[化妝] 一枝可幫你修正膚色又可以幫你護膚既粉底

仲覺得好好用。我個感覺真係有d走寶feel呀!! 今次我去呢個function就唔係講Double Wear, 係講以下隻粉底,等我同大家分享下我既用後感先:

(English:  Can you believe
that I haven’t tried Estee
Lauder makeup products before?  Last time
I mentioned on Facebook that I went to an Estee Lauder event and tried their
foundation, many of you have told me that you have been using Double Wear and
you feel that it’s a brilliant
product!!  I feel like I have lost
something because I haven’t thought about
trying their makeup before (ahhhh – can’t believe I have actually missed the
goodies!!).  Well, the event I went to
was about the following foundation and let me share my comments with you:)

Estee Lauder
Futurist Age-Resisting Makeup SPF 15

價錢(Price):HK$380/ 30ml



中至高度遮瑕; SPF15

質感絲滑輕盈,卓越的保濕配方能活化亮膚,帶來細緻柔滑及緊緻功效,無瑕青春妝容更勝從前。 “

(English: For a
years-younger look. Light, silky formula helps revitalise skin for a smoother,
firmer look now and in the future.

Vitamins C and E and a plant-derived hydrating complex help protect and
moisturise skin, leaving it smooth, soft, conditioned.  




Bare Face:

Just Applied:

After 10 Hours:

使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:大家睇相都應該有個大概感覺喇。我先講佢個質感,唧出黎個下見到係似厚身既lotion狀,上面既時候好好推同埋可以推得好薄! 推開咗唔會有厚重同埋笠既感覺,好清爽,同埋感覺真係好保濕, 好似你搽完護膚lotion個種保濕感覺!! 好正!!!仲有就係,佢有中度既遮瑕度,用完佢之後我個超級黑眼圈唔見咗7至8成,掂呀!! 我無咩特別既日子用完佢,連遮瑕膏都唔洗用。 啱哂我呢個唔鍾意搽遮瑕膏既人!! 仲有我超愛佢個finish啦!!大家如果有留意,今年係好興dewy feel既妝感,即係話個finish係有少少濕潤同有少少光澤,搞到你好似好好皮膚好fresh咁!! Estee Lauder呢隻foundaton就正正做到dewy look既啱啱好效果,佢無閃粉,但係搽上面要有光澤既地方就有光澤,但係又唔會over咗, 望落覺得皮膚好好之餘又有個種好fresh好春天露水既效果!!超掂呀!!!  你知啦,啱啱好就dewy啦,over咗就好易俾人覺得油光滿面,所以just right既dewy係今年春夏既關鍵丫!! 另外我頭先咪話佢都好透氣同薄既,等我講下佢點薄法,搽完佢上面,摸一摸會覺得唔痴手,但係好保濕,所以加碎粉定妝既時候真係用好少就夠喇,如果你話你皮膚好乾,我覺得唔洗加碎粉都得呀!! 就係咁薄喇!!係咪已經好正(係我都寫得好興奮)?未完呀!! 佢仲有護膚成份,所以唔傷皮膚之餘仲會偷偷地幫你護理保濕抗老!!我用左佢一個星期,我呢期晚晚落妝都覺得皮膚比之前明亮!呢個真係一大bonus!!!當然啦,foundation最緊要既另一點係持唔持久,你睇我上面8個小時後張相,你覺得呢?我就覺得好持久喇,我用咗佢無咩點補過妝,同埋佢又唔會氧化變暗,啱啱搽個陣係點樣,10個鐘後都係咁既樣,真係好正!! 我諗唔到有咩理由唔愛佢丫!!如果你想買foundation,又鍾意我以上所有所講既效果,你真係要試咗呢隻先!!掂呀!!! 我而家都諗點解我唔早d試佢地既化妝品呢?!

(English:  You should be able to get a general feeling
about the foundation when you see the above pictures right?  First, let me talk about its texture!  When it’s squeezed out the tube, it looks like a
thick lotion, but it’s super
blendable on skin and it stretches quite far making the finish really
lightweight!!  When it’s blended, skin doesn’t feel heavy, it feels light and hydrated,
the feeling is similar to when you just put on your hydrating lotion – brilliant!!! 
Also, it has a medium coverage, after using it on my face, my serious
dark circles don’t look serious
anymore (70%-80% of the dark circles disappear) – GREAT!!! 
When I am just having a normal day, I don’t even bother with concealer after using this
foundation!!  Plus, I am also in love
with its finish!  If you have paid
attention to the trend, you will know that dewy skin is huge this season.  When the finish is dewy, it makes your skin
looks so hydrated, fresh and full of life!! 
Guess what?  This Futurist
foundation create the perfect dewy look! 
It doesn’t contain shimmer but somehow it gives the right light on the
most appropriate areas.  Everything just
look so in place and just right!! 
Wonderful!!  As you all know, dewy
skin look has to be just right, otherwise, you might end up looking like an
oily pan!! Oh I have also mentioned that it’s light and thin on the skin, let me describe how light it is.  When it’s applied on skin, it’s not sticky but
hydrating, therefore, only a tiny bit of loose powder is enough to set the
foundation.  If you have really dry skin,
I would suggest to skip the loose powder!! 
Wonderful eh (I am so EXCITED!!)? 
Not the end of the story!!  It
also has skincare function in the sense that it hydrates and anti-ages!!  I have been using it for a week and when I
remove my makeup at night, skin is not dull anymore (when compared to prior
using this foundation)!!  This has to be
one of the greatest bonus!!  Of course,
another concern for a foundation is whether it’s long-lasting or not.  What do
you think when you see my pic (after 10 hours) above?  I personally think that it’s really long lasting, I seldom touch up during the day and it doesn’t oxidize!!  How it looks in the
morning is exactly how it looks after 8 hours!! 
I can’t really think of any reason not to
love it!!  If you are looking at getting
new foundation and you love the functions/ results that I mention above, I
highly recommend you try this one out first!! 
In love!!!  How come I didn’t try their makeup products earlier?)


哈哈!!你地講到Double Wear咁好,我都好有興趣試!我諗Double Wear應該厚少少,我可能近年尾會試黎比較下。

(English:  *Laughs* Many of you have mentioned how great
Double Wear was and I am really curious now, I think it might be thicker than
Futurist and I should give it a try towards the end of the year to compare it
against other products!)

仲有,我呢期上Instagram見好多Fashion Blogger都用Estee
Lauder既指甲油,我見佢地搽鮮橙鮮紅色好靚呀!! 我過完個Spending Ban就會去望下,我見佢今季都出咗d比較pastel既顏色,都好靚好好襯呀, 等我放幾張相燒下大家先!!

(English:  Plus, I have been on Instagram
a lot these days and I have seen so many Fashion Bloggers wearing Estee Lauder’s nail polish!!  OMG, the bright
red and orange are just so cool!!  I
think I will give them a try after my spending ban!  Also, the new releases for this season are
more of pastel colors, very nice too!!  Let
me put some pictures here just to tempt you!!)

新色/New Shades:



 Coral Cult

Le Smoking

舊色/Old Shades

Hot Coral

全部都好靚呀!!! 好想全部都要!! 指甲油應該無人嫌多!! 哈哈!! 我見d Fashion Blogger搽完出黎效果好靚,等我禁敗完去帶哂佢地返黎!!

(English:  All of them are just so pretty!!!  I want them all!!  No one would mine having a few more colors to choose from!! *Laughs*  The results from the Fashion Bloggers are great and I will get them when I finish my spending ban!!!)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.esteelauder.com)

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