[保養] 秋冬必備保濕面膜

一search翻我敗呢隻保濕面膜嘅日子, 我個心真係沉一沉。 有咁耐咩? 成年幾之前喇? 時間過得咁快? 真係由新品等到我要講個陣都變sa唔係新品喇! 究竟我欠咗大家幾多野(瘋狂中)!! 等我快d還sa d文先, 等我可以重上軌道(唔係就變咗成日都講翻上幾季嘅野)! 唉,不過無人逼我係咁上下。 成日想講想講個d野, 都唔知點解會整整下唔記得講(笑)。

(English:  My heart sank when I looked at the date when I first hauled this mask.  Really?  That long ago?  Time flies??  It was a new product when I got it, however, now it’s not new anymore!  OMG!!  How many reviews I have been owing you ladies??  I really have to work hard to get back on track, I don’t want to be talking about “old” products all the time.)

我敗呢隻野個陣諗住秋冬用, 但係唔知點解上個秋冬又唔係好勤力用(成日俾其他野distract咗), 今個秋冬, 我拎咗佢出嚟, 認認真真咁用左好多次(用到枝野都扁埋,呵呵), 終於都可以出文探討下喇! 之唔係Chanel隻Moisture Mask囉(回顧敗家文)!

(English:  When I got this, I planned to use it during drier seasons, I wasn’t sure why I didn’t use it constantly like I should (got distracted by other items all the time).  I finally got it out this season and have been seriously using it (the tube got flattened *laughs*).  It’s time to share my comments with you – *spotlight please* (refresh memory):)

Chanel Hydramax + Active Active Moisture Mask

價錢(Price):HK$435/ 75ml

我當年買係呢個價錢, 但係我唔知佢有無加價, 你知香香成日都加價㗎啦。

(English:  It was the price like 1.5 year ago.  I am not sure if there is any increase in price, you know that they always increase their prices.)

Product Information:

* 利用多重分餾科技:CHANEL利用先進技術,以製造出極純淨的護膚品活躍成分。”

(English: “Discover the powerful hydrating action of a comforting mask that bathes the skin in moisture. Formulated with Ceratonia PFA*, a natural, purified ingredient, this formula targets the very heart of skin to boost the dynamics of skin hydration at the source. Its delicious cream texture envelops the skin, instantly delivering a deep feeling of soothing comfort. Apply the mask in the evening to infuse skin with moisture and wake up to incredibly soft, supple skin. *PFA: Polyfractioned Active. An ultra-pure, ultra-powerful ingredient created through an exclusive purification technique developed by CHANEL.”)


使用次數(No. of Usage):18 times

用後感: 你睇相都見到佢係好cream狀, 個質感好實在。 由於佢個質感係咁樣, 推嘅時候比其他mask難推少少。 但係無因為咁而影響佢被皮膚吸收。 搽左上面之後, 你會見初初係白色(有少少綠綠哋), 過咗一陣, 你會見到有d位置變咗透明, 即係話嗰d位係比較乾。 我試過兩三分鐘就全面變透明, 你可以諗下我當時有幾乾丫! 過左15分鐘之後我會過水/拎toner抹(睇下個面有幾乾啦), 咁就掂喇。 之後我發覺皮膚變得好柔軟, 好夠水份, 同埋幾明亮下(bonus point!!)。 第二日上妝都好貼。 呢個效果維持3-4日左右啦, 都算唔錯。 其實望佢個texture嗰陣我會覺得佢係滋潤多d, 但係一過完水個感覺又唔係, 真係夠水個隻感覺多d。 我都聽過有人話用呢隻mask會有少少吉吉地面嘅感覺, 我又無wor。 有時用保濕野覺得吉吉地係因為皮膚真係太乾喇, reacting當中, 通常過一陣就會無事喇。  我覺得呢隻mask都係適合秋冬/乾性皮膚多d, 因為佢個質感關係, 油性皮膚有機會會覺得over咗。 同埋呢個mask係超香, 如果你唔鍾意好香嘅產品, 呢個mask唔啱你呀! 保濕效果讚, 但係價錢唔讚。 我用完暫時唔會再敗(敗都敗Avene,感覺差唔多, 但係價錢差好多)。 如果再出新版我先再考慮試啦(笑。我要清野嘛!)。

(English:  After-use Comment:  As you could see from the pictures, the texture is quite solid, not exactly easy to blend.  Regardless of the texture, it’s quite easy to be absorbed into skin. After application, you will see it’s white (with a hint of green) on skin first, then after a few minute, you’ll notice some areas gone transparent, that means those areas are the drier areas.  One time, it turned transparent on me for just 2-3 minutes (you could imagine how dry my skin was!!).  After 15 minutes, I would either wash it off or use a toner to wipe it off (depending how dry my skin is).  I notice my skin is soft, supple and brightened (bonus point!!) after.  And the next day when I apply makeup, it lasts better as well.  This effect lasts around 3-4 days – quite nice.  When I first looked at the texture, I thought it should be more moisturizing than hydrating, however, I found it different after washing off, I did feel more hydrated.  I heard some people use this and get tingly feeling, that didn’t happen to me.  Usually when it happens, it means that your skin is really dehydrated and is reacting to the product that you are applying on your face, the feeling would go away “usually” after 1-2 minutes.  I think this mask is more suitable for drier weather and also drier skin types.  Oily skin type might found the texture to be too much.  Also, this mask is strongly fragranted, if you are not into something that smell that strong as a skincare, this is not for you.  The hydrating function is good but the price is not that friendly.  I wouldn’t hurry to get another one (I would opt for Avene’s instead, similar effect with better price tag).  Maybe if it has an upgrade version, I would consider to try again.)
(the above product information is extracted from http://www.chanel.com)

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