[化妝] 外景之旅 ♥ 靚靚新娘化妝

三個幾星期前, 有個同事問我會唔會幫人化妝。 我覺得好奇, 於是我問翻佢:點解咁問?  佢話佢睇開我個blog同video, 佢好鍾意我喺video入面d化妝, 佢想去影結婚相, 但係未有化妝師, 所以就問下我! 哈, 難得人地咁欣賞我而我又對呢樣野好有興趣, 當然無所謂啦!  就係咁我就答應咗喇。 因為Mr Honey對影相好有研究, 所以我就捉埋Mr Honey去, 等佢去影下香港版結婚相喇。

(English:  Three weeks ago, a colleague asked me if I would do makeup for others.  I was curious and I asked, “why?”  She mentioned that she read my blog and watched my video and she really liked my makeup in the video.  She was going to get some wedding photos done and she didn’t have a makeup artist… Well, people like my makeup and I like putting makeup on others anyway, no reason to say no, so I said yes!  Ha, because Mr Honey loves photography so I did drag him along to experience the Hong Kong style wedding photographs!!)

我地上兩個星期六玩咗成日, 中間我有d累到好迷, 所以無咩影相, 不如就咁分享下個日d化妝丫!

(English:  It took the whole Saturday and I was quite tired at the end of it, so I didn’t really take any pics, so let’s look at some makeup pictures instead of the day’s rundown.)

亞靚女去翻佢同佢honey相識個間學校影相留念, 所以佢係著住校服!晨一早, 所以佢係咩都無化(我叫佢咩都唔好用!!)。

(English:  Ms Pretty Girl went back to take some pictures in her high school because that’s where she met her fiance, that’s why she was in school uniform *laughs*.  So early in the morning, she had bare face (well, I asked her not to use anything anyway.).)

因為亞靚女著住校服, 所以個感覺要清新自然, 同埋佢自己都鍾意d好自然嘅妝, 所以我用咗好多野嚟令個妝感好清新。 我用iPhone影, 所以會俾專業相機食色, 我睇Mr Honey影佢呢個妝d相, 真係超淡! 正!!

(English: Since she was in school uniform, the makeup had to look fresh and natural.  Also, she likes natural makeup look, therefore I used tons of products to make her look really fresh!  I used iPhone so the colors popped up quite well on the camera, but I just know that when the photographers used their real deal cameras, there won’t be too much colors left on her face.  When I saw the pictures on Mr Honey’s camera, I was right – ha!)

整多張前後照先! 佢本身靚, 化咗妝之後仲靚! 哈哈! 化妝嘅魔力~~

(English:  Another before and after photo!  She is pretty herself and with makeup, even more pretty!  *laughs*  The magic of makeup!)

化好咗呢個妝, 佢地就去咗狂影相喇。 我就因為無咩特別野要做嘅關係, 就同自己化下妝(其實我化咗, 不過再玩下條眼線!!)。 超鍾意條綠色眼線。 如果你地有興趣, 佢係MAC嘅Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner (Color: Undercurrent) 。 超易上色, 同埋好持久!! 買得過!!

(English:  After getting this makeup done, they went off to take photos.  Since I didn’t have anything else to occupy my time with, I went to do some makeup on my eyes (actually I had some makeup on but I kinda played with the lower eyeliner!!).  I really like the tropical green.  If you are interested, I was using MAC Pearlglide Intense Eye Liner (Color: Undercurrent).  Super pigmented, easy to glide on and it stays!!  Worth to buy!)

過咗唔知幾多個鍾, 佢地話影完校服喇。 要換婚紗! 哈, 又到我搞下個妝喇!! 靚女要自然, 所以我用左d earth tone eyeshadows, 但係我都想佢有華麗感, 所以同佢痴咗d假眼睫毛。 再補下d粉, 換過隻胭脂色咁。

(English:  After I don’t know how many hours, she came back to change into the wedding dress – my time again!!  Ms Pretty Girl wanted to look natural, so I used some earth tone eyeshadows.  But I still wanted her to have a grand feeling, so I added some fake lashes.  Then I did the usual, touching up….changing the blush color….etc.)

我唔係太鍾意藍色眼影粉紅色面嘅妝。 我覺得影婚紗相個樣要timeless, 自然/有少少顏色都好, 但係我真係唔鍾意整到人地個樣唔同咗/似妖女。 諗下, 唔timeless嘅話, 幾廿年後睇翻唔係sweet死係笑死。 同埋我唔會想人地睇相嗰陣話:吓, 都唔似你嘅。 聽咗都唔開心啦! 所以我要求係嘅係整靚咗, 唔係整到唔同咗。 呢個concept我就鬼妹d~~

(English:  I don’t really like those blue eyes and pink cheeks look.  I think wedding photos have to be timeless.  Natural look with some colors is fine but I don’t want to turn others into another person/ monster.  Think about it, if the look is not timeless, how would you feel when you look at the pictures like 20 odd years after?  Also, I don’t want others to look at the pics and say, “that doesn’t look like you…” That would definitely hurt!)

我個日唔算帶咗好多野, 多數都係比較earth tone嘅產品! 不過都已經好重丫!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I didn’t bring a lot of stuff that day, mostly earth tone products but they were really heavy!!  *laughs*)

我多手用iPhone影咗兩張相, 不過我唔係pro啦! 如果你有興趣睇d pro相, 你可以睇下Mr Honey post咗個d丫 –> Click Here !!

(English:  I did take a couple pictures with my iPhone but I am not a pro, so if you are interested in some professional photos, you can browse through the ones that Mr Honey did –> Click Here!!)

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