[美甲] 新年閃閃甲款

之前聖誕整左款係比較Rock N’ Roll嘅, 但係新年我想有d新年氣氛。 新年當然要紅色啦, 但係我唔想係鮮紅, 所以我揀左隻深紅, 再加埋d bling bling, 應該都好夠氣氛喇。

(English:  I did a Rock N’ Roll nail style last month but I thought I had to have something more of the Lunar New Year spirit this time.  I didn’t want to go for bright red, so I picked a deep red this time, together with the bling bling, it should well illustrate the Lunar New Year spirit!)

我覺得咁樣襯埋d金粉又真係幾靚。 感覺好grand。

(English:  The bling bling work really well with the glitter!  So grand!!)

又係啦, 我唔想隻隻手指都一樣, 所以第四隻手指我整左金粉加bling bling, 叫平凡中有d唔同啦。

(English:  Again, I didn’t want all the 5 fingers exactly the same (a bit boring), so for the ring finger, I only have the glitter and the bling bling!!  Just a touching of something different!!)

整完我超滿意。 我覺得越去Tiara整得多, 我就越鍾意整甲。d女仔好nice得嚟又坐得好舒服。 雖然價錢貴少少, 但係我覺得一個月整一次都好值得。 我已經book左下次整甲嘅時間喇。 我睇magazine影底左d甲款, 計劃緊我下一次整咩。 遲d我post d相出嚟丫, 如果你想整都可以參考下。

(English:  I am really happy with this style!!  I have to admit that the more I go to Tiara for my nails, the more I love about having my nails fixed.  The girls are very nice and it’s a really comfortable place.  Though the price was on the high side, I only get it done like once a month, so it’s really worth it.  I have already booked my next appointment and I have taken some nail pictures from magazines for reference.  Let me post them later so if you want to do your nails, you could keep it as reference too!!)

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