[科技] 新玩具新相機新體驗

其實都買咗幾個星期喇, 但係我未有時間寫到佢, 所以遲遲都未講。  等我今日快d講埋佢先, 我有好多review文想出。 如果我唔快d講, 我知我會等等下又覺得唔想講無咗件事。 哈哈, 其實我成日都係咁!

(English:  I did get this a few weeks ago, however, I didn’t have time to write about it (until now).  Since I have many skincare/ makeup review blog pieces I want to issue, I want to write about this today so that it’s out of my way.  Otherwise, it would get so old and I wouldn’t even want to write about this – yea, I am like this most of the time!)

話說Mr. Honey呢期成日捉我周圍去影相,我部Nikon 5100都俾佢做埋second camera(我拎拎下覺得好鬼重, 無咩心機拎住佢周圍走), 所以我想買部細少少嘅影得舒服d。  本身對Nikon嘅J1/ V1好有興趣(我係Nikon Fans)。 但係我上網睇睇下d review, 就變心喇。 因為好多professional photographer對Nikon隻J1/ V1評價都唔算太好。 反而, 佢地讚Olympus嘅Pen series。  我第一部digital相機都係Olympus, 加上佢個樣幾靚仔, 所以睇完之後就去shop度玩喇。

(English:  Long story short, Mr Honey has been dragging me to different places to take photos.  My Nikon 5100 was passed to him as his second camera as it was way too heavy for me, therefore, I wanted to get something smaller to take photos with.  Originally, I was interested in Nikon J1/ V1 (Yea I am a Nikon fans).  But when I went online and checked out the reviews, I found that many professional photographers didn’t really have excellent comments on Nikon J1/ V1.  On the contrary, they liked Olympus Pen series better!! *Laughs*  My first digital camera was a Olympus anyway.  Then I decided to go to the store and check it out.)

唔洗多講啦! 一玩愛上!! 我超鍾意佢夠輕身, 同埋做到sa我想要嘅野。 個auto focus仲要超快, 影出嚟d相d顏色又夠真, 唔洗諗啦! 另一個好處係佢d lens唔係好貴, 我都負擔得起。 同埋我叫Mr Honey望過d lens, 佢suggest我買三枝都夠用(加埋佢跟set個枝)! 好好好, 即刻俾錢!

(English:  You know how the story goes.  I fell in love with it!!  I love that it’s quite light, and it has everything that I want, especially the auto focus – it’s super fast!!  The quality of the pictures is great as well.  I have no hesitation.  Another good thing is that the lens are not too pricey (I could afford them).  I asked Mr Honey to check out the lens and he suggested me to buy 3 and that should be good for me (including the one that comes in the set).  Great!!!)

Olympus Pen Light E-PL3

佢跟機個枝lens係14 – 42mm, 因為我喜歡朦朧美, 所以我買多咗枝45mm。

(English:  The lens that came with the camera was a 14 – 42mm lens.  Since I love the vague background effect, I bought a 45mm lens as well.)

哈哈!  我都未算係玩咗好多次。 我而家都係用佢影product相多。  等我去日本會帶埋佢去, 到時就可以真正玩下佢, 同埋影d相比大家睇喇。 

(English:  *laughs*…I have been trying it out just a few times as I start using it for my product shots.  I will definitely bring it to Japan with me and I think I could really utilize it by then!)

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