[保養] 平平地面膜分享


(English:  These sheet masks are absolutely CUTE, plus the price tags are really friendly, so I wanted to give them a go and share my thoughts with you.)


Piggy Head Sheet Mask Series


Available at 巴黎草莓/ Wishhh Beauty



用後感: 佢係天蠶絲類面膜,所以超貼面! 我好愛呢個物料既面膜,敷得超貼又唔會四圍移位! 佢面膜既精華素都好多,但係無滴野! 敷完15分鐘都仲有好多精華係面,你如果怕笠可以過水(我係過水),如果你想善用呢d多咗既精華,你都可以敷完拎走個mask再導入都得。 我覺得效果好好,保濕呢款平平地保濕力都好好,皮膚有翻彈力同少少光澤。 效果last到兩三日,唔錯唔錯!!

(English:  Product Review:  This mask is of a special material whereby the mask is really thin and stays really close to skin!  I admit that I am super in love with this sheet mask material, because it’s truly “sticking” on skin and it won’t move around when I walk around.  It contains a good amount of essence but it won’t drip all over your top!  After 15 mins, there is still quite a bit of essence left on my face and now you can do one of two things, you can either rinse off (I do the rinse off) or you can use an ion machine to push the extra essence into the skin after you take off the mask.  I am quite impressed with the results because its hydrating function is really nice (not to mention the price is really affordable).  Skin becomes more elastic and brightened.  The effect lasts for a couple days as well – Nice Stuff!!)


用後感: 呢隻同上面保濕既功效有d唔同,呢隻係舒緩多d。 我覺得佢舒緩面部少少泛紅既情況唔錯。 但係如果講效果明顯,我就覺得保濕個隻效果比較明顯。 呢隻如果皮膚無問題無咩紅既話,唔會睇到好大分別~

(English:  Product Review:   This one is different than the one above, this is more of a soothing function.  I feel that it does soothes some redness on skin.  However if I have to compare which ones offer more obvious results, it would be the hydrating one.  If your skin doesn’t have redness issue, I don’t think you will be able to notice too much of a difference~~)


(English:  Due to the weather change, my skin is not too stable at the moment, therefore, I haven’t got a chance to give the following two a try.  Well I sure will report back once my skin is a bit more stable and allow me to try new things~~)

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