
有d野真係買左好耐又用左好耐, 但係都未同大家分享 (係我記性唔好啦, 而家都唔係好記得邊d講左邊d未講…).  唔知大家有無睇我一月個陣既Birthday Haul Video, 未睇而家可以睇翻:

(English:  I hauled so many stuff before and some of them are left un-mentioned even though I have been using them for quite awhile (it’s mainly because of my lapse of memory, I can’t even recall if I have talked about a certain product or not).  Not sure if you have watched my Birthday Haul video back in January, if you haven’t, please enjoy now:)

入面都有幾多野我係未講, 其中有一樣係Koji既Curving Eyelash Curler.  今日我就想同大家分享下我用左佢幾個月後既comment先 (其他野又要等等我):

(English:  I still haven’t talked about everything inside the video and one of them is Koji Curving Eyelash Curler.  Let me share my comments with you today as I have been using it for a good few months (for other items, you know you have to wait for me again):)

Koji Curving Eyelash Curler

價錢 (Price): HK$118

Closer Look:

Side Look:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 4 months (use daily)

用後感:  我呢隻係無彈弓既, 因為我有個friend叫我唔好買有彈弓個隻, 佢話唔係咁好用wor.  我初初用佢有少少驚會夾到眼皮, 因為我見佢個弧度比Shiseido既小.  咁買左無理由唔用ma.  我試完之後覺得佢個弧度好fit Asian eyes (我地對眼無鬼妹個d咁深, 用Revlon個d會夾唔到d睫毛).  佢夾得到eyelash既根部之餘又唔會夾到眼皮, 正呀!!  同埋佢成枝野都做得好實正, 夾個陣唔會遙下遙下咁.  最重要係用佢夾出黎既眼睫毛個curl度好好, 同埋因為佢夾到根部既關係, eyelash個curl度都會keep到耐d, 唔會咁易跌落黎 (當然呢點都同你用既mascara有關啦~).  So far, 我覺得好好用wor, 唔貴得黎又有理想效果.  Asian用就真係無得頂.  而家我有少少心動買埋佢有彈弓個隻做比較.  推呀!!!  如果你想買隻新既睫毛夾, 可以試試呢隻呀!!

(English:  This one doesn’t consist of a spring, as my friend asked me not to try the one with the spring, so I opted for this design instead.  At first, I was quite scared that it would hurt my eyelids as I discovered that its curve degree is somewhat less than the Shiseido one.  Well, I got it, there wasn’t any reason not to give it a go!  After I tried it, I totally fell in love with it.  Its curve perfectly fits Asian eyes (our eyes are not as deep as foreigners’, so if we use Revlon one, it’s not going to be very effective at all).  It curls my eyelashes (even the roots) nicely without hurting my eyelids.  Fabulous!  Also, I quite like the fact that the whole thing is solidly built, it doesn’t feel shaky on hand when I curl my lashes.  The most important thing is the eyelashes curl wonderfully after using this.  Because it helps curl the roots of the lashes, it actually helps the curl to last longer (well, it also depends on which mascara you are using).  So far, I love this tool!  It’s not expensive and it works really well – what’s not to love about it?  It’s perfect for Asians.  Now I am really tempted to get that one with the spring design just for a comparison.  Highly recommended!  If you are heading out for a new eyelash curler, you might want to put this on your list!)

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