[旅遊] 台灣美食篇 ♥ 火鍋 + 上海菜 + 泰菜

正因為我超鍾意食辣野,所以我今次去台灣都要去試下佢哋嘅麻辣火鍋。 我鍾意辣, 但係唔鍾意麻, 所以台式嘅比較合我口味。

(English:  I love spicy food and I was so looking forward to trying the Taiwanese spicy hot pot.  I love spicy but I don’t like the numb feeling, I think the Taiwanese style suits my taste better.)

橋頭 (Kiu Tau)

我叫左小辣呀! 免得辣過頭Mr Honey食唔到。

(English:  I ordered tiny spicy coz I was afraid that it would be way too spicy for Mr Honey.)

呢個係佢哋嘅手打蝦丸。 好有蝦味!  唔似香港個d係得d粉味無蝦味。 去到一定要叫呢個試下。

(English:  This is their famous shrimp balls!  Very shrimpy indeed (not like those ones in HK).  If you go there, please do try this – you won’t regret!!)

送嘅甜品, 但係真係超甜!

(English:  Free dessert but it’s like way too sweet!!)


(English:  Taiwan Beer again – yea I fall in love!)

紅豆食府 (Shanghainese Cuisine)

呢個店係Sogo忠孝館。 我係行行下覺得好餓, 所以就左上去食野。 諗住食完再敗過。

(English:  This restaurant is in Sogo.  I was walking around and felt hungry, therefore I went up and ordered something to eat.  After eating, I could get back to my hauling *smiles*.)

個小籠包都幾好味。 但係我覺得頂泰豐再好多少少。

(English:  These tastes really nice!  However, I had to say Ding Tai Fung is still a bit better.)

我都唔知呢個係咩, 因為上錯菜呀! 我影咗張相之後佢地就拎左佢去第二張枱喇。

(English:  I am not sure what this is!!  It was on our table by mistake!!  After I took a picture, it was transferred to another table!)

呢個辣椒雞真係辣到飛起。 眼水都留埋, 如果你唔食得辣, 你千萬唔好點呢個呀!

(English:  Chili chicken!  I say it’s crying chicken!!  OMG!!  It was really spicy and if you can’t take heat, please do not order this!)

Bangkok Jam (Thai Cuisine)

呢間都係Sogo wor!

(English:  This restaurant is inside Sogo as well.)

我覺得最特別係個咖哩軟殼蟹! 味道唔錯!!

(English:  The most special dish should be the curry soft shell crab!  It tasted rather nice!!)

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