
上年係IPSA跌錢都跌左好幾次.  呢幾個月你都無聽到我講起呢個名, 原因係我清貨當中.  而家已經用緊第二枝Metabolizer (用到一半喇), 同埋清左好多佢地既travel size既東東.  仲有用緊既當然就係佢地其中一隻價錢一d都唔平民既The Time Reset Essence W啦.  我用左成個冬天, 而家同大家share啦:

(English:  I went to IPSA a few times last year and hauled a few times.  These months, you don’t hear me mentioning its name.  It’s because I am clearing up its stock!  I am now using my second bottle of Metabolizer (half way through), and have already cleared up a few of their travel size items.  Of course, I can’t miss out its expensive essence – The Time Reset Essence W  !  I have been using it all winter, and it’s time for me to share my cmments.)

IPSA The Time Reset Essence W

價錢 (Price):  HK$600/ 30ml; HK$900/ 50ml

Product Information:


(English:  It traces dehydrated skin on a 24-hr basis and replenishes the lost moisture.  It provides a whitening effect too.)

Open up:

呢枝係泵裝.  用既時候泵兩下就得喇.  唔洗好多.  如果你有用開Metabolizer, 呢個係用係Metabolizer之後.

(English:  It comes with a pump.  Two pumps would be enough for the whole face.  If you are using Metabolizer, you’ll have to use this essence after.)


泵出黎見到個texture唔係好杰身, 係lotion狀.  推得好開, 同埋都好易吸收.

(English:  The texture is in a lotion form, very blendable and easy to absorb.)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 months (@ night)

用 後感:  你地都知我係乾性皮膚啦, 呢枝野我係潮濕既天氣用覺得有少少heavy, 所以我留翻乾既天氣先用.  我覺得如果你想買呢枝野係夏天用, 同埋如果你係油性皮膚, 我建議唔好喇, 你有機會覺得太rich.  佢每一次分量都唔洗用得多, 泵兩下就夠搽sa成面.  雖然佢係lotion狀, 但係佢比我既感覺都幾潤下, 一定唔係平時個d lotion既清爽feel.  我今個冬天用佢, 覺得佢滋潤既功能好好, 皮膚唔覺得乾.  同埋佢美白既功效都好好wor!  佢幫我brighten up我個膚色, 皮膚好有光澤!  我未搬個陣已經開左佢黎用, 用左一個星期, 我mama問我, “你用左咩皮膚白左咁多”.  雖然我唔鍾意白, 但係皮膚無黃氣真係好開心!  仲要, 佢有美白成分我都無敏感, 都真係難得!  我幾鍾意呢枝野, 雖然價錢係貴, 但係真係有好好既效果.  可惜, 佢個感覺比較rich, 所以真係唔係人人都suitable.  有興趣既, 真係要去counter試真d先呀!  我下年冬天應該都會再諗下買翻佢黎用 (要睇下變左心未).

(English:  After-use Comment:  I have dry skin.  I tried this during humid weather and honestly, I felt a bit heavy on skin.  Therefore, I saved it till dry weather.  If you want to get this for use in summer time or if you have oily skin, I don’t really recommend you doing so as you might feel that it’s too rich on your skin.  I don’t need to use too much, just two pumps are enough.  Even though its texture is in a lotion form, it turns out to be quite rich on skin.  Its moisturizing function is really great.  I have been using it in the winter, and it moisturizes my skin really well.  Also, its whitening function is brilliant!  It brightens up my skin and my skin looks so much more radiant after using it.  Before moving to a new place, I started using this.  After using it for a week, my mom asked me, “what have you been using?  Your skin looks so bright and it whitens up!”  Though I am not a big fan about whitening my face, I’m happy that it helps a lot in kicking away the dullness on my face.  What’s more, it performs its whitening function without irritating my face!  Fabulous!  I quite like this essence though its price is not exactly friendly, it really gives you the effect that it promises.  Sadly, its texture is a bit too rich and it’s not suitable for every skin types.  If you are interested, I’d really recommend you to test it out at counters first!  I might repurchase this when the next winter comes (this really depends if anything would grab my interest before that ).

P.S.  我有佢地個The Time Reset Cream travel size, 但係佢地隻cream真係太rich, 我乾都覺得潤過頭.  同埋我覺得佢個effect無essence咁明顯.  我都係like佢枝essence多好多.

(English:  P.S. I have their travel size The TIme Reset Cream, but the cream is too rich even for me!  I don’t think its effect is as good as the essence.  I still like this essence a lot better than the cream!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.hk-ipsa.com)

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