[保養] 抗痘有法

就快聖誕喇,皮膚好都好緊要,大家要好好護膚,等可以靚靚示人呀! 但係如果有痘痘既朋友又點呢? 日常護膚係幫到下,但係未必好有用,所以今日我分享下呢枝抗痘產品! 係我朋友千吩咐萬吩咐叫我同大家分享丫!!  話說佢兩個月前係Molly度買咗呢枝野,因為要係結婚前搞好少少d皮膚,佢買咗就超心急用睇下有無效果:

(English: Very soon it will be X’mas and having good skin is very important, so please take good care of your skin so that you can show it off during X’mas!!  However, I understand that for those acne skin types, normal skincare products can help a bit, but it might not cure the pimples, so I want to talk about this particular product today!  My friend has been asking me to post a review on her behalf!!  She got this from Molly like 2 months ago as she wanted better skin on her big day, she got it and gave it a decent time of testing:)

Quin Anti-Acne Essence

價錢(Price):折實HK$185/ 10ml


用後感: 佢係好似暗瘡膏咁用,即係話邊個位有暗瘡就洗完面後點係個個位就可以喇! 佢係水狀,質感有少少黏黏地,但係又唔會唔舒服! 我朋友話,有時有d好大粒既暗瘡,佢用完之後唔會死哂,但係一定係俾平時快謝左。 同埋如果係小粒未有頭個d,佢用完第二朝會見到d小粒會無咗,佢自己都係靠呢枝野等自己結婚個陣塊面唔好有咁多粒粒。 佢自己最鍾意呢枝野既地方係佢話用完真係一d都唔乾,完全唔同平時用既暗瘡膏! 用呢枝野係唔會有乾到甩皮既情況出現,所以係佢既超愛(你見枝野無咗咁多都知佢有幾愛啦)!! 佢愛佢既程 度係:佢叫我記得記得同大家分享!! 哈哈!! 所以我想係X’mas前同大家分享一下我朋友既呢枝大愛! 如果你想試下,你可以搵Molly! 我覺得平平地都值得一試,試咗work,煩惱都少d!!

(English:  Product Review: Its usage is like the normal anti-acne product, that means, you only have to use it on the “affected” areas.  It looks very watery but it is a tiny bit sticky (not excessively)!  My friend’s comment was she used this on those big pimple, though it didn’t kill it entirely the next day when she woke up, it definitely turned smaller.  Plus, she used this on those smaller pimples, after a night, she saw that the little pimple basically disappeared the very next day.  She used this quite a bit prior to her wedding day to maintain nice skin.  And the best part why she loved it so much was that it wasn’t drying on he skin.  It doesn’t cause flaky skin, that’s why she was so impressed (well, when you looked at what’s left, you know how much she loved this thing)!!  She kept asking me to share with you guys and girls, so you just know she must be impressed with the product!  *Laughs*  Here you go, I hope you get to try this before X’mas!!  If you want to give it a try, you can contact Molly with the information as follows!  I feel that the price is very reasonable and if it works for you, then one less thing to worry about in your life!!)


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