[旅遊] 泰國好食

做野做到去泰國真係開心。 雖然無咩得玩, 但係勝在可以食當地嘅野, 我已經好心滿意足喇。 我真係超嗜辣, 泰國菜簡直就係我的菜啦!

(English:  I had a business trip to Thailand recently.  Even though it wasn’t for fun, I was happy because I got to eat local food!  I love spicy food and Thai food is actually one of my favourites!!)

當日搭好早機起程(下午要趕到公司呀!)。 我一向對飛機餐都咩要求。 同埋真係太早起身, 個人仲處於好迷嘅狀態, 所以自己都唔知自己叫咗咩, 仲知就係飛機餐囉(我記得係唔好食)。

(English:  I flew early that morning (had to arrive at work in the afternoon).  I didn’t have any expectation on plane food and it was so early that I wasn’t sure what I had ordered.  Anyway, it was plane food and it was not good.)

今次去到住係Four Season, 好靚好有圓林感覺。 但係我可以欣賞佢嘅時間唔多。 可惜。 當我去到check in完之後我又趕住要返公司。 咁又拿拿聲叫個room service, 我睇完成份menu都唔知叫咩好(唔吸引), 最鍾就是但叫咗碗日本風味嘅麵(其實我想食泰國風丫, 但係無野啱心水)。

(English:  I stayed at Four Season this time.  It was beautiful and it was very garden-like.  However, I didn’t have much time to appreciate it.  After checking in, I had to head back to the office very quickly, therefore, I had to order some room service.  After studying the whole menu, I didn’t know what to order (nothing was that attractive).  Well I had to eat, so I ordered for some Japanese noodle….I actually wanted to go for Thai, but there wasn’t anything inspiring….how sad….)

個麵都唔錯, 但係無咩味好淡咁。 我食緊個陣諗人在泰國食日本野, 我個刻真係超想食泰國菜呀!!

(English:  The noodle was quite nice but was quite blend.  I was thinking, “I am in Thailand but having Japanese food???  Really??”

我發覺泰國嘅飲品都係偏甜。 我第一日放咗工去敗咗幾枝嚟諗住夜晚飲。 哈, 好甜呀!

(English: I found that Thai drinks were quite sweet.  I picked a few to try after work on the first day and I came to that conclusion.)

第二日lunch同同事去食野。 佢地帶咗我去食意大利野!! 哈, 又唔係食泰國菜(哈哈)。 反而我覺得泰國嘅意大利野好食丫。 因為我覺得佢唔係跟sa正中嘅煮法。 佢會tune翻d味道俾當地人, 所以我覺得味道方面再濃d! 正! 我個同事叫個意大利面仲要係辣炒添, 好爽!

(English:  Second day, I went to lunch with my colleagues.  They took me to an Italian restaurant.  I somehow think the Thai version of Italian food tastes better.  They probably have to tune the taste to suit the local people, therefore, they taste with more herbs and spices.  NICE!!  My colleague ordered a stir fry spaghetti and it was spicy!!! Wonderful!!)

唉! 我又唔知叫咗杯咩野, 好超甜呀! 

(English:  *Sighs*….the drink was soooooooo sweet!!!)

好野! 到夜晚終於同同事去食泰國菜。 呢間野係喺d小巷入面, 所以我都唔知係邊。

(English:  Yay!!  Night time = Thai food time!!  This restaurant is inside some smaller alleys, so I wasn’t sure where it was.)

因為係泰國老闆發板, 所以我都唔知叫咗d咩。 淨係知道樣樣都整得好靚, 同埋味道真係好好!

(English:  Thai boss took the lead to order, so I wasn’t really sure what was ordered.  I only knew that every dish that arrived was soooo pretty and delicious!!)

又係有幾碟我無影。 因為又係掛住食同掛住講嘛! 哈哈。 所以話呢, 如果要寫blog真係要一個/兩個人去, 咁我先會記得記底所有野。

(English:  I, again, forgot to take photos of a few other dishes that we had since we were so concentrated on talking and eating.  *Laughs*  If I intend to write my blog,  I should really go alone or with 1 person, I could only ensure I record everything this way.)

話咁快三日兩夜就完lu!我去到機場仲有好多時間, 我專登揀咗間泰國野嚟食。 雖然機場嘅野都唔會好好食, 但係好過無啦!

(English:  The 3 days 2 nights really passed in a blink of an eye.  When I arrived at the airport, I still had a lot of time.  So, I picked a Thai restaurant for something to eat.  Well, I wouldn’t expect to have great food but it was kinda better than nothing.)

食咗個麵同蝦餅! 味道都幾好丫!!

(English:  I had some Tung Yam Noodle and pawn cakes!!  They actually tasted fine!!)

其實我都覺得自己好幸運, 今年一開始就去咗兩個我好愛嘅地方。 雖然記錄得唔清唔楚(因為我行程好趕,所以個人好迷), 但係都可以話係忙得開心。 好喇, 月尾要去日本, 一個我好想去嘅地方。 因為今次我都係去旅行, 所以我會記錄得比較好d! 等我嘅旅遊篇啦!

(English:  Indeed, I feel that I am really blessed because I could go to my two favourite places at the start of the year.  Even though I haven’t recorded them properly (the trips were in too much of a rush, therefore I wasn’t really myself *winks*), I could sum up that I was busy yet happy.  Right, I am heading to Japan at the end of the month, another favourite place!!  Since I am going on holiday this time, I should be able to record my trip in a lot more detail.  Wait for me *laughs*!!)

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