[保養] 用一張皮膚好一個星期的面膜

之前係Talika度敗咗幾樣產品,其中我先試面膜,因為呢期天氣時乾時濕,我就想測試下呢隻面膜既威力(有冇佢講到咁好呢?)。 好開心呀,我兩款都試左,今日就特別想講下個保濕面膜先,遲少少再分享埋個抗老面膜丫! 先望一望佢個樣丫:

(English:  I hauled a few products from Talika before and I have already tried out the face mask!!  Since the weather is bit wet and dry at the same time, I got the opportunity to test out this mask to see if it delivers what it promises.  Super happy, I have tried both masks, but I want to talk about the hydrating one first (will share my comments on the anti-aging ones later).  Let’s look at the details of the mask first:)

Talika Bio Enzymes Hydrating Mask

價錢(Price):HK$288/ 3pcs

講真佢價錢真係貴婦,佢個價錢係可以媲美SKII呀, Dior個d。

(English:  Honestly, its price is on the luxurious side, it’s quite comparable to SKII or Dior.)

Product Information:

“The Renaissance Mask is made from nanofibers produced by 100% natural enzyme fermentation. It is ultra-pure, ultra-fine and ultra-flexible and its three dimensional structure retains a very high concentration of active ingredients which are spread evenly over the skin. In intimate contact with the epidermis, it acts like a <> to transform your own skin. In just 15 minutes, your skin is transformed:

TALIKA Renaissance Mask are formulated to treat four specific skin concerns:

Hydrating Renaissance Mask
15 minutes to refresh and smooth dry, sensitive skin. Hydrophilic sugars rehydrate, anti-oxidant Alpine flowers heal and protect, and Hyaluronic acid replumps and softens the skin.”



(English:  The mask is in between two sheets of papers, first, please take the one at the back off, then put the mask on your face, and remember to peel off the paper on the top as well.)



Before Applying the Face Mask:

Before Washing the Essence Off:

After Washing the Essence Off:

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 times

用後感:先講佢個mask既剪裁,佢真係超貼面,佢講話佢係second skin真係無錯,敷完個頭郁黎郁去都無問題,就算dup底頭玩iPad,都唔有個mask移位既問題。掂呀! 仲有,佢既精華唔係好多,我覺得呢個都同張mask既物料有關,佢本身有d質感,我覺得張mask拎上手係有份量,但係唔會話成手都濕哂。 我反而覺得咁樣好,因為我敷緊個陣真係一滴精華都唔會滴落我d衫度,仲有就係我敷完15分鐘,d精華真係被我吸咗好多,啱啱好,唔會滅開個mask仲係成面濕lup lup!!  我覺得多精華未必係一件好事,唔係鬥多麻(吸唔哂有咩用),係鬥有效果! 敷完個下唔會覺得驚為天人, 但係真係感覺到皮膚好多好夠水份,但係又唔會過潤,好多膚質都啱用呀! 哈哈,第二日覺得上妝好貼同埋皮膚都仲係好靚好夠水!!最正係,我敷完七日,都仲係各得皮膚好靚同埋好夠水呀!!! 個效果真係超級持久!!!好愛呀!!講真,我初初見佢個價錢既時候, 我覺得好貴,成百蚊一張,mask,但係用落我就覺得如果一兩個星期先敷一張都唔過份丫!!平mask係用咗唔心痛,但係效果未必咁持久,所以平mask要成日敷。但係如果話我懶唔想成日敷mask但係又有持久效果,我會推呢隻mask!!如果你想揾隻強既保濕mask,我超推呢隻!我個人真係超滿意!!敷完皮膚靚靚去P, 哈哈!!我會再入貨呀!!

(English:  Product Review: Firstly, the cutting of the mask is brilliant, it fits onto face really well and it says it’s the second skin, and I really think it delivers what it promises.  When I put it on my face, it fits so well and even when I move around, it doesn’t move around.  When I look down on my iPad, it still doesn’t move!!! Amazing!!  Also, it doesn’t contain a whole lot of essence, I think this has something to do with the cloth material.  The cloth has a good texture and I feel that the essence is mostly inside the cloth, not on the cloth.  I really like this because when I have it on my face, nothing is dripping!!!  What’s more, after 15 mins, my skin absorbs most of the essence and when I peel the mask off, it feels just right (my face is not crazily wet with unabsorbed essence).  I don’t particularly think lots of essence of mask is a good thing, it’s never a competition on the amount of essence (no use when your skin cannot absorb that much in one go), it’s a competition on whether it’s effective or not.  Once I take the mask off, I have to say, I don’t feel overly special, I just feel that skin is really hydrated and the feeling is not heavy (should be suitable for most skin types).  *Laughs*  The best thing is that my makeup stays on better the next day and I still feel that my skin is really hydrated.  Ohhhh, and the most amazing thing is that that hydrated feeling continues to the 7th day!! OMG – the effect is really long-lasting!!  I am in love with it!!!  Honestly, I wasn’t too motivated by its price when I first saw the mask.  It was too much of a luxury since it costs around HK$100 per mask.  However, after my experience, I start to think if I use it once a week or once every two weeks, it’s still fine.  Cheaper masks can be used more regularly because their results are not that long-lasting, however, if you don’t have much time each day and you want more long-lasting results, this is what I would recommend!!!  If you are looking for truly hydrating mask, I highly recommend this!!!  I personally love it.  Use it before parties and you are going to have lovely skin!!! Right, I will repurchase again!!!)

P.S. 我之前話想用完呢個mask再用部Cream Booster, 但係我覺得因為我敷完張mask個面唔太濕,所以無用到Cream Booster。 等我用其他face cream再試Cream Booster個效果啦!

(English:  P.S. I mentioned earlier that I wanted to use the Cream Booster after using this mask, however, I feel that since my skin is not wet enough after the application of the mask, I don’t think it’s appropriate to use the Cream Booster.  Let me use other face creams with the Cream Booster and let you know my findings later!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.talika.com)

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