[保養] 有清潔功效嘅按摩既美白面膜

睇到個title個陣係咪覺得難以相信? 哈哈! 我初初聽都覺得有無咁正呀! 不過而家科技咁發達我又覺得無咩咁出奇! 今日想講下我之前去Sofina發佈會拎到既一枝產品, 就係佢地新出既:

(English:  Didn’t you get a bit amazed when you saw the title? *Laughs*  At first when I heard this, I was like, “OHHHH REAAALLLYYY?” But then I thought now with the technology advancement, why not?  Today I am going to talk about a product which I got from the Sofina Press Release, it’s their new:)

Sofina Alblanc Medicate White Create Massage Pack

價錢(Price):HK$420/ 125g

Product Information:



(English:  Through 1-min massage and 3-min of mask treatment, it whitens and hydrates skin.  It suppresses the formation of dark pigments and prevent them from appearing effectively.)


按摩方法/ Massage Method:Click HERE


註: 無執過相(除咗edit大小之外)。

(English: Remarks: I haven’t done anything with the photos apart from editing the size.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感: 枝出黎見佢嘅質感好creamy, 好容易推得開,上面按既時候唔會拉扯到皮膚。 按完一分鐘就等三分鐘, 咁就搞掂去過水! 我覺得佢個質感好正, 好容易過到水(你知有d按摩野好難過得清), 過完水之後, 摸落d皮膚柔軟咗。 同埋唔覺得有野lup住塊面。  感覺都算幾爽下! 哈! 最正係用完之後皮膚明顯亮白咗! 唔錯wor! 同埋佢應該唔會好刺激, 因為我用咗咁多次都無敏感個情況出現。 仲有我鍾意佢夠方便, 我通常都係沖涼前落妝, 之後用佢按摩,跟手就走入去沖涼, 沖好個身都三分鐘啦, 過埋水就行得出黎! 唔洗坐係度左等右等。好tired既時候用呢個方法保養真係可以慳好多時間! 我用咗兩次就覺得皮膚比較白淨乾淨, 同埋第二日上妝都好貼。 佢個效果都算幾好, last兩三日無問題!  唔錯! 啱啱我睇info, 先知原來佢可以用嚟做唇膜, 等我試下再同大家分享呢一part先。 我都幾推呢隻面膜, 因為又可以按摩(眼都用得!!!!), 又可以美白, 同埋最緊要係唔heavy, 好,啱呢個天氣用。 如果你想揾美白產品又係面膜控, 可以試下呢隻wor!但係如果你係暗倉肌, 我就唔建議喇。 暗倉肌唔好按太多皮膚, 會刺激皮膚, 有機會出多咗痘痘丫!

(English:  Product Review:  Its texture is really creamy and it’s very easy to blend.  I massage my face with it for 1 min and then let it sit for 3 mins, then it’s done, I just have to remove it with water!  I love the texture because it can be rinsed through very quickly (as you know some of the massage products have thick texture and is hard to remove).  After rinsing, I feel that my skin is soft and it doesn’t feel like there is an oily layer covering my fac up!  *Laughs*  The most amazing thing is that skin gets brighter!!  Good.  I also think that it’s not harsh on skin as well because I haven’t got any irritation from it so far.  Besides, I lvoe that it’s really convenient to use. Before shower, I remove my makeup and then I massage my face with it for 1 min.  After that, I jumped into the shower, before I come out of the shower, I rinse my face (should be well over 3 mins lol).  It’s perfect for a tired day!!  I used it twice and discovered that my skin is very bright and also very clean, I also found that my makeup the next day stayed better.  The effect lasts for 2-3 days, so not bad at all!  I just saw the information and it says it can be used as a lip mask!  Ha, let me try this and share how it goes with you all.  I would recommend this mask because it has cleansing, massaging (can be used on eyes as well) and whitening functions, its texture is not heavy and it suits this weather really well.  If you are looking for a whitening mask and you love using face mask, you can definitely try this one.  If you have pimples, I wouldn’t suggest it to you because skin type with pimples should avoid massaging because it stimulates blood circulation and you might get even more pimples after massaging your face!)

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