[保養] 平價面膜三寶

如果你有follow開我YouTube,你應該會見過呢三寶。 不過YouTube要揾翻某隻產品係無blog咁方便,加上呢三寶我又用多咗一段時間,所以record翻同埋當做埋update review~~

(English:  If you have been following my YouTube, you must have seen these before.  However if you want to look for a particular review of mine on YouTube, it might be less convenient when I compare it to searching on my blog, plus, I have been using more of these for awhile, so it’s time to complete my record here and as a updated review as well~~~)


泰國Beauty Cottage平價面膜三寶

The 3 Very Affordable Beauty Cottage Facial Masks

Beauty Cottage Bamboo Charcoal & 

Volcano Mud Clay Facial Mask
HK$80/ 100g

Available at Hakme Beauty


呢款係深層清潔面膜。望落杰杰地,但係上面好易推得開。 敷10-15分鐘之後過水,搞掂。 呢d深層清潔面膜係要俾時間佢乾先有效,因為佢地係靠乾而吸你毛孔既dirty野,所以唔好諗住慳時間沖涼個時敷(沖涼個時可以敷下面個兩個mask),因為太多蒸氣個mask會乾唔透。 我鍾意佢乾咗個感覺唔係緊得好緊要,同埋過完水皮膚係乾淨,但係唔會乾爭爭。 呢點真係好重要,因為有d深層清潔面膜用完係乾到癲左,個d我覺得太過份亦都太刺激。 反而我覺得呢個做得啱啱好,用完唔會乾到好唔舒服,仲會見到皮膚白淨咗添。 平靚正~~

(English:  This is a Deep Cleansing Mask.  When you look at it, it looks really thick but it goes on skin very smoothly.  Put it on for 10-15 mins and then rinse your face, done!  Remember you need to give these deep cleansing mask time to dry, because the logic is that when it’s drying, it pulls the dirt out of your pores, therefore, please do not use these during shower/ bath time (you can use the following two during shower/ bath time), because the high humidity won’t allow the mask to dry thoroughly.  I really like this because when it’s drying on skin, it doesn’t actually go so tight to the point of discomfort.  Plus after rinsing, skin feels clean but not ridiculously dry.  This is super important because some other deep cleansing masks actually dry skin out so badly that I feel it’s too much and it’s too irritating to skin as well.  I feel that this one is just right, clean but skin is still comfortable.  Also you will see your skin tone evened out after use as well!!  Affordable with amazing results~~~)


Beauty Cottage Wild Berry & Yoghurt Facial Mask

HK$80/ 100g

Available at Hakme Beauty


呢款係美白面膜。 呢款我覺得係gel (gel cream)質感,用上面好舒服。 都係敷10-15分鐘過水,搞掂。 用完皮膚彈彈地又見到膚色白淨左。 過完水會覺得佢好似有一層野留係皮膚表面,唔笠,但係就保護皮膚唔會乾爭爭。 我覺得以佢既價錢黎講,效果唔錯,成日敷都唔會肉痛!

(English:  This is a Brightening Mask.  I think its texture is more like a gel (or gel cream).  It feels nice and comfortable on skin.  Again put it on for 10-15 mins and then rinse off.  Skin is more elastic and brightened after use.  After rinsing, I feel that there is a protective layer left on skin but it’s not greasy, it’s more like a nourishing protection so that skin doesn’t feel dry.  I think for its price, it has a nice result and your wallet won’t bleed too much even when you use this regularly!)

Beauty Cottage Cucumber & Water Melon Facial Mask
HK$80/ 100g

Available at Hakme Beauty


呢款係保濕面膜。係gel狀,好輕身。 敷上面有少少涼涼地好舒服。 又係敷10-15分鐘過水,搞掂!  我好愛呢個mask,因為佢保濕得黎無負擔。 敷完見到皮膚明亮同埋好有水份,但係一d都唔笠同厚。 如果你係會出油既皮膚唔同得cream mask,呢個好啱你。 當然啦,如果你係好乾既皮膚,你都可以用呢個保濕再隔下用cream mask補滋潤感。 我覺得佢平平地好好用,同埋保夠濕,大家上妝都會貼好多唔會好卡粉丫~~

(English:  This is a Hydrating Mask.  It’s of a gel texture, very light on skin.  It has a bit of a cooling effect on skin and it makes the experience very enjoyable.  Again 10-15 mins and then rinse off with water, done.  I personally love this mask because it’s hydrating but it doesn’t add any burden to skin.  After use, skin is brightened and hydrated.  If you have oily skin and cannot stand cream mask, then this is suitable for you.  Of course, if you have dry skin, you can alternate this with a cream mask to add both hydration and moisture into your skin.  I think for its price, it’s a great product, you will notice the difference when you come to apply your makeup as well~~~)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店

地址: 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號
點去黑咪店: http://tinyurl.com/pya4sol
營業時間: 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點
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營業時間: 星期一至日中午12點到晚上9點
**接受EPS/ Visa/ Master/ Cash (唔收HK$1000紙)

**或郵寄/太古MTR/沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

黑咪Hakme Beauty店 Instagram: @hakmebeauty

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