[科技] 自拍相機的迷思

之前你地都聽我講話我而家係到尋覓緊一部自拍相機, 事源係因為我而家個兩部相機都好難自拍得到, 而iPhone個front camera又好唔靚, 就唯有睇下事面有無部靚而又細細地既相機啦。  因為我要細細部, 所以我先睇Samsung既相機。 我記得佢有d機係可以自拍到既。

(English:  You must have heard that I have been looking for a camera which allows me to shoot myself.  It’s because that my two cameras currently don’t allow me to do that and iPhone’s front camera sucks, therefore, I am on the search for some compact cameras with a flip screen or something.  Since I love compact cameras, I look at a couple of Samsung cameras:-)

Samsung SMART Camera DV300F

呢部係新出嘅, 個相機前面有個小screen, 想自拍個陣就按一下個 button就會係前面個screen見到自己。 佢仲有wifi功能, 拍完相同片可以直接upload上social media同朋友分享! 但係講真, 我睇前面個screen就覺得個quality唔靚! 但係影出黎既quality就幾靚幾sharp。

(English:  This one is a new release and there is a small screen on the front of the camera.  When you want to shoot yourself, just press a button and you can see yourself from the front screen.  It offers wifi function, you can upload the pics or the videos directly onto the social media websites to share with you friends.  However, the front screen quality is not that great.  Hmmm…the quality of the photos are quite decent tho.)

Samsung MV800

呢部就真係成個screen可以flip上黎, 望落個screen靚好多, 但係顏色影出黎偏黃。 呢部就無wifi function喇。  不過佢就真係好細部好靚仔! 有得自拍既細相機真係唔多,所以我就想呢兩部揀一部。 但係當我係點玩玩下既時候發現當我zoom in個陣, 兩部相機影出黎個image都係唔sharp(我已經揀左macro)。 咁我諗唔得wor, 如果我影化妝就唔得喇。 於是我無買!

(English:  This one is with a flip screen.  I love the screen quality but the photo quality is on the yellow side.  It doesn’t have wifi function but it’s very small and compact.  Since there aren’t many choices in the market, therefore I wanted to choose between these two.  BUT when I was exploring in the store, I zoomed in and took a pic of my eyes – both of the pictures weren’t sharp enough (already chose macro function).  Hmmmm…I can’t have that because I need to use the camera for my makeup.  I had to give up because of this particular defect!!)


(English:  Then, I researched some more on the following camera which is a super hot item in China right now:)

Casio EX-TR150

呢部野最特別既地方就係佢個mon可以360度轉, 要自拍真係超方便!

(English:  The most interesting thing about this camera is that the monitor can rotate 360 degree – very convenient to shoot yourself!)

除左個mon之外, 佢仲有女仔最愛既美肌同埋剪貼function! 唔怪得內地叫呢部野做自拍神器!

(English:  Apart from the rotating monitor, it has some girly functions like brightening and cut and paste.  Therefore it’s called Self-portrait Magical device in China!)

哈! 因為我好好奇佢影出黎d相靚唔靚, 我就去左Fortress同Broadway問佢地有無呢部demo玩下。 點知兩間野個答案都好奇!

(English:  *Laughs*  Since I am curious if the photo quality is good, I went to Fortress and Broadway to see if there is a demo to play with.  However, their answers were a bit funny!)

我: 想問下你地有冇Casio TR150?
我: 係無入定係無貨?

Me: I wanna see if you have Casio TR150?
Sales: Nope.
Me: It’s sold out or you never got this product?
Sales: Anyway, we don’t have it!)

我覺得好奇, 我之後再去問一間Mr Honey平時買開相機既店仔。 佢地我問十間十間都應該話無, 因為內地炒到成4, 5千一部! 吓? 我上網望下, 真係丫! 我見炒到成5千7蚊一部都有。 原價都只不過係HK$2,680。 哈哈! 生意人即係生意人, 成個香港都無得賣, 但係竟然有d人仲有貨可以賺個double! 而我地呢d真係正正經經想買部黎自用就唔洗問!

(English:  I got even more curious, then I went to a store whereby Mr Honey purchases his camera equipment quite a few times.  The guy asked me to give up because no store will be selling them since they are selling at 4-5 thousands in Mainland China.  Really?  I went online and did a search – oh yea!!  I saw one selling at HK5,700 when it’s original price is only HK$2,680.  *Laughs*  Business is business!  There is none left in HK and some people still hold some of the stock and make a double on them!!  For us who want to have them for self-use, no chance!)

哎! 我諗我都係等下先! 希望遲d唔知邊個品牌會出一部自拍相機而香港又正正常常咁有得賣啦! 唉, 你地又要等下我喇, 要等我買度部自拍相機我先可以post多d產品上面嘅相喇。

(English:  Ai….I think I am gonna wait and hopefully some brands will design something better and they will be available in Hong Kong.  *Signs*  You have to wait for me to get that, and then I can post some more pics with products on my face!)

(the above photos are extracted from http://www.casio.com.tw & http://www.samsung.com/hk)

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