令皮膚柔軟 + 美白既亮白精華素

兩個星期前我收到she.com既電話叫我拎野, 我諗左一小陣就話, “咦, 我呢期無參加過咩試用wor!”  個女仔就話, “係呀, 但係我地揀左你呀!”  我諗大概因為我係佢地Prochat既關係gwa.  Anyway, 佢叫我去拎既野我都好有興趣, 就係:

(English:  A couple weeks ago, I received a call from she.com asking me to pick up some products at their office.  I thought for a little while and said, “Hmmm….I haven’t joined any trial campaign these days!”  The lady said, “Right, we picked you!”  I guess it is because I am on their Prochat section.  Anyway, here are the stuff:)


(English:  Lancome Blanc Expert Series:)

呢枝就係新版既Lancome Blanc Expert Melanolyser Whiteness Activating Spot Eraser:

(English:  This is the new version of Lancome Blanc Expert Melanolyser Whiteness Activating Spot Eraser:)

(唔好介意, 我用左兩個星期之後, 枝野扁扁地)

(English:  Well the tube has gone a bit flat since I have been squeezing it for two weeks – hope that you don’t mind )

價錢 (Price): HK$650/ 30ml

Product Information:

“黑色素體含有數百萬個黑色素顆粒,Lancôme以專利酵母萃取物刺激角質細胞內溶酶體的形成 ,加強黑色素體分解的機制,溶解表皮細胞中過多的黑色素;加上鞣花酸、甘草萃取物、MelaNO複合物、玫瑰及薄荷萃取物,中和誘發黑色素合成作用的發炎 訊號,全方位控制黑色素體周圍的黑色素形成。”

(English:  Since there are too many technical names in the product description.  All I can translate is that it helps to whiten skin and lighten dark spots – hmmmm…I know my translation is a bit cheesy…but I am not a chemist, so please forgive me!)



(English:  After application:)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 weeks (@ night time)

用後感:  我初初拎起枝野都驚驚地, 因為我既皮膚對有美白成份既野比較敏感.  點知用落我無敏感wor !  佢隻texture係lotion狀, 好易推同埋好快就比皮膚吸收sa, 呢個質地真係好適合夏天同埋皮膚比較油既人用.  搽完一d都唔覺得chi lup lup, 反而係覺得皮膚好柔軟同滑!  正!  至於美白方便, 我用既第一個星期未睇到d咩特別效果, 但係用到第二個星期, 我發現皮膚比較有光澤, 無sa d黃氣dull氣 (潮濕會令皮膚又黃又dull), 同埋皮膚既色tone開始變得均勻, 無搽粉都唔會見到有一達達既色差.  但係如果係色斑 (我有幾點係cheek areas), 我就未見有顯著既改善, 不過呢d野都要慢慢黎 (我會繼續用睇下d色斑會唔會淡d).  仲有, 佢係有香味既, 但係我覺得唔係濃, 聞落都幾舒服.  我so far都好鍾意呢枝亮白精華!  值得推介呀!! Good stuff!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  At first, I was quite skeptical about this whitening product because I was scared that it would irritate my skin.  Ha, I was so wrong, actually my skin is in love with the product.  Its texture is in lotion form, it’s very blendable and easy to be absorbed by skin.  Its texture is great for summer time and for those who have oilier skin types.  It’s not greasy on skin, on the other hand, it softens skin and smoothens skin!  Surprising!  For the first week of application, I didn’t quite see its whitening effect.  But moving onto the second week, I started to notice more radiance on skin and the dullness was all gone (humidity can cause dullness on skin).  Skin tone starts to even out and I don’t see different skin color patches even my face is bare!  This is all very promising.  However, for the darker spots on my cheek areas, I haven’t noticed any improvement so far (well I understand that it will take some time for the darker spots to fade away).  I will keep using it and give my final judgement on whether or not it erases the darker spots.  Also, it smells quite nice (not too strong).  So far, my comment on this product is positive and I really like this product!  It’s recommended!!  Good stuff!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.kimoyo.com)

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