下我堆化妝品心諗: 無買錯!!! (係,有時都要多d藉口嚟俾多幾個理由自己去敗家) 唔知個日天氣點呢? 希望好天啦!! 我會影下相同大家分享下嗰日亞靚女個妝容!!  哈哈!!

(English:  Side-story:  Even though I hauled almost all the earth tone colors, it might seem that each color is very similar to each other.  Indeed, when I look closely, that’s not the case. Each color and texture is different!  The most funny thing was I got an inquiry from a friend last week, saying that she is going to get her wedding photos done and when she saw my videos, she loved my earth tone smokey eyes makeup.  She asked if I could be her makeup artist that day.  I asked her to send over her “ideal” makeup look for that day and I laughed when I found out that she wanted to look like some Becca/ Bobbi Brown models, I immediately said yes and looked at all my haul and thought, “Intelligent Haul!!!” (Yea, sometimes I do need more excuses for myself to continue hauling!!)  Not sure what the weather like that day, hopefully it’s dry, cool and sunny!!  I will take some photos of the beautiful bride-to-be and share with you all as well *laughs*.)

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