[化妝] 最愛化妝底霜

十一月頭個陣講過話我去左bareMinerals敗家(回顧按此)。我當時買左嘅野全部都即刻開左嚟用,到而家都事隔差唔多兩個月喇,等我講下其中一樣我超級喜歡嘅產品先。 其實我樣樣都鍾意丫,所以佢地都有係我十一月份嘅最愛video中出現。不過今日我想講左佢地個底霜先。

(English:  I hauled in early Nov at bareMinerals, didn’t I (refresh memory)?  I immediately started using eveything I got from their counter when I got home.  It’s been a couple months now and I want to talk about one of my fav products.  Actually I like everything I got, that’s why they appeared in the Monthly Fav Video in Nov.  However, I would just start to talk about their primer first.)

bareMinerals Prime Time
Brightening Foundation Primer

價錢(Price):HK$200/ 30ml

Product Information:

“Prime Time Brightening Foundation Primer is a breakthrough primer that adds an extraordinarily luminous, healthy-looking glow to your skin while smoothing out your complexion. It’s great for combating dry patches, fine lines, excess oil and minimizing large pores. Infused with 100% pure bareMinerals, nourishing vitamins and antioxidants, it instantly brightens your complexion and extends the wear of your bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation. Formulated without preservatives, it glides on with no tacky feel and is suitable for all skin types. Simply shake well before use and apply an even layer all over your face. Less is more. Follow up with Original or Matte SPF 15 Foundation.”



(English:  Champagne-colored lotion.)

使用次數(No of Usage):almost everyday for 2 months

用後感:上面都見到佢係lotion狀,入面有好細粒嘅金粉,作用就係等搽完之後又光亮嘅效果。先講佢嘅質感,真係一流。搽左上面摸落超級滑(線手丫),感覺皮膚質感細緻左好多,毛孔都唔係好覺眼,正正正!個種滑嘅程度真係令我著迷!我之前用過佢Original個隻,都一樣係咁好用,只不過Brightening呢隻多左光亮效果。講到佢嘅光亮效果,我都好滿意,因為搽左之後個感覺似用左少少highlight,好自然,唔會好似好假咁。而d今粉真係唔覺眼,除非你哄到好埋啦,否則都係唔覺眼。呢點最好,我好怕成面都閃閃閃。當然話得係化妝底霜,佢主要功用都要令之後搽嘅foundation持久啦。呢點佢都做到呀! 自從我用左佢之後,我放工個陣都覺得個樣同我啱啱上妝個陣差無幾,好開心。不過呢期天氣乾,所以d化妝品都會stay得好d,唔知濕熱嘅夏天又點呢?我應該到試會再試下(到時再補發夏天使用報告啦)。

(English:  After-use Comment:  It’s of a lotion texture and it contains tiny golden shimmer inside so that skin can have that glowing effect after use.  First, let’s talk about the texture, I have to say it’s brilliant!!!!  Skin feels velvetly smooth afterwards; it looks more refined; and pores are less visible.  Wonderful!!!  I am particularly in love with the smoothness.  I used the Original one before and it’s just as good.  The only difference between the two is that the Brightening one has  brightening function.  After using this primer, I notice that it’s a very subtle brightening effect and I feel that I have put some highlight on.  Very natural and it doesn’t look OTT!  I am really happy with this brightening effect.  The golden shimmer is hardly visible unless someone is about to kiss you *laughs*.  Being a foundation primer, of course it has a function which enhances the staying of foudation and it performs in this particular area really well.  Now when I get off work, I still feel that my makeup is very fresh!!  Super delighted!!  Well, now the weather is really dry and usually the makeup wouldn’t melt, so I think the weather can take some credit as well.  Not sure about the humid and hot Summer though, I think I will find out (yea I will share again in the Summer time and see how it goes!).)

有待改進:樣樣都好,係唯獨是個packing唔好。 用個時記得要遙一遙先,唔係一泵就會噴野,我有兩次無遙就噴到我件衫啦。另外,當你泵唔出野個陣,千祈唔好以為用完掉左wor,因為裡面仲有好多呀。 記得”零”開個蓋,了埋入面個d嚟用(我淨係了嚟用都用到兩個星期呀, 你話有幾多野係入面呢??)。我覺得呢個packing好麻煩,如果係牙膏狀會好d! 另外唔好嘅野,你睇我之前篇敗家文都知佢地BA d customer service真係唔得。 雖然已經兩個月,我當中都無去過買野,唔知有無進步啦。但係就係因為我之前嘅經驗令我用完呢枝野都無想去counter嘅意慾(但係呢枝野嘅回購指數係100%呀!)。我可能會上網買丫!

(English:  Areas for Improvement:  Everything is good apart from the bottle.  You have to shake it before use, otherwise, it will have a diverse spray pattern instead of concentrating on one point.  I forgot to shake twice before and guess what?  My top got the primer as well *dah*!  Also, when you can’t bump out anything, don’t be mistaken that it’s used up, it’s NOT!  Open it up and swap the inside for use (it lasts me an additional 2 weeks just by doing this).  I personally find the bottle quite tidious, it would be better if it’s in a tube packaging.  Other than this, another areas for improvement is their BAs’ customer service level (you can read my previous haul piece to know more).  Yea it’s been two months and things might have changed, but my previous bad experience stopped me from going there to repurchase this fab item – I guess I would get it online instead!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.bareescentuals.com/)

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