[保養] 泡泡美白面膜

呢期開始發掘d韓國產品,但係佢哋既品牌真係多到好花多眼亂。有時真係唔知試邊d好。咁啱我早前收到邀請試The Saem嘅產品,哈,timing真係啱啱好。 我拎咗三隻產品,但係我今日想講其中一隻先,其他個兩隻就等我試耐少少再分享丫!

(English:  I have been investigating different Korean brands these days and sometimes I feel that there are too many Korean brands out there, which are just confusing as I don’t even know which brands to choose from.  Well, what a coincidence, I got invited to try The Saem’s products a few weeks ago and I thought the timing was brilliant.  I got 3 products but today I will only share one of the items:)

The Saem Gem Miracle Black Pearl O2 Bubble Mask

價錢(Price):HK$145/ 50g

Product Information:



(English:  It replenishes the necessary nutrients in skin.  It whitens, hydrates and brighten up skin tones.  It can also act as a cleansing and detox mask.)


On Face:

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:佢係一隻泡泡mask, 但係佢主要嘅功能係美白令皮膚有翻生氣。除咗用佢個陣覺得好得意之外,我用完佢之後過水係見皮膚白裡透紅(唔係敏感)。我記得用我用第一次個野,我覺得好amazed,因為我見我cheeks位係真係少少粉紅。嘩,好耐無呢個咁健康嘅感覺啦!呢個美白功能我就覺得好讚。用完皮膚都會覺得柔軟咗, 但係佢唔會係有特別保濕/清潔功能,所以你要留意你自己想要d咩效果! 效果大概last到兩日咁上下啦!仲有如果你個咀咀好似我咁會易敏感,你記得唔好敷咁近個咀,因為d泡泡會expand,所以為免佢會去咗個咀咀度,你要留多少少位俾佢expand。 我自己so far用無咩敏感,所以應該唔洗太擔心。 呢隻面膜我覺得好唔錯,如果你膚色好暗同埋易有黃氣,你可以試下呢隻產品丫!

(English:  Product Review:  It’s a bubble mask and it’s main function is to re-energize skin and whiten skin.  Apart from feeling fun while using it, I was really happy to see that my skin was healthy-looking after use (skin tone brightened up with pink cheeks – not allergies).  I remember the first time I used it, I was rather amazed because I saw my cheeks areas where pink!  *laughs*  I hadn’t felt so healthy for a long time (pink cheeks hmmmm).  I think the whitening function of this product is brilliant and skin is definitely softer.  However, I don’t feel it’s really hydrating or with brilliant cleansing power.  So it’s really up to your needs.  The effect lasts around 2 days!  Mind you, if your lips are prone to allergy like mine, remember not to use this mask too close to the lips.  Since the bubble would expand, make sure you leave enough space for the expansion.  So far, I have not encountered any allergy created by the product, so no need to worry!  I love its whitening power and if you have dull skin, I would surely recommend this to you!!)

由而家到August 10th, 你地仲可以上網登記令取試用裝添, 快d參加啦 –> Click HERE

(English:  From now on till August 10th, you could register for a set of free sample, come on and join now –> Click HERE)

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