[護膚+化妝] 我的早晨程序

幾個月前講過我晚間護膚程序, 但基於我近期晚間無特定產品(清貨中), 所以我不如講講朝早會用d咩產品好過(比較有規律)。 我都加咗中文解說係最後面, enjoy啦!

(English:  It’s been a few months since I talked about my night time skincare routine.  Well, I don’t really have a night time skincare routine now due to the obsession of clearing some stock, let me share my morning routine with you.  The Chinese explanation is at the very end, enjoy!!)

(Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSy29qGhVak)

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